» Juvenile Fiction » Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Love Is Series, Heather Ray [best beach reads TXT] 📗

Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Love Is Series, Heather Ray [best beach reads TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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fingers. "Yeah," she said quietly, "that'd be great." She nodded her head, lifting her chin. "As long as Tommy's happy."

The one sentence she constantly used to summarize her feelings for her close friend and beloved teammate. She had said it so many times, both in her mind and out loud, to friends, family members, and even her reflection. Usually, she was referring to Tommy and Kimberly's long-standing relationship. Now, it referred to a possible relationship with a young woman neither Tommy nor Kat knew very well.

Truth be told... it was much harder saying it now.

But she said it anyway. She made it her entire motivation for any action she would take... any interference she would make into Tommy's romantic life.

It was all for him.

Her love for Tommy had always been from a distance. Although the idea didn't sit well with her heart of hearts, she accepted it, and refused to think otherwise.

She would not be selfish. She could

not be selfish.

Tommy was so fragile now... so in need of friends without ulterior motives. She wouldn't dare spoil their friendship. He trusted her... that much was made quite clear during their lengthening friendship.

She had always been there for him, and she always would.

Chapter Eight

I'll be there
I'll be there
Just call my name
And I'll be there

As the radio played in the background, Katherine busily laid a lace tablecloth over the solitary table on the raised section of the Youth Center. She placed two long candlesticks in the center, and fine china plates at opposite ends.

Her mother wasn't exactly thrilled when Katherine had asked to use the elegant diningware, but she didn't prevent her from taking it.

The mood was set nicely. Flowers were draped on a little gazebo she brought inside from outdoors, and their fresh natural scent filled the Youth Center. The lights were dimmed, allowing the candles to glow boldly. Smooth music hummed from a portable radio. Lush planters, filled with various flower arrangements, were placed along the wall, giving the feel of a night in a romantic garden.

She smiled at her handiwork, tugging at the hem of her modest pink tank dress. Everything was perfect.

It had taken a good amount of planning and effort, but it was worth it. Tommy was worth it.

She heard the sound of footsteps over the soft music, and glanced at the doorway. Amazingly, he was right on time.

He stepped into the Youth Center, wearing a distinguished black suit, red bow tie, and a confused expression. He toyed with the cuffs of his jacket, a smile forming on his face as he took in the display before him.

"Kat?" he asked, gazing at her questioningly. Katherine looked up at him, standing up straight after lying a basket of freshly baked rolls on the table.

"Ah, Mr. Oliver. You're table is ready."

Tommy blinked, slowly walking toward Katherine. "I... I don't understand," he admitted, "You did all this?"

Katherine lowered her gaze from his, straightening the tablecloth once again. "Please, be seated."

Tommy was silent for a moment, before finally taking a seat. "Thanks."

Katherine folded her hands nervously, watching Tommy's expression as he gazed at the table. She felt herself blush slightly when his dark eyes turned to her, and remained on her for a long moment.

"Kat," he said quietly, "you... you look amazing!"

Katherine smiled, her blush deepening as she bowed her gaze from Tommy. As she turned away, she noticed Heather slowly walk into the Youth Center, waving slightly at Kat.

"I believe your guest has arrived," she said to Tommy.

He turned around, his eyes widening in surprise as Heather walked to the table.

"Heather!" he exclaimed, standing up.

"Surprised to see me?" she responded, folding her hands behind her back.

"Yeah," he said, his brow furrowing slightly, "I... I don't get it."

"Well, Kat called me and told me you needed some cheering up, so I figured I'd give you one more chance."

Tommy's bewildered gaze fell upon Katherine once again. She once again averted her eyes, and pulled Heather's seat out from the table. "Your dinner will be out shortly."

The couple was quickly seated, and Katherine left the room towards the kitchen. Once she reached the corner, she took one glance back at them.

Heather and Tommy were involved in a conversation, both smiling widely. She had made the right decision.

During their skiing trip, Tommy had to make several quick departures, thanks to the constant threat of the Machine Empire's newest abominations Robo-Cupid and Defoliator. Unfortunately, the constant disappearances interfered with several rendezvous Heather and Tommy had planned, putting a great deal of strain on their budding relationship. And one final emergency that forced the vacationing Zeo Rangers home early left Heather quite upset, and Tommy quite disappointed.

Katherine saw how Tommy quickly isolated himself again, trying to force out his frustrations through exercise. It was clear he certainly couldn't heal from Kimberly's letter with new angst weighing down his heart.

That made it easier for Kat to arrange the surprise dinner date for them. Of course, the pang in her heart remained as she turned from them, and put the finishing touches on the elaborate dinner she had spent the entire afternoon preparing.

Hopefully, her small effort would mend their rocky start, and help their relationship bloom.


I'll be there baby
You know I'll be there
Just call my name
And I'll be there

Together, they sat in silence on opposite sides of the round table. No, not Tommy and Heather. Tommy and Katherine.

After one final disturbance by the Machine Empire, Tommy was forced to bow out of his dinner with Heather. And after an extended period of patient waiting, Heather was ready to leave.

Katherine felt horrible, as she rested her folded hands in her lap and kept her head bowed. She watched as Tommy twisted his glass in pensive silence. She was thoroughly convinced that this most recent heartbreak was completely her fault.

She was the one who arranged the dinner. She should have known better than to bring Heather over before the emergency was completely over. She should have known the Machines would attack again.

And, she should have put up a better fight. She and Tanya were ambushed by the Defoliator monster. If she had been a better, more accomplished Power Ranger, perhaps the battle could have been won without Tommy's assistance.

Katherine sighed again, resting her elbows on the table and her chin on her hands. "I'm so sorry things didn't work out, Tommy," she repeated, "I wanted everything to be perfect."

And she did. She honestly did. She wasn't just trying to convince herself that she wanted Heather and Tommy to be together. She wanted Tommy to be happy, and if that meant having Heather Thompson in his life, she was completely ready to do whatever she could to make it happen.

"Forget about it, Kat," he said, "What you did was incredible." His dark eyes locked with her crystal ones. "I'm just really lucky to have a friend like you."

A genuine smile crept on Tommy's face. And an equally genuine one lit up Katherine's expression.

In silence, they gazed into one another's eyes for a long moment, Katherine's slow music mix serenading them in the background.

"I... I just thought it would make things easier for you if you had someone in your life," she revealed.

"It's just going to take some time is all," he responded casually.

Katherine nodded in understanding. Suddenly, her smile lit up once again as a new song played over the radio.

"Oh, I love this song!" she commented, closing her eyes to relish the soft ballad.

"Hey," Tommy said, his own smile returning, "what would I say if I asked you to dance?"

Kat blinked in surprise, her smile falling. She hadn't expected him to utter those words, or anything like them. In fact, before that very moment, besides the comment he made about her appearance earlier he had never shown any sign of interest in her.

She felt warmth build in her heart as she said "I'd say... promise not to step on my feet, and you've got a deal."

"All right," Tommy said, rising from his seat and taking her hand. Katherine let him escort her to the cleared floor, and together they swayed to the music. Tommy hesitantly wrapped his arm around her waist, and she laid her arm around his neck. As they moved to the music, their foreheads moved closer, resting upon one another. Leaning upon one another.

Katherine lost herself in the moment. A song she had always loved played in her ear, and the man she had always loved held her close.

She knew at that moment that what she felt for him wasn't wrong. Her love was too pure and undefiled to constantly urge fiery guilt in her heart. She had remained loyal to her love and her friendship throughout the time Kimberly and Tommy were dating, and she was more than willing to give Tommy his space afterwards.

And now, the possibility of her having a future relationship with Tommy appeared on the horizon. In the future, of course... but it's there.

Fate works in mysterious ways. Her friendship with Tommy would help her help him while his heart mended. And her love for Tommy would make her more enduring than merely a friend.

At first, she loved the noble, indomitable hero she thought Tommy was. Now, the recent tragedies in his life have shown her his true self. He wasn't unbreakable. He wasn't invincible. He wasn't perfect.

He needed someone. And she loved him all the

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