Genre Juvenile Fiction. Page - 45
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It just doesn't get any better at all. Not in my life no, but to others, it just keeps getting better and better as my life becomes worse and worse. What have I done to deserve all of this? What have I done to deserve the worse in my life? I once was like any other person, wanting to live in a fairy tale rather than reality. I'm gay and still am, even with a wife, yes wife as in "she", I still am gay. I married her a few years after the death of my lover, Athan. My lover, Athan
Ryan in childhood was a punk and skater boy, he is in love with Kelly. Kelly in childhood did ballet, was her dream, she never told but secretly she is in love with him also, but she always said he wasn't good enough for her and all of her friends had problem with his baggy clothes, didn'y liked him. Onde day Ryan move for another city and Kelly don't see him anymore. Eight years from now, they have now 18 years old, Kelly become a baby-sitter and one day she see Ryan in TV and discover that