» Juvenile Fiction » Entitled, cama seeney [best new books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Entitled, cama seeney [best new books to read .txt] 📗». Author cama seeney

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the undergrowth, I put on a new bit of speed happier than ever that the shack was really close to the house. Beth was waiting next to the blond man, by the looks of it trying to chat him up. I could see Rose and jack running towards me a little further back and heard Logan and Alyce sprinting up behind me.


I gulped down air, forgot about my wet squelchy shoes, clothes and hair and ran harder. My legs burned from the lactic acid build up, my eyes teared from the run and wiped lake grossness of my face and threw the flag at his feet.


Beth jumped up and down 'I told you I would win' she said to him blushing slightly. He rolled his eyes and handed me a water bottle full of the same reddish coppery tasting thing as before. 'The lake? Well played new girl.' He rumbled at me, his accent making his words sound exotic I nodded and looked at the time, lunch time! 'Well as your team won Beth' he smirked she he said your 'you can pass up on chores today, Alyce your team are cooking dinner.' He called out before jogging back to the house, I jogged after him breathing heavily but keeping pace, I took my boots off in the first room and carried them to my room, I grabbed a new tee-shirt, and new jogging bottoms this time without the jumper it was far too hot now. I grabbed a towl, clean underware and walked into the bathroom next to my room.


I locked the door and turned around to turn the shower on, catching a glimpse of my reflection made me want to fall on the floor with laughter. My hair looked green all over, mud caked it to my face. I looked like a freaking drowned rat. I turned the shower on and unclothed myself, jumping in felt amazing. The water flew freely down my back, the drain drank the brown looking water thirstily bits of solid mud, seeds, leaves and twigs all clogged up the drain.


I brushed my fingers through my hair and pulled out the bubble more forren objects fell freely from my slick unbound hair. I grabbed some orange smelling shampoo and finger brushed it though my hair and across my still grimy looking body, my ankle and stomach stung but I was used to the uncomfortable feeling there now. When I was cleaner I massaged conditioner into my scalp and grabbed a razor out of the wash bag with my name on it.

I shaved  my legs, armpits and where ever else I deemed necessary, my smooth legs felt amazing. I brushed my teeth and then stepped back under the flowing water. Rinsing my hair out before jumping out feeling much cleaner. I quickly changed and took my gross clothes out of the room and placed them in a washing basket in my room.


I then cleaned the bathroom and walked into the dining room as I twirled my hair into a bun and tucked I under the hair to keep it secure. It would fall loose as it dried, people were already sat at tables, two were partly taken up so I sat on the third not knowing any of the people there. Mostly though I heard clatter from the kitchen.


At each table stood six seats, making eighteen places - I don't suppose the staff sit with us then. Sandwiches were handed out on plates, yet again the drinks were handed to us, I had already finished my last one so took anther, strangely this  one was less red like the one I had grabbed at the snacking time - maybe the ones the teachers gave me were stronger. I Wondered why...

Unanswered questions


Voices clattered all around me, as was my usual response though I didn't answer. All the noise was giving me a headache, the pounding began behind my eyes as my vision blurred grey and black. Dizziness and nausea kept me in place, I had already eaten but I didn't want to throw up my body needed all the energy it could get right now.


I laid my head on my arms until we were called to attention apparently our next 'lesson' was to be held in the dining room, it being the only one large enough to hold us all. The woman from before, the one with the twin brother stood before us. She began a lecture on first aid, how to wrap a bandage we were even given some to play with as she spoke. She then turned to cpr, the recovery position and how to stop someone from choking.


Her lesson was highly entertaining, lunch had been an hour and a half long therefore it was half two when she finished her lecture. Tomorrow we were discussing the difference between arterial, vein and capillary cuts, she even hinted that we would be talking about torques - the dangers, splits and even fractures and breaks.


Next we jogged to the place the burley man from this morning, he was once again standing next to the L shaped building. He called names and we all quickly complied, this time I was much quicker. He told us to get back into our groups, now we were point scoring.


I stood opposite Logan, completely still, he looked angry - his fierce mood hanging around him like a dark cloud.  The sun was still heavily beating down upon us, draining me of my already lacking energy. I held my arms up in a defensive position and awaited the onslaught, I didn't have to wait long. He charged at me with a low kick aiming for my shins, I jumped over the leg and rammed my shoulder into his abdomen. I kneeled above him placing my knees om the muscles at his biceps, he cursed softly unable to reach me, I banged my hand against the floor asking him to tap he refused and brought his legs up trying to entrap me. I leaned further over his body, he tried to buckle and finally managed to free one of his arms, he pushed his hips forward making me instinctively take my weight up, not wanting to touch more of this guy then I had to, his hand grabbed my waist and pushed me under him. His knees were at my sides and his arms pinned mine, I rolled to the side pushing at his elbow before turning around and pushing him with all of my weight he rolled us so he led underneath me facing the back of my head.


He had be in a headlock, pushing my arms up towards my throat, I pushed down and slid down and forced my arms apart. I quickly sat up and elbowed him in the stomach he grunted and I used the second to jump up and take a step back whilst turning around. It was four when we finished our training, yet again sweat covered we jogged back. When I couldn't get out of a headlock he would show me how, like how he locked his ankles around mine and crossed my arms cutting of my air and I couldn't move. Answer move closer and then throw yourself forward and role.


We were told that todays lessons had ended and we were free to do as we wished or do our chores, I didn't have any so set off for the training warehouse, no one was in there so I walked over to the first table and saw the knives set out for me.


I worked on my throwing techniques, using all my cores muscles to twist or flick a body part. It was all about angles, distances and timing. I tried an up-close shot and found it much harder, the knife would rebound.

I threw the knife in the air and caught the flat handle, the only difference was not he point at one end and the hole in the other. They fit together like pages of a book making they easy to hold. Two hours ticked easily by, I found aiming for smaller targets was easier - instead of aiming for a whole circle I aimed for a certain part or line - it made it easer to see how far I missed or how close I came.


You'd think throwing a knife for two hours would be boring but to be perfectally honest the time flew by, the whole place had no windows so I couldn't tell when the sun slowly dropped. I was seeing how far I could walk away from the target and still get it in the inner circle. The one they called the bulls eye - of course I couldn't get more than one knife in it so I aimed for the lines themselves. Getting the one above the bullseye and the one above that until i reached the outer circle. I practiced at a certain distance until the knives were more or less in line.


That's where the blond found me, around twenty foot from the target hitting each line with an almost perfection. I grinned before sprinting to the target and counting twenty one feet - I did this with my head down not realising I had company. 'You wouldn't have to count if you only threw four. And you shouldn't always hit straight on or one foot then two foot away - try moving around different angles and moving when you throw.' He told me taking one of the knives and throwing it without looking at the board. 'I can throw and not look, I know the board perfectly but that wont help me when I'm or its moving. Anyway its six o'clock you need to get food.' He informed me, I wanted to ask him what they were giving us to drink, how I learned how to throw so quickly, how I healed at a quicker pace - not in seconds but I couldn't have been unconscious for long but my healing looked days old.


I sighed, staring into his bottomless eyes, 'don't torment yourself on the past Scarlet.' Ge told me gently taking the rest of the knives from me, I knew what he meant and walked slowly away from him. The gentle thump, thump, thump calmed my nerves as I left the room.

At the end of the day


I didn't bother running back to the lodging but walked slowly and calmly, enjoying the growing darkness and the cooling air. I didn't feel like I needed to be better when

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