» Juvenile Fiction » My Personal Fallen Angel, Emily Walton [year 7 reading list TXT] 📗

Book online «My Personal Fallen Angel, Emily Walton [year 7 reading list TXT] 📗». Author Emily Walton

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though they found out that I would have died without medical attention. He loved my mother.” He fell silent, and I knew that something was coming I didn’t necessarily want to hear.

“ MY dad came home one day, and he was so drunk, he tried to shoot me. Twice. I… I took the gun from him, and shot back. I didn’t miss. I live with my brother now. They charged me with Self defense, but john still calls it murder.” He hesitated, and then murmured, “Hell, I do, too.” He looked down at me suddenly. “ Do you see why he doesn’t want you around me now? It’s not because I act like a badass, Angel. It’s because I killed someone.” I met his eyes a second.

“So have I. I was serious when I was talking about the body bag, Thor. I killed my dad, too. I was 13 when he picked me up randomly. Ok, kidnapped me randomly. He locked me in his guest room. I jimmied… ok, I almost lied. by then I had learned to pick locks, so I picked it, I didn’t jimmy it. I he was passed out on his couch. I went to the kitchen, and he woke up. He charged me.” I took a shaky breath, for once feeling tears prick my eyes. “I-I-I just grabbed something. It was a knife. I rolled him in a sheet, and threw him down a manhole. Nobody liked him, so his…. John, I guess, I don’t know what man-whores call they’re pimps, gave me a ride to my foster home at the time, and said ‘don’t worry about it.’” He was quiet a moment.


“Truly.” The word choked out, and I gasped, straining against his arms. I was going to cry. I never cry in front of anyone. He didn’t budge.

“Angel. Calm down. Crying is ok.”

“I agree. Just not in front of other people.” He sighed.

“Angel, look at me.” I hesitantly looked up, ingoring the stinging behind my eyes. He studied my face a moment.

“You really think that.” He finaaly said incrediously. I shrugged. “ I don’t sat things I don’t mean. Usually.” He rolled his eyes, shifting me so that I was facing more towards him than away from him now.

“Ok, fine. I’ll give you a reason not to cry.”

“wha-“ his lips collided with mine feircly, unexpectedly, so that I gasped, and he gained intrence into my mouth. He took it greedily, picking me up at the hips so that I was straddling his waist without breaking the kiss. He pulled back suddenly, gasping, and rested our heads together.

“That was cheating. I didn’t realize what you where doing. “ he laughed breathlessly, than gave me a long look.

“You really where serious about you’re dad.”

“as serious as a heart attack.” I said softly, laughing breathlessly as well. He rolled his eyes. “ of course. Ok. That’s…. not something I could picture you doing.”

“I was 13.”


We sat there for a minute, until I really registered that he had pulled me as close as possible and thus my knees where pressed into the outside of his thighs, and my fingers where still wrapped in his hair. I gasped, reeling back. He chuckled, but let me slide back slightly.

“I was wondering when you would come to your senses. Though I must admit I liked the position you were sitting in quite a lot.” I gave him a sharp look, then glanced away.

“I need to be getting home.” I said, starting to walk away. He caught up almost emediately, falling into step beside me.

“Can you bring a friend with you? To your foster parents, I mean.” I shot him a surprised look.

“I really don’t think so. And anyway, It’s almost two hours away, in manhattan.” He perked up. “Manhattan? I have a few…. Things I need to get done there. Don’t give me that look. I really do.” He added on when I rolled my eyes.

“Why did you ask?”

“because I was going to go with you, of course. I want to meet this boy you put in a mental hospital.” I growled. “ I didn’t do shit. If you had seen me after his brother brought the cops and the way he was screaming, you would have put him a home, too.” I snapped. He gave me a look. It was almost soft- almost. “ what did he do to you?” he asked, his voice pitched low.

“he beat me.” He rolled his eyes. “ oh, you wanted [i] details[/i]? fine. I went over to their house to talk to his older brother about a paper I was doing on…”I shot him a quick glance, suddenly slightly embarrassed.

“he was helping me write a paper on what it was like when training to be an R.N.” I admitted. His eyes flew to my face, slightly wide. I grimaced. “ I know. I’ve always wanted to be a nurse, though. Anyway, …skinny…that’s his nickname… he came home… and… he started [i]screaming[/i] at me about disloyalty and something about cheating. He knocked his brother out on the kitchen table, and he literally dragged me upstairs by my hair. When we got to his room he slapped me…four times. Hard. He chipped my tooth one his knuckle once. He started kicking me, still screaming, and then he threw me across the room, beating me some more, until his brother came in with the police. They locked him up, and I requested moving.” I had looked down as I started the story again, and now glanced at him uncertainly. He was staring straight ahead, a thoughtful look on his face.

“was their last name Girgindale by any chance?” He finally murmured. I gasped, reaching out to his sleeve and yanking him to a stop.

“how did you-“

“I knew them. I used to be best friends with skinny.” I flinched, taking an involuntary step away from him. He reached out and shook my arm gently. “ hey, calm down. I said used to. after I found out he had a habit of kicking things around while they were down I lost touch with him. I didn’t realize he was finally locked up though. Now I definitely have to go with you, so that I can see him and his older brother… what was his name again? George?”

“yes.” I said softly, glancing away from him. We where silent a few moments.

chapter fourteen

ok, we have to have some kind of twist to this deal of ours. How about…. We take [i]turns[/i] asking the questions? Like, you ask one, and then I can’t answer one of yours until you answer one of mine. Make it interesting.”

“And if someone refuses to answer a certain question?”

“They aren’t allowed to ask a question until they answer that question.” I grimace. Fun. But hey, it made things interesting. “Ok, fine.” I agreed.

“I go first.”


“You went first last time!” I shot him a glare, but nodded. He thought a moment. “Do you really hate prostitutes that much?”

“yes.” I said without hesitation. I deliberated a moment, then sighed.

“I guess it’s kind of because when I still lived around where my mother lived, people just assumed I was one. And I hated it. And I hated that If I ever went out at night I could guarantee to see my mom or one of her friends, and that just annoyed me because they’d always talk to me, and I hated it. So yes.” He grinned slightly. “I’m surprised you went into that much detail. Thank you.” I raised an eyebrow.

“Thanks for what?” he shrugged, then grinned. “Is that your question?” I sighed. “ Guess it is.”

“Damn. Ok. Thanks for being honest with me. I like it when you’re honest with me.”

“So when do I need to pick you up for our little trip tomorrow?” Thor asked. I shot him a glare and turned to open the door. He pushed it close gently.

“answer me, angel. Or I may start to think that you don’t like me. When do I need to pick you up for tomorrow?”

“4 In the morning, ok? Now leave me alone so I can go to bed.”

“that’s only four hours away hun.” He teased. I grimaced. We’d been sitting at the all night café down the street and had just gotten home. I had called and told my family where I was, so it was ok. I turned away from him again. “fine, 5. But we have to be there by 7.”

“I can make it there in an hour. Be ready by six.” I gasped as he walked away.

“So how was it?” alan asked. I groaned as I stepped into the living room. He was spread eagle on the floor, staring at the ceiling. “are you high?” he scoffed, turning so I could see his clear eyes.

“I haven’t had any in three days. I’m trying to quit.” I laid down on the floor next to him.

“S0o then you’re normally just this weird.” He nodded. “basically, yes. So, how did it go? Did you have amazing sex on top of his car or did you just talk?”

“you’re disgusting. We just talked. He didn’t even have his car.”

“damn. That would have been hot.”

“Sicko!” I cried, swatting his chest as we both laughed. He rolled to his side so he could see me. “So is he really going with you tomorrow?”

“eavesdropping are we?” I asked mildly. He shrugged, still looking at me. I sighed. “sadly. Which is good, because now we don’t have to pay for a taxi.”

“you do know he’s only going because he wants in your pants, right?” I thought a moment, looking at the ceiling.

“Actually… no, I don’t think so. Don’t get me wrong, he has an ulterior motive, but I don’t think it’s sex. I think my past… interests him. I think he believes the only way he will get to know that part of me is if he fakes interest.” Alan raised an eyebrow.

“Is there any other way?” I sat up with a huff so that I was looking down at him.

“Yes, dammit, he could just try to be a friend! It’s not like I have many of those!” I went to get up, but he pulled me back down and hovered over me. “Calm down shanelly. God. I was just trying to joke with you. and you have plenty of friends.” I tugged my arm out of his grasp and glared.

“What do you know about me? It’s not like you pay attention.” I could literally watch his temper flare at that comment.

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