» Juvenile Fiction » Forever SoulMates, Selena F. [best books to read for students .TXT] 📗

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is upset. He'll get over it."

I took a deep breath. "Ok. What type of girl does he like?" I handed them the folder with girls. Mr. and Mrs. Knight looked at the photos and the info of the girls. We usually start with showing our customers other people who having trouble finding their own soul mates. Mrs. Knight gave me back the folder.

"We don't want any of them."

"If you expect me to find his...”

“That’s the key word. ‘Find’” Mr. Knight said

“So you want me to find a girl. That can take weeks…months.” I said

“We know, that’s why we came here. Please.” Mrs. Knight said. Before I could say anything, someone came in. I turned around and I see a guy from the elevator. He looks as shock as I was. I tried my best not to blush, but it didn’t work.


“Excuse me sir, but you’re in the wrong room. Can you wait outside? I’m in a meeting.”

Mrs. Knight stood up. “He belongs in here. Lea, this is my son, Drake.” I looked at him in shock.

“Your son?” I said. Then I remember what he said in the elevator. ‘My parents are trying to set me up with some chick.’

“Do you’ll know each other?” Mr. Knight asked. He looks at both of us. All I can think about is the hot kiss Drake and I shared in the elevator.

“We met in the elevator.” Drake says with a smirk on his face. Drake sat beside Mrs. Knight.

“So, will you be able to help us?” Mrs. Knight asked

“S-sure.” I said. I can feel Drake looking at me.

“Thank you so much.” Drake looked at Mrs. Knight.

“Why can’t I find my own soul mate?” Drake asked

“It’s because every time you find a girl, you end up having sex with them.” Mr. Knight said.

Drake smirks “It’s not my fault that I am irresistible. Isn’t that right ladies?” Even though Drake was talking to Sarah and me, he was mostly looking at me.

“Yes.” Sarah says quickly. I elbowed her. She looks at me. “What?”

“Please Drake. At least try.” Mrs. Knight pleaded. She took Drake’s hand. “Do it for me.” Sarah and I waited for Drake to answer. He smooth his hair back in frustration.

“How does this match-making thing work?” Drake asked. Everyone turned to me.

“Well…basically, you come to us and fill out this paperwork. Then, we help you find the love of your life.” I said as I handed him the paperwork.

“Does it usually work?”


“What if it doesn’t?” Everyone looks at me.

“Um… well… it worked on most my customers.”

“So, you expect to help me find the love of my life that fast?”

“Drake, stop!” Mrs. Knight said

“No, it’s alright. I’m not expecting anything from you, Drake. If you don’t think this will work for you, then don’t sign the papers. Don’t waste anyone’s time, but if you willing to try… then I promise you that you will find the love of your life.” Drake looks at the paper, then back at me.

“I need a pen.”

“Oh.” My heart flutter as our hands touched when I gave him my pen. After he completed the paperwork, he gave it to me and my pen. I put it in my folder.

“So…when do you want to start?” I said

“Saturday.” Mrs. Knight said. I wrote it on the folder.

“Okay. Sarah will be working with Drake.” I said. Sarah smiled with excitement.

“Oh no. We want you to do it.” Sarah smile dim down a little.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t. I only set up the meetings and make sure my customers are happy. My employees work with the customers. So if you don’t want Sarah to do it, I can get someone else to work with Drake.”

“No we just want you.”


“This is your business. I want to see if we made the right choice. So we trust that you will be best for us to help.” I took a deep breath.

“If I do go, where is it supposed to be?”

“Los Angeles.” Mr. Knight said

“What?! I definitely can’t go.” I said.

“Why not?”

“I have obligations to take care of.”

“Like what?”

“My Dad is in a coma. I can’t just leave him.”

“I’ll be with him.” Sarah said

“Problem solved.” Mrs. Knight said

“What if something happen to him?” I ask

“Then I will call you.” Sarah said


Chapter 2


"I need to think about it. When do you want your answer?" I asked

"By Friday." Mr. Knight said. I groaned and bit my lower lip.

"What time?"

"12:00 pm." This is so frustrating. 

"Are you ok? You are turning pale." Mrs. Knight said. I stood up and paced back and forth across the room. 

"She's fine. She always does this when she is thinking." Sarah said. I stopped and look at Sarah. "What?" 

"Nothing." I said. I sat down. "I'll give you the answer by tomorrow or later on today."

"Thank you so much. Here is my number." Mrs. Knight said. She handed me a card.

"We should be going. It was nice to meet both of you." Mr. Knight said. We all stood up. 

"It was nice meeting all of you." I said. I shook Mister and Misses Knight's hand. Drake was about to leave, but Mrs. Knight stopped him. 

"What?" he said

"Shake her hand and say thank you." Mrs. Knight said.  Drake came to me, shook my hand, and kissed the back of it. I just felt my heart just stopped that second.

"Thank you." I blush. 

"You.... welcome." I said. I was breathless. He was still holding my hand. 

"Drake, stop charming her." Mr. Knight said. Drake looks away from me. I let go of his hand and took a step back. 

"I was only saying thank you." Drake said

"That seems more than a thank you."

"Let's just go." Drake left the room. 

"Sorry about that. Don't pay no attention to him." Mrs. Knight said. All I did was nod my head. When Mister and Misses Knight left, then Sarah shut the door. She turns to me. 


"This is so exciting! The Knight's came to your company." Sarah said. I looked at her. 

"I don't think I will be able to do it." I said. 

"Why not? Is it because of Drake? I know he is hot, but come on. It is not your first time working with handsome guys."  I blushed.

“We basically made out in the elevator.” I said quickly

“What?! How that happened.”

“I was so nervous and he could tell. So he took advantage of that and he kissed me.”

“How was it?”

“It doesn’t matter I can’t go.”

“It was just one kiss.”

"It’s not that. It’s Dad." 

"What about him? I said I would look after him."

"I know, but what if he wakes up? I don't want Dad to wake up and see my best friend instead of his own daughter."

"Come on Lea. Your Mom would have wanted you to do this." I frowned

"Don't put my Mom into this."

"I’m sorry. I'm just saying that this is a good opportunity for you and your Mom's business. Don't let this opportunity pass you by." 

"I have to go." I grabbed my purse and the folders. 

"Ok. Just think about it." I nodded and left the meeting room. I got on the elevator and press in the lobby. When the door of the elevator opened, I left out and went outside. I got into my car and sat there. After thinking for a while, I started the car and drove to the hospital. When I got there, I walked into the hospital and signed in. After that, I went to my father's room, sat by his bed and held his hand. Ever since Dad has been in a coma, he has been looking older. His face was a little swollen and his hair is turning gray. He really couldn't breathe on his own, so they had to stick an s tube down his throat. His hands were cold and he looks so fragile. I miss his smile. I also miss when he would call me his little angel. A tear ran down my cheek.


"Hi Dad. It's me, Lea." I said. "Business has been good. I wish you were there with me." All I could hear is the heart monitor beeping. 'Sigh'. "Guess what? The Knight family came. They are royalty to the vampires. They want me to find a soul mate for their son Drake. It’s a great opportunity for me. I'm not saying this because he is hot, even though he is. He is charming and a great flirt, even though I don't have a little crush on him.... what am I doing?" I leaned back in the chair. I can't believe I'm telling Dad about a guy I have a crush on. Crap. This sucks. I shook my head and look back at Dad. "Anyway, it is also a great opportunity for the company, but I can't go. If I do, then I will be leaving you all by yourself. Sarah said that she will look after you while I'm gone, so you won't be alone. I trust that Sarah will take good care of you while I'm gone.” I scooted closer to the bed and lean against Dad. More tears start coming. "What if I leave and you die? That’s what I’m afraid of. I don’t know what to do." I started to cry. Life is so difficult right now. I stopped when I hear a doctor come in. I sat up.


"Was I interrupting something?" the doctor said

"No." I said as I wiped the tears from my eyes. I watched as the doctor checked Dad, and took notes. After he was done, he came to me. "So... how is he? Is he going to wake up soon?"

"So far, I don't see any progress."

"So, what are you trying to say? That he is going to die."

"That's not what I'm trying to say. What I'm trying to say is that we need to keep a close eye on him."

"Where is Dr. Peterson?"

"He is in a meeting right now."

"Ok. Well, Can you tell him that I might be out of town for a few days? Sarah, my employee, will be coming over to watch him if I’m not here." The doctor wrote down what I said. After that, he left the room. I stayed with Dad for a few more hours, and then I left. I called the office and told them that I'm not coming to work today. On my way home I thought more on what I should do. My mind was all over the place. When I pull up to the condo, I got out the car. When I got inside, I got a water bottle from the refrigerator and sat down on the couch. Snow Flake was on top of a pillow sleeping. I pick up the phone and called Sarah. On the third ring, she answered.


“Hello, Sarah speaking.” She said

“I don’t know what to do.” I whined

Sarah sighs. “Lea, I told you what to do.”

“I know, but I’m so scared.”

“About what?”

“Everything. This is my first time helping someone find the person they want to spend their life with. That’s why I hired you’ll for. I’m just so nervous.”

“Lea, I believe in you.”

“Do you know how hard it’s going to be to work with Drake Knight? You must have forgotten that he kissed me in the elevator.”

“Oh, you still haven’t answered my question earlier. How was it?”


“Ok. Ok. Sorry. I can’t help to ask, he’s hot. I just don’t

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