» Juvenile Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo: Venusian Encounter, Heather Ray [books that read to you .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Zeo: Venusian Encounter, Heather Ray [books that read to you .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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"Do I know you?" he asked weakly. Renee grinned.

*You may have seen me on television. I'm a gymnast in the Pan Global Games. I'm Kim's roommate.*

Tommy seemed to perk up a bit at the mention of Kim's name. "Where is she? Is she okay? What about the others?"

*Well, Kim's fine, and so are the other girls. The two guys are trapped like you are. You're the leader, Tommy, you have to break free and return to your friends. I can't do it for you, I can only show you the way.* "I can't!" he groaned angrily, "I've tried. I can't get free. Syren's magic is too powerful."

*Tommy, don't think like that!* cried Renee in exasperation, *You have to be strong--*

Suddenly, a strong wind picked up, and Renee was pushed out of the dungeon trapping the Red Ranger. Before she figured out what was happening, she found herself lying on the cold floor of the Power Chamber, with Kat, Jason, Dulcea, Tanya, Kimberly, and Alpha 5 staring down at her worriedly. She sat up and rubbed the back of her head.

"What happened?" asked Kim, offering her roommate a hand up, "Did you reach Tommy?"

"I found him all right," she muttered, rising to her feet with Kim's help and then balancing herself against Tommy's cot, "But before I could really help him, some kinda wind blew me away. Next thing I knew, I was back here."

Dulcea considered this information, and walked over to Tommy's bedside. She looked deeply into his golden eyes, and shook her head in disappointment. "I didn't realize how powerful an enchantment Syren placed on them," she said, "A novice enchantress such as yourself cannot break such a masterful encantation. You need experience and guidance."

"Well, unfortunately, we don't have time for Renee to get proficient in magic," said Tanya angrily, "We really need the whole team if we're gonna be ready for whatever Zordon and Syren have planned for us."

"Wait!" cried Kim excitedly, "Dulcea, can Renee get this guidance and experience from her Ninjetti animal guide?"

"Yes," said Dulcea, "but since she is not a priestess as you and I are, her Ninjetti powers shall be limited. Still, the guidance of her animal spirit will come in handy during the upcoming battle. I doubt Syren will allow either of you to return to your lives. So long as she is in power, you and your loved ones are in grave danger. Renee Ryan, do you wish to be a Ninjetti?"

Renee thought for a moment, and then nodded solemnly, "Whatever it takes to help you guys out."

Dulcea smiled at Renee's selfless response. She took Renee's hands in hers, and both women began to glow white and slowly fade away. "You are a noble and selfless woman, Renee," commented Dulcea, "You remind me a great deal of your mother. I believe you are worthy to gain the power of Ninjetti. However, we must go to Phaedos, so that the Power can coarse through your veins and introduce you to your animal guide. We shall be back as soon as possible, Zordon."

Moments later, both women were completely gone, and the bright light faded. Katherine and Tanya returned to their places beside their boyfriends while Kim sat down at the other end of the Power Chamber, hugging herself tightly and rocking her body. Jason sat down beside her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "What's wrong, Kiddo?" he asked her gently.

"I don't know," admitted Kim quietly, "Its been such a weird day, and a lot of the stuff Dulcea had told me is kinda hard to swallow. I'm not even human, Jason! I'm some kinda alien!"

"Kim, you act human, and you've always felt human. You're human where it really counts--here." Jason pointed to his heart. Kim looked up at him and smiled.

"I guess. But that's not the only thing. I haven't seen any of the guys since I left for the Pan-Globals, except for you of course. So much has changed since day one. I mean, take a look around! The Command Center is different, the rangers are different, and even the costumes and power sources are different! I still don't believe Aisha moved to Africa ten years ago -- it still doesn't make sense to me. And Billy actually moved to an entirely different planet! I knew all of this stuff from letters and all, but I guess it didn't seem real, until I showed up here and saw for myself that things will never be the same as they were. My best friends have left the team, and one of them has left the planet! And now Kat and Tommy --"

"I had a feeling that would bother you," said Jason, "It must be tough to see him with another girl, especially one you consider a friend."

"If Tommy's happy, then I'm happy," said Kim with a smile, "After all, I am the one who dumped him, not vice-versa. I have no right to be angry with him for finding someone else. Although I admit I'd rather it not be Kat. I don't know, it just seems to hit too close to home. Kat got my Power Coin, my zord, my place on the team, and even my boyfriend. She seemed to fill my shoes perfectly and completely."

Jason was surprised by what Kim was telling him. "Do you regret going to Florida and leaving the Power Rangers?"

"Yeah," Kim admitted, "Not always, but sometimes. Being a ranger really gave my life meaning, and it made me a member of an exclusive circle of friends. You, me, Billy, Trini, and Zack were inseparable way before Rita ever attacked Earth, but being on the same team and sharing the same guarded secret kinda cemented our bond. I got used to it, and once I moved away, I was suddenly all alone. I have friends in Florida, but its not the same. There really isn't that special bond there. You guys are all still my friends, but Kat really did take my place, for all intents and purposes. This all sounds silly, doesn't it?"

"Not in the least," said Jason, "I know the feeling of alienation too. The first couple of months at the Peace Conference were really tough on me, but at least I had Zack and Trini with me. You had no one, not even family. And considering the fact that you're so open and talkative, it must've been exceptionally tough to have no one to talk to. You managed to survive and adapt, Kim, and I'm proud of you."

Kim buried her face in Jason's chest and hugged him tightly. Jason hugged her in return, like a big brother would hug and protect his little sister. The sounds of alarms caused them both to jump in surprise, and they ran to Alpha's side, soon joined by Kat and Tanya.

"What happened?" yelled Tanya over the alarms.

"Aye yi yi!" moaned Alpha, "I managed to isolate the teleportation frequency that Syren used to teleport from Venus Island to Angel Grove, so that we would be able to follow her instead of hunt down Venus Island like we had to do last time. I just discovered that the same frequency has been used several times today!"

"You mean other than Dalal in Florida?" asked Kim.

"Yes! Other than Syren's teleport to Angel Grove and back to Venus Island, there have been 22 teleport signatures, eleven leaving Venus Island and eleven returning. All these trips have taken place within the last three hours."

"What were they doing?" asked Kat, "What could they want?"

"Well, when Dalal attacked me at the gym, she said she wanted to kill me," said Kim, stopping in her tracks and gasping loudly, "Oh my God! Could the other ten trips have been the same--to kill the other Venusian descendents?!"



All the present teenagers gasped in horror at the thought, and Kim's eyes widened. Then, she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. "We have to find out if they're okay," she declared, "Alpha, can you track the ten teleport signatures? Can you send us to the ten locations to see what happened?"

"Give me a minute," said Alpha, busily punching keys, "I have it! The ten teleports were directed to Angel Grove California, New York City, Seattle Washington, Oxford England, London England, Frankfurt Germany, Montreal Canada, Hillsdale New Jersey, Rome Italy, and Paris France. I will have the exact coordinates momentarily."

"Okay, guys," said Kim, turning to her three friends, 'We'll split up and check each location. We need to find out the names of the women attacked or missing, and if possible learn whether or not they are still alive. I'm going to Paris. Then I can check Rome and Frankfurt"

"I'll take care of Seattle, Montreal, and Angel Grove," said Jason.

"I'll visit New Jersey and New York," offered Tanya.

"I guess that leaves me with Oxford and London," said Kat, "Should we morph?"



"We can handle it," said Kim, "Let's get going!"

"Wait a minute, Kim," said Jason, "Maybe you should stay here. Syren wants you dead, remember? If you leave the Power Chamber, it'll make it easier for her to find you. Kat, Tanya, and I will make sure your family's okay."

"I'm gonna find my mother, Jason," said Kim coldly, "And nothing will stand in my way. Clear?"

Jason stepped back from Kim, surprised at her reaction. He saw her eyes begin to glow pink. Wow,

he thought, I pity the Venusian that dares take Kim on when she's this upset!

Alpha began pressing buttons again, and the four teenagers vanished in beams of hot pink, lemon yellow, bright white, and pale pink.

Chapter Ten

In a modest ranch style house in Hillsdale New Jersey, a beam of yellow light pierces the darkness of the empty house. The Yellow Ranger looks around in confusion, peering through the darkness. She stumbles around for a few minutes, until she finds the wall light switch. She pushes up the switch, and the room becomes filled with soft yellow light.

Looks like I'm in someone's kitchen,

she thought, looking across the room. Hanging on the wall was a collage of photographs in a wooden frame. Tanya removes her helmet to get a better look as she takes the frame off the wall and examines the photos more closely. There were various

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