» Juvenile Fiction » Entitled, cama seeney [best new books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Entitled, cama seeney [best new books to read .txt] 📗». Author cama seeney

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whole place, it was dingy and long florescent lights hung down from long chains. Balls and all sorts of things were caught up there you know like throwing knives, arrow heads... I think I spotted a spear too.


Along the plain white walls stood all kinds of weapons, from two handed long swords, to tiny little blades, arrows, simple hand guns... You know the normal kind of shit you expect well no where. I thought to my self with irony.


A woman entered with three quarter length black khaki pants, the material bunched just below her knees. But that's not what caught my eyes, the hand gun on her thigh and the leather sword at her back did... Funny the weapons in the room didn't scare me but she gave me something to be afraid of.


She was a small woman, you could see obvious muscle on her arms and calves but she walked like she knew what she was doing. I looked around the room again as I finished my drink, there was dummy's in the corner hole riddled, punching bags in another targets smack bang in the middle part of the end of the room and nothing else in the two corners next to it.


Along the walls either side of the large room was a rock wall on one side and ropes on the other, survive kit next to the rope side, I think you were suppose to make your own wall up. The ropes were different lengths meaning you had to switch between the to get to the top. I so wanted to try that.


'Line up. Todays throwing practice, three groups go!' She didn't speak loud like the other trainer but she was listener to none the less, I went in the last line somewhere in the middle. Everytime someone three the five knives passed to them she would correct their technique. Everyone acted like we were in a normal p.e class where the teacher amended your  basketball throwing skills. What the hell was this place.


I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't realise I was up next. Shit. I've never done anything like this I'm my life. A stranger who went before me passed me the knives, I held one and placed the others on the table beside me. Awaiting for the first and second group to go first. When it came to my turn I breathed in slowly, held my breath and let it out as I threw the oddly well weighted knife. I started with it near my chin, flicked my wrist and watched as it hit low down on the board.


She nodded and I prepared to throw another, this time i didn't flick my wrist down as much but pulled my wrist as far as it could go back before throwing it forward. This time it went in the last circle. I sighed and picked up another. This time I move so I'm standing to the side and bring the thin knife up above my shoulder before whipping it forward. This time it goes in the middle circle. I grin, I picked up the final two knives and us the same technique, both also falling in the smaller circle. Now all I had to focus on was getting the filled in circle the bullseye.


'Ever thrown knives before?' She asked me with a raised eye brow, I shook my head 'shot a gun?' She asked again, again I shook my head 'archery?' She asked, that I nodded too. 'Well at least we can start somewhere with you.' I smiled before waking to the back of the room.


We all threw five times and completed the whole group throwing twice before she spilt the three groups up. Guns on the first, archery second and knife throwing last. Two more teachers walked in, one female short and blond the other a male tall and blond. They both had the same long pointy nose, sharp jaw and green eyes. Twins maybe? They took the gun and archery people outside


She again split us into three different groups, I was in the first. The next hour was fun, I really got the knack of knife throwing. The twist of the arm and upper body, tensing of the abdomen I was sad when it was over. The teacher walked over to me, 'when your finished with todays classes come back here and train some more?' She asking with a gentle smile, I nodded excitedly before turning to see the others walking back into the room. The twins walked in looking tall and imposing.


'Were going to play a game of capture the flag.' He told us with a deadpan voice, was this a strategy class? I thought to myself. He split the group in half, I found myself pairs up with Jack and six other people I didn't know. I counted sixteen of us now that I was here, eight on each team.


I was with the tall blond guy, whilst Alyce and Logan were with the woman. I was left only with jack for a familiar face. Though he appeared to be the youngest in our group. A tall red head was offered the flag, she was wearing really short shorts and a tank top that left little to the imagination. Her slim body was tanned. She gripped the dirty flag with obvious distaste.


'Five minuets. Go!' The tall blond boomed,the red head rolled her eyes and began jogging out into the forest. Once we got outside she took off in a direction we hadn't been in before. 'Any ideas?' She asked the eight of us and sighed when no one spoke up, I searched around and heard the sound  of water, I tapped jack on the shoulder which was easy because we were around the same size. I mimicked swimming, he grinned 'Beth, Scarlet thinks we should hide it in the lake.' He told her, 'how do you know she doesn't speak.' She snarled but headed towards the sound of running water.


The trees grew more vibrant the  closer we came to the lake, even the undergrowth was greener. The lake was long but no trees came close enough to hide it. One over hung the water but I didn't really hide the flag. 'Where are we suppose to hide it smart ass? Fucking newbees think they know everything.' She snarled looking at her bright red nails. I mimicked swimming again, this time held my nose. 'Oh! I get it you want a bath cause you smell!' She cackled and passed me the flag before pushing me in the water. I sighed but swam to a little island in the lake and placed the flag amount the over grown reeds. With the waters gross green look covering it, it almost looked green and fit in perfectally. I grinned before diving back into the gross water and began my swim back to shore. I couldn't see anyone there but heard people coming. I quickly sped up, the cold water making me want to stop and just lie still. My muscles burned and the air made my lungs burn.


I could hear them coming so I ducked under the overhanging tree, holding my breath so I wouldn't breathe to loudly. 'Shut up Logan you don't know everything!' Alyce half shouted and shoved him away from her, he growled in response and shoved her back. She quickly got into a fighting stance as the others filled in around them.


'Don't respond to him A. We picked you as leader not him.' A short sweet girl said, her brown hair was free and easily reached her tiny hips, she had little pouty lips and a innocence that shone, the groups baby I suppose.


'Shut up midget.' He told the small girl with a smile and a little shove, she was the peace keeper too then. They all began running again going left, after what appeared to be my groups footsteps - leading them away I suppose.


I sighed before gripping onto the tree and pulling myself up, the water clung to me not wanting to let me go. 'Jack?' I called out in a half whisper, he jumped down from a tree on the edge of the forest - he was directly above them the whole time. I laughed silently as he jogged over to me and climbed up the tree that hung down, the water was too deep to just climb up the bank. He grabbed onto my hand and heaved as I pushed. Eventually I flew out of the water almost landing on the kid. He groaned now now he too was covered in water.


'What next?' I mouthed, 'well Beth and the others have run off and are making little hidey holes so they go on a goose chance while we stay here and guard.' He whispered jogging back to the tree line, where he grabbed a bunch of dirt and pointed at a stick with dead leaves on it for me to grab, I did and followed him confused. He scattered the dirt and I used the branch to scatter it, he then took of his dark shirt and used it to wipe the extra water off the tree, it didn't really help but maybe it would dry quicker. His chest was small, pale and boney I quickly looked away not wanting to suspected of checking out a kid.


Once again we jogged back to the tree line, this time using the branch to hide out footsteps in the loose mud, we went three trees in before he found one he liked. It was almost a ladder it was that well built, the tall tree was an oak tree. The branches grew in random spaces searching the sun. It was easy to climb and the branches were far enough apart for a person to rest comfortably in. It hid us well but the sun still shone down on me, I grinned this tree was ace.


I looked at jack and pointed at my stomach and then my watch he chuckled quietly 'me too, twelve I'm afraid. Another hour.' I nodded, and looked around again. Everything was beautiful up here, smaller and delicate I watched as birds fed baby birds, as fish swam lazily to the top and sun bathed. Eventually the tree dried no longer showing any evidence of our passing.


Another ten minuets and I heard them coming again, Alyce was talking to the little girl 'I don't understand why he's so mean to you A. He's perfectally nice to me.' She told her in a apologetic tone sounding sad. 'Your his baby sister of course he's going to like you, Rose.' She replied with a chuckle, she took the little girls hand and they walked away happily.


Soon we heard a loud whistle, Jack scrambled down and sprinted to the water front. I cussed mentally and jumped down next to him. I dived into the water before he could, I was already stinky anyway. The swim took a couple minuets and I could already see people gathering at the tree by where Jack was. He pointed off to the side and I dived under doing as he said. I swam much further left and didn't come up for air until I reached the bank. The water was murky and hid me easily, my eyes burned and lungs screamed to me but I swam until I found the ledge.


I didn't have anyone to pull me up this time, they were all scrambling over to where I was. I pulled my self up and sprinted into the forest not caring about my water trail, I used to run track before my pregnancy I could do this.


I ran in a straight line hoping it would lead me to the warehouse, it didn't. I burst through the forest at the back of the house. Cursing mentally again I crouched down and hugged the tree line looking for where we entered last time. I found a well used track and heard the others breaking through

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