» Juvenile Fiction » Forever SoulMates, Selena F. [best books to read for students .TXT] 📗

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watching us. 

"Am I interrupting something?" she asked. Drake was about to say something, but I interrupt him. 

"No. Drake was just giving me my purse. Right Drake?" I said as I look at him. Drake looked at me back, then at Crystal.

"Yes. I was just giving Lea her purse." he said 

"Ok. Well, Lea, Mom told me to show you where you going to be sleeping." Crystal said

"Oh. I'm sleeping here?" I asked

"Yeah. Wait. Is there something wrong with sleeping here?"


"Then, come on." I turned around to where Drake was, but he wasn't there. So I turned back to Crystal and followed her to my room. It was upstairs on the right side of the house. When we were inside, Crystal sat on the bed. 


"Nice room." I said 

"Yeah. This is the guest bedroom." Crystal said. She looked up at me.

"Why you look so tense?"

"Oh sorry." I sat down on the chair.

"About Drake and I... nothing happened."

"You don't have to worry Lea. Drake do this to every girl. Every time Mom and Dad would find women, a matchmaker, Drake would flirt with them, and then they end up having sex. Soon, the ladies would fall in love with him, so we would have to erase their memory of what they shared with Drake, and then we send them back home.” I look at her in shock.

"Then, what you need me for? I'm only human."

"I know, but you worked with many supernatural creatures. Of course vampires. Good looking or not, you still get your job done. We believe that you can help Drake. Don't let his good looks fool you because every other girl did." I smiled.


"Lea, you are our only hope. Drake need to stop sleeping around with these girls and he need to start settling down."

"I'll do my best." Crystal smiled at me.

"Good. I'll help you unpack."

"Oh. You don't have to do that."

"But I want to help. Now come on." So I got my suitcase and we start unpacking. While we were putting the clothes away, Crystal would shake her head. 


"These clothes. You mostly have suits that are black and gray."

"That's not true. I got some white ones." Crystal raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Remind me to take you shopping.” I blushed and looked away. After we were finished, we went downstairs. I took out my cell phone and I see that I got 5 missed calls from Sarah. 

"I need to take this call. I'll be right back." I told Crystal.

"Sure. No problem." she said. So, I went out the back door. Outside in the back is a beautiful garden. I sat down on a wooden bench and called Sarah. On the second ring, she answered. 


"Finally, you called me." Sarah said. 

"Why you say that?" I asked

"Your cat. She is getting on my nerves. Instead of naming her Snow Flake, you could have named her Brat because that's who she is. Now I know why I didn't get a cat."

"Don't talk about her like that. What she do now?"

"Remember the bath you told me to give her?"


"Well, every time I would try to put her in, she would scratch my arms until I let her go. Also, every time I would feed her, she would be hungry again. Your cat is just fat. She need to worry about losing some weight." I tried my best not to laugh.

"Come on, she not that bad. Where is she now?"

"I put a sleeping pill in her cat food, so she passed out in it."


"What? Snow Flake doesn’t like me and I don't like her. I think she did all those stuff to me on purpose. But don't worry. I got her back. Now she knows not to mess with me. Revenge feels good."

"Snow Flake is just a cat."

"So. I am just a witch, but she still treats me like crap."

"Both of you are crazy."

"No I'm not. Snow Flake is the crazy one."

"Snow Flake is not that bad."

"Oh really. Well, guess what happen when you left?"

'Sigh' "What?"

"She pisses in my purse. And I also think she cuss me out in cat language. She lucky my phone and wallet wasn't in there. I washed out my purse 4 times and it still smells like pee. There's a war between us and she probably think she is winning, but guess what? I am winning. You hear that Snow Flake."

"Um… Sarah… You okay?”

"I’m fine. It’s your cat that is not okay.”

"Well, do something for you two can get along."

"I'm not going to promise anything, but I'll try."

"That's good enough. So, is there any progress with Dad?"

"No. Sorry Lea."

"It’s alright. Did you read him the books?"

"Of course I did. Now, I want to hear about your day."

"Except for me embarrassing myself on the plane and Drake trying to kiss me; other than that, it was great."

"What you mean that Drake was about to kiss you?"

"It was nothing."

"What you mean it was nothing? Drake tried to kiss you. That count for something."

"Well, I’m actually happy we didn't kiss."

"Why you didn't let him kiss you?"

"Wait... you wanted me to kiss him?"

"Duh. It’s so obvious. He's sexy, have a charming smile, and he so good with words. What more do you want."

"He is my client. I can't just kiss him. Who do you think I am? Besides, he is not my type."

"What you mean he is not your type? I just described him."

"I know, but I don't like guys because of their looks. I go for what's on the inside. Drake is not that type of guy. All he does is have sex with girls and then push them away. That’s what he did with the other women who tried to help him find a soul mate. I'm not going to be like those women. I'm here for one thing and one thing only. Find Drake a soul mate."

"Ok. How is that working out for you?" I groaned.

"We just got here and he is being difficult. He's flirting with me and he tried to kiss me. Twice! He is driving me crazy. And it’s not in a bad way. Also, he compelled me on the jet."


"Remember? I start freaking out on the plane. So he thought compelling me is the right choice."

"Ok. What's wrong with that?"

"I'll tell you what's wrong. What if he compels me again? He might compel me to kiss him or... have sex."

"Then let him."

"Sarah!!" I was shocked. Sarah is the strangest witch I have ever met. 


"He would be basically taking advantage of me."


"I don't want that."

"Fine." In the phone, I can heart Snow Flake hissing and growling.

"I have to go. I need to handle some business."

"Don't you hurt Snow Flake."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." Before Sarah hung up, I hear her say something else. "Here kitty, kitty, kitty. Want some more cat food." I smiled. Sarah is so crazy. I got up and turned around. I jumped when I see Victor standing there. I put my hand over my mouth to keep myself from screaming. 


"I am so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you." Victor said. “Are you ok?" I took a few breaths, trying to calm down my heart.

"I'm fine." I said

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'm sure. I didn't hear you come... oh. Never mind. Vampire speed." Victor smiled.


"How long have you been standing here?"

"Not for long."

"Were you eavesdropping?"

"No. I got here when you ended the call."

"Oh." I sat back down on the bench. Victor was about to go back to the house. "Victor." Victor stopped and turned to me.


"I hope you don't mind me asking this but, why do you let Gabriella treat you like this?" Victor came over and sat down beside me.

"I don't mind but, what do you mean about Gabriella treating me like crap." I blush.

"Well, you let her tell you what to do. Why you do it?"

"Because I love her and I want her to be happy. I know she love me too, but she been the type of girl who doesn’t like to express their feelings. Besides, she was like this when we met." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"And you still married her." Victor laughed.

"Of course I did. She's my soul mate."


"I know you probably think I'm crazy."

"No. I don't. I'm actually surprised. How do you know when you find your soul mate?"

"I really don't know, but I can tell you this. When Gabriella and I first met, I can feel this connection between us. I never felt it with any other girl. Only with Gabriella."

"Do you think Drake would be able to find his soul mate?" Victor smooth his hair back.



"That's a hard question. After seeing girls coming in and out this house, then I really don't know." I groaned. I knew this was going to be difficult.

"So you basically saying that I should give up now."

"I never said that. There's something you need to know about Drake..."


"He doesn’t believe in soul mates. He thinks that it doesn't exist."

"Why not?"

"From what Gabriella told me, the reason why is from what happened a long time ago."

"What happened?"

"Their Aunt Maria was killed by a guy named Addanc. She thought he was her soul mate. They tried to warn her, but she didn't listen. So, of course, she ended up getting killed."

"What happened to Addanc?"

"They haven't made a decision yet. He still in prison the last time I heard. All I know there is a severe consequence when you kill a pure blood vampire. Of course, Maria was a pure blood vampire." I shivered and sat down for a while.

"So you basically are saying that Drake would not fall in love because of what happened to his aunt."

"Wow Lea. You are a great listener." I blushed.

"Thanks. Why can't Drake be more like you?"

"No. You don't want that. Don't worry about Drake. All you have to do is get to know him. He is a great guy."

"I'll keep that in mind.” I stood up and went with Victor to the house. When we were inside, I sat on the couch while Victor went upstairs. I just sat there for a while, until the front door opened. A girl with black hair and hazel eyes and a guy with blonde hair and blue eyes came in the living room. Gabriella and Crystal came in. Crystal sat next to me while Gabriella sat on the love seat. 


"Hey, I remember you." the girl said

"You couldn't have. She just got here." Gabriella said. She rolled her eyes.

"No. I do remember her."  "Sabrina, I'm going to hang out with the guys." The guy said

"Nicholas, you said that we can talk." Sabrina said

"Not now, but later." he said

"Now I remember both of you. I helped both of you get together. Remember?" I said

"Oh. Lea! Now I remember too. I came to you asking you to help me find a guy to be with." Sabrina said

"Of course she found me." Nicholas said

"Um... yeah." Nicholas gave Sabrina a kiss on the forehead, then left out the living room. Sabrina sat next to Gabriella on the love seat. 

"It have been a while since we see each other. How are you?" Sabrina said

"I'm fine. Have things been going well with you and Logan?" I asked. The smile went away from Sabrina’s face instantly.

"You shouldn't have asked her that." Crystal said. 

"Why?" I said. Sabrina was about to say something, but stopped herself when Victor came downstairs. We all look up at him. I can tell that Victor felt awkward with everyone staring at him. Victor quickly left the room.

"Ok. Before I tell you, I want to know what you are doing here." Sabrina said

"She helping Drake find a soul mate." Gabriella said.

"Gabriella, I was talking to Lea."

"You didn't say her name, so how am I supposed to know."

"Sabrina, just ignore Gabriella and tell Lea." Crystal said

"Fine. Things have been great between us but..." Sabrina said I groaned.

"What you mean 'but'...” I said

"Well, he haven't proposed yet.” she said

"What you mean he haven't proposed yet?"

"Lea... Nicholas and I have been dating for almost 2 years and he still hasn’t proposed."

"Does Nicholas love you?"

"Of course he doesn't love her since he hasn’t proposed." Gabriella

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