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Genre Juvenile Fiction. Page - 6

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Ever looked at someone and thought how perfect, or horribly imperfect their life is? Maybe compared your own to theirs - or what you know of theirs. But does anyone know what can really happen, what people who seem to have a perfectly imperfect life? No. And this is why the idea of Callum Mountford was brought to life.

The drama in Adrian Santiago’s life begins in high school, when the truth comes out from his mouth. Secrets are kept and told, friendships are ruined, relationships start and end, the truth is always tattooed across your forehead and is never erased.

Caddie Up's Sister is practically a celebrity. Everybody in Sunnyville knows her. But nobody knows poor Caddie. Caddie thinks she will die an "unknown", until everything changes...

This book is written by me, a fourteen year old girl. I'm suffering from writer's block right now. It's about a girl that was accused of robbing a store and she is determined to find out who framed her.

In ties with The Whispers I Get At Night and Dear Boss, From Hell comes the tale of the infamous Scotland Yard and their hard and difficult search for the famous White Chapel Murderer, Jack the Ripper. Will they finally be able to capture him and bring him to justice and the gallows? Or, will more be killed by his hands Told in Inspector Feniwck's pov

This book is about a young girl who keeps hearing these whispers in her dream. The whisper comes out of her dream and she doesnt know what to do. She wont tell anyway about it. Then she sees these different hallways. Thats when things start to go wrong in her life.