» Juvenile Fiction » My Personal Fallen Angel, Emily Walton [year 7 reading list TXT] 📗

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i met his gaze a moment before letting it fall to my hand, which was still gripping the cigaratte i'd bought. he tilted my head back gently, throwing me competely off guard. he came in here ranting a nd raving, and when everyone left, he was gentle?

" you look scared." he said softly. i frowned. " no, i'm not. i'm confused." he smiled softly. " good because i am too." he leaned closer, and i backed into the wall, making him freeze.

" what's the matter?" he whispered, confussion crossing his face. i breathed in, and the words just slipped out. " what are you, Thor?" he smiled, the first real grin i saw from him splitting his face almost in two. he leaned foreward again till we were centemeters apart, his nose actually brushing mine.

" i'm complicated, that's what i am." he said, closing his eyes, butstill grinning. i rolled my eyes.
" i get that. you know what i mean. your not a mobster. your not a gang banger. your not a drug addict, and your not a weeder. what are you?" his eyes opened so suddenly i gasped.

" you got one thing wrong, Angel." he said softly. i frowned, confused again. his hands reached up to cradle my face, his pericing hazel eyes boring into mine. " i am a drug addict." i felt my brow furrow, but before i could say anything he whispered

" i'm addicted to you." and then he left.

chapter one

" i really hope you stay at this home this time, Shannelly." the police officer, John something-or-another, said. i snorted. like i had a choice, with the ankle bracelet around my leg tightly.

" i will not promise anything. got it?" i said before he could ask. he sighed.

" i wasn't going to ask you to. but i was going to ask you to behave." i snorted again. if i behaved, my shitty attitude reputation would be ruined.

when we got to the house, i groaned. of course they would stick me with the rich snobby parents. why not the, i-don't-give-a-damnfoster parents? that's the ones i liked. hepulled up to the drive way, and a boy about my age strolled out, along with an older girl, and two people holding hands that were obviously the parents, and obviously in love.

" i'm gonna puke." i muttered snidely, and some how he heard me. he shook his head.

" you heard the judge. anything goes wrong here, you have to go the the juvenile center." i flinched. it was true. the dumbass cops from my other town caught me smoking behind the school after hours, and arrested me. the judge said one more slip up, and i would permantely go to a juvenile center.

" I'm 18, remember?" he rolled his eyes, but didn't comment as igot out and slammed his door,making the boy about my age jump. then i heard a small gasp from the girl who was older, her eyes widening as she saw the band on my ankle. i smirked darkly, knowing my peircing almost black eyes were making her even more scared.

if i keeped it up, i might actually make a grown woman piss herself. wouldn't that be a great way to fire the judge up.

" well, this is your new room. i'm sorry if the walls are a little plain, but, if you'd like, me, you, and CHeri can go out tomorrow and pick out paint andthings to decorate." i gave her a disbelieving look. after living for almost a year in a room completely white and with nothing but a bed and a lmap, this place was fucking heaven.

" thanks, Jannet. i would appreciate that. just call and let the police know where were going." i said, nudging my tracer with my left foot. she nodded, smiling.

" alright, i'll go tell her." with that she left. i sat heavily on the bed covered in thin sheets.

there was Alan, the kid my age. he had black hair, almost as blue shined as mine, and green, dull eyes.

i dubed him the family weeder.

then there was the dad, gavin, and he was the family cheater. i'm pretty sure he'd screwed most girls between 18 and 25 down the street. he had brown hair, dyed to hold back hte fact that it was greying, and green eyes as well.

and Cheri, the goody two shoes that probably got knocked up around 15 fbecause her parents thought she could do no wrong. she wsa 23, and going to collage somewhere around here.

and then there was the oblivious stay at home mother. she was blonde, and had blue/grey eyes. Cheri looked exactly like her. she was probably cheating as well.

you think i'm hypocritical? good, because i don't give a fuck.

" hey, you in there?" a voice, most likely Alan, said. I sighed.

" yeah." he opened the door, slid in, and closed it again. i was right- his eyes were as blood shot as hell on a monday afternoon, and he had a goofy grin on his face.

" mom siad that you had to come to dinner. she called what's-his-face and told him were we were planning to go tonight, so i guess you have to anyway." he leaned against the door, studying me. i let my hair fall in my face, then let my eyes perice his.

" your point is?" i said flatly. he grinned.

" you'll learn fast. what mom says goes." i shrugged, leaning back ,my hair still obscurring my face, and my sight.

" can you get out?" i asked flatly. he rolled his shoulders.

" whatever. just thought i'd warn you." then he left, only to come right back.

" oh, and suppers dominos. were leaving in 15 minutes." then he left. i shrugged out of my black jacket, then went to my backpack and pulled on my grey hoodie.

chapter two

i'd had this dream before. when i was little, and still with my mom and dad at the warehouse we called home, where whores and weeders alike gathered at all hours of the night. but still, for 8 years, i hadn't had it.

the boy was falling. screaming and falling. what i couldn't understand was why he didn't just spread his wings. his beautiful, silky wings that had enfolded me not a day ago, or so says my dream body. i scream with him, running to the place i knew he would land, an shady river bank that i had found.

he hit the ground so hard, i felt my breath catch i my throat. i didn't know if an angel could fall that height and live, and he was a fallen angel. but as i skdded on my knees to kneel beside him, he gasped for breath, and tried to sit up.

" no, NO! you sit right here and stay still." i said, checking him over to make sure he wasn't hurt. he laughed weakliy.

" it's alright, Angel. they may have banished me, but they can't take my powers away. he sat up, ignoring my protests, and his wonderful, layered brown/black hair fell in his eyes as he panted for breath. i clasped both his fuzzyly outlined cheeks in my hands. his facial look never quite came through all the way.

" i swear to the lord above, if you scare me like that again, i'm giving up on you." his smile faded, and his hands covered mine. after a second he leaned foreward and rested our foreheads together.

" i'm so sorry, Angel. i didn't think you'd be around to see it." i tried to pull away, but his hand jerked up and held my head in place with it's fingers intertwined in my hair. he unfolded his wings slowly, wincing slightly, and i saw them fold around us out of the corner of my eyes. but mostly i was focused on his eyes. the beautiful fuzzy colored eyes that i couldn't keep away from. he smiled, and i felt the heat of his wings against my back as well.

he knew i was a sucker for feathered hugs.

i jerked up with a started, gasping for breath. i was covered in sweat, and i glanced at a clock. 3:34, a.m. that dream always made it impossible for me to go back to sleep. so i got 2 hours and some odd amount of minutes to think about school.

what was i wearing? why, the academy's uniform, of course, which was wear the problem started. the girls weren't aloud to where pant's, or long socks, which meant that i had to show off my wonderfully trendy fashion anklet- i'm sarcastic when i'm ticked, can you tell?- on my first day. well, at least it should keep everyone at a distance.

my other problem was that Jannet had hooked me up with a ride with one of Alan's 'friends'. air oute friends, because that kid wasn't riding with us. i swear if she hooked me up with some bleach blonde wanna-be bimbo, i was going to scream.

" Shannelly, time to eat!" Gavin said, poking his head I my room. I was dressed, things in my backpack, and tapping my foot impatiently. I had been informed the night before that if I were to leave my room after six before breakfast, 'mommy dearest' would rip my head off.

" Thanks." I said, trying to smile. Truth?

I was scared out of my mind. I hadn't been to a school with anyone but Juvenile regects for about a year. It's not easy getting back into a patern you tried hard to break. He smiled, then left with my door opened. I pulled a brush through my hair for a final time before heading downstairs, Alan appearing beside me. he raised an eyebrow, nodding towards my ankle. I rolled

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