» Juvenile Fiction » Forever SoulMates, Selena F. [best books to read for students .TXT] 📗

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"I’m 40."

"So you decided on your own?"

"Yeah. It was my choice."

"You don't even want to age a little while longer?"

Drake leaned toward me. "You ask too many questions."

"I know."

"Well stop." He was now serious.

I leaned over and frowned. "No. Why you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"Always starting a fight."

"No I don't."

"I know what you are doing."

"Oh really?"

"Yea. You need to stop. I'm getting sick and tired of it."

"You need to stop being bossy."

I gasped. "I am not bossy!"

"Yes you are. I thought you were supposed to help me, not yell at me."

"Oh. I'm sorry I hurt the baby feelings. Well suck it up. If you stop pissing me off, I wouldn't be yelling at you."

Drake growled. He looked pissed. "You better watch it. Don't let me get to my bad side."

I gasped and frowned. "Is that supposed to be a threat?"

"If it sounds like a threat, then I guess it is." Ana look at both of us in shock.

"Are you sure both of you are not dating?" Ana asked

"I am definitely sure." I said. Drake was about to say something, but my phone rang. I took out my cell phone and it have Sarah’s picture showing. "I have to take this call." I got up and went outside. I answered the phone. "Hello?"


"Hey Lea." Sarah said

"Hey. How are you?" I said

"I'm good. How have things been going with you and Drake?"

"Exhausting. He is pissing me off. But I will get over it."

"That’s good."

"That's all you wanted to ask?"

"...No. I got some news."

"What kind of news?"

"Good and bad news."

I went to the side of the building and leaned against the wall.” Give me the bad news first."

"Ok. The bad news is..."

"What? Tell me."

"The bad news is that I accidentally turned Snow Flake into a giraffe."

"A giraffe?"

"Yeah. She was pissing me off, so I accidentally said a transformation spell, and then she just turned to a giraffe with a cat tail."

"Where is she?"

"She is in the guest bedroom."


"I know. I know. I'm still trying to fix things."

'Sigh' "Fine. What is the good news?"

"I just left from the hospital."

"Great!! How is Dad?"

"He is fine. The doctor needs to give him surgery."


"They need to remove his left kidney because it is badly affected."

"How is this good news?"

"The doctors said that he might be waking up soon."

"Oh my. Wow. This is good news. When are they going to do the surgery?"

"Tomorrow. I would call you when I'm at the hospital for you can talk to Dr. Peterson."

"Ok. That is some good news. Thank you Sarah."

"You welcome. I have to go. It's time to feed Snow Flake."

"Ok. Bye."

"Bye." When I was about to go back inside, a guy stopped me. I turned to face him. The guy has black hair with icy blue eyes. He looked like he was in his late 30's. The way he looked at me was frightening. He looked...hungry.  I looked into his eyes, and I see no emotion. He looked so dangerous. He smiled and I can see his fangs. Of course he is a vampire.


"I finally found you." he said

I took a deep a breath, trying to calm my heart. "Do I know you?" I said. My voice shook. He knew I was frightened. His smile widens. 

"Yeah. I use to visit you when you were a little girl." I frowned. I study him until I finally remembered.

"Now I remember. I was 6. You would talk to me, and then disappear. Mom and Dad thought you were my imaginary friend, but you look so real."

"I am. You still look beautiful."

"Th... thanks."

"Can we go somewhere and talk? In private."

"No. I have to be back inside." As soon as I said that, his smile went away.

"Lea... come with me." He said it so coldly.

"I said no. What do you want from me?"

"I want you."

“Are you too old for me?"

"Are you too young to be running your Mom's business?"

"How did you know I'm running Mom's company?"

He smiles. "I know everything about you. I know when you were born. I know when you had your first kiss. I know about the car crash. I..."

"Wait. How you know about the car crash?" He looks pissed because I interrupted him. He still kept that smile.

"I was there."

"What you mean?" He just stared at me like he was looking into my soul. I look away and took a step back.

"Are you sure you want to know?" I look back at him.

"Tell me."

"Fine." He took a step toward me. "I went to the company that night. I didn't expect your Dad to be there. I told them to tell me where you were. Of course, they wouldn't tell me. So, I gave them one more chance to tell me. They still wouldn't listen. I told them that there are some serious consequences for not listening to me. They left the building, ignoring me. So, I followed. Your Dad need to watch where he is going next time. He would have seen me coming."

Tears ran down my cheek. "You crashed into their car!!"

His smile widens. "They wouldn't listen. Like I told you, there are some serious consequences. It was fun to watch. Other people saw the crash, so they called for help. I watched as the ambulance took them away. I went to your parent’s house. On the calendar, it said you were at a school trip for 3 days."

"I came back home early because of the crash. They told me Mom just passed away suddenly that night and Dad was in coma."

"Actually, your Mom was still alive."

"How do you know?"

“Instead of telling you, let me show you.” In a second, he was in front of me and he put his hand on my head.


Everything went black. Next thing I know, I was in a room with Mom. She was waking up. Tears fill my eyes as I walk towards her.

“Mom…” I said. She didn’t respond. She was trying to sit up, but she wince in pain. Next thing I know she looks at me. Instead of looking at me with joy, she looks terrified.

“What are you doing here?” She asked. Before I could say something, I hear laughter behind me. I turn around and I see the guy from the pizza place. Mom wasn’t looking at me. She was looking at him.

“You know why I’m here.” He said

“Please leave.”

“Your daughter is on her way here. She left her senior trip early. When she gets here, I’m taking her with me. All you have to do is tell the doctors that you give me permission to take her.” Tears ran down Mom face.

“No. Please just leave. I’ll do anything else, but please leave my daughter alone.”

“I only want your daughter. She’s amazing. She’s smart, beautiful, and independent. She would make a good bride.”

“Go to hell!! You are not taking my daughter!” His smile went away quickly. In a second, he was right next to Mom.

“You really shouldn’t have said that. I will have Lea.”

“Over my dead body.”

“Suit yourself.” Next thing I know he grab my Mom by her neck. With his other hand, he put his hand on her chest. He closes his eyes as Mom starts to shake. Her eyes start rolling to the back of her head.

“Stop!!” I yelled as tears start streaming down my face. I look at the heart monitor as her body kept shaking uncontrollably. I tried moving his hands, but my hand went through his. I look at my hands then back at my Mom. Blood starts running down from her eyes. Next thing I know, she stops moving and the heart monitor went flat. He opens his eyes as he looks at me and smiles.

In that very second, I forgot how to breathe.

I closed my eyes, then open it again. Instead of outside, I was back inside sitting at the table again screaming. Drake was trying to calm me down.


“Lea, calm down.” Drake said. I look around and everyone was looking at me like I was crazy. I got up and went outside. I look around panicking. I jumped when someone touch me on the shoulder. I turn around quickly and punched him in the face. My eyes widen as soon as I saw it was Drake. “Ow, what’s that for?’

“I’m sorry. I thought you was the guy.”

“What guy?” I ignored him and start looking around again.

“How I get inside? I was out here.”

“You walked back inside. Then, you just start screaming. Do you remember?”

I start crying. “No. I don’t remember anything. I was outside.” I walk to the side of the pizza place. “He was right here.” Drake follow me and look around. “Well, he’s not here anymore.”

"He killed her." I cried


"He killed Mom. He caused the crash."

"Where is he?"

"I don’t know. I was with him out here. He made me black out.” Drake looks around. 

"Lea, I don't see anyone." Now I am more scared than ever.

“I know what I saw! He was out here and he kept telling me that we should be together. I remember. I’m not crazy!” Drake looks at me worried.

“I know you’re not crazy. I believe you. Just calm down.”

“I am calm!” I lean against the wall and slid to the ground as I start to cry more. “I’m not crazy.” It starts to rain. Drake leans down in front of me. He lift my chin up for I can look at him.

“Lea, you are not crazy. Did he tell you his name?”

“No… I’m so stupid.”

“No you not. We can still track him down. We going to make sure he don’t mess with you again. Okay?”

“Okay.” Drake smooth my wet hair out my face.

“Good. Now come on. Let’s go back to the house.” He stood up and helps me up.

“What about the pizza?”

"Ok.  Let me get the pizza, and then we can go."

I start to panic. "Please don't leave me. Please." I laid my head against his chest. Ana came to us.

"You don't have to worry about it. I will get someone to deliver the pizza to your house. Just get Lea to the house safely." she said

"Thanks Ana." he said. Drake paid Ana the bill, then we went into the car. He reached in the back seat and put his jacket around me. He starts the car and put the heater on to keep me warm. As he drove off, I look out the window and all I see is his icy blue eyes staring at me from the shadows. All I can remember is what he said.


‘You really shouldn’t have said that. I will have Lea.’ If he killed Mom, I wonder what else he would kill to have me. I close my eyes as a tear ran down my face.


That scared me the most. 

Chapter 8


Ever since what happened that night, I have been too scared to leave from the house. Drake told his family what happened, and they tried their best to look for him, but they didn't see him. I was pissed off that I didn't ask for his name. When I went to L.A., I didn't expect to get all stress out. To stay calm, I would meditate. The more I meditated, I start to get calm. The only thing that got me happy is that Doctor Peterson has finished the surgery on Dad. Sarah told me that Dad

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