» Juvenile Nonfiction » Insiders Voice May 2012, A.M.Hulbert [sad books to read TXT] 📗

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Hey guys, this month I thought I’d discuss relationships. Not just boyfriend girlfriend relationships, I mean with your parents too. But before I start on this I’d like to again apologize for last month’s article, it wasn’t on time and it was a little boring I know. I hope this month’s article will explain a little more on why.
What are the typical stereotypes for kids and their parents? I’m sure you’ve heard of a “Momma’s Boy” and a “Daddy’s Girl” right? For some reason some people think that all girls are closest to their dads, or at least everyone I know seems to think that. In my house, well before he moved out, my dad just sat there. We didn’t talk, didn’t look at each other, and sat there in silence. I’ve always been closest to my mom because well, she’s always been the one who bothered with me and my sister. My dad has never really been there for us, he rarely talks to us, we talk maybe once or twice a day. Here’s an example of one of our conversations:
Dad: what are you watching?
Me: *name of T.V. show*
Dad: oh

Great conversation right? That’s actually considered a long conversation between us. My friend (who was a daddy’s girl before her dad died) says that that’s just sad and I need to try harder and tell him I want a better relationship, truth is, I don’t. I know that sounds weird but hey, I’ve got my mom, I have a roof over my head, my music, and I’ve got my writing. What else could a girl need? I’m happy with the way things are now; mom had dad leave, he’s not sitting around making everyone frustrated with his laziness. No more mad mom sending bad vibes through the house and no more hateful vibes coming from him.
My relationship with my mom is okay I think, we’re kinda friends but then again at times I don’t care much for what she says about some things, sounds like a normal Mother-Daughter relationship to me. My relationship with my dad, well there obviously isn’t one. I don’t think parents really understand the effect that they have on their children. I can feel when my mom’s hurt or upset and it affects me, my sister, and the whole balance of the house. In other words it makes everything go to crap.
As for boyfriend girlfriend relationships, I’m not exactly the girl to go to about that. I’m single, never had a boyfriend in my life. But I do know what it feels like to have your heart broken, something that has happened to recently to write about. And I recently have been on my first date, I saw “Wrath of the Titans” in 3D, by the way it was possibly the best most awesome film I’ve seen this year. I like those kinds of movies so it worked out well. The final fight seen was my favorite. Opps, sorry I just started a movie review didn’t I? My bad. Anyway, I am still new to this kind of thing but boy do I learn from others mistakes (mom and sister’s).

This month’s Questions(Please leave your answers in a comment):
1. What’s your relationship with your parents like?
2. Do you wish the relationship was different?
3. Are you currently in a relationship (boyfriend/girlfriend)? If so how happy are you with this relationship?
4. And finally possibly the most important question: What do YOU want the next topic to be?

This month’s challenge: It’s simple, just let the person who does a lot for you (or anyone who’s there when you need someone, this includes best friends and parents/teachers/neighbors) that you appreciate everything that they do for you. Just spread the love.
Comment on any Insider’s Voice with a suggestion, for the next one. I’ll take everything into consideration, remember. I want to hear YOUR voice! Thanks for reading!
(Don’t forget, I might include your comment in the next one so, please respond to the questions)

Comments from April:

"Hi theunchosen
I love this concept, and would love you to join us in the YoungWriters group. I am truly delighted that Robynn sent me a link to your book.

We do not allow book promotions, but we do encourage 'Book Swaps' with other members. This enables everyone to gain more reads & constructive feedback.

You can post your first page for a critique, re. editing tips.

Also you could start a new thread, chatting to our members re. your ideas.

YW, also have a 'Book of the Week' thread. The winners name is announced each week on our Facebook page.

In addition, check out our 'Paint Your Picture with Words' contest starting May 1st. (1st prize - $75 Amazon voucher.) Anyone, under 19 years of age is allowed a sponsor (editor) during the contest. Message me for more details.

YW has also linked to two sister groups (ArtWriters & BetterWriters), enabling our members to gain more advice and tips re. video trailers, cover art, book reviews, editing and much, much more.

Look forward to chatting to you,

"Nice Job
Review - Again, you have done a wonderful job in showing us the sorrow in the passage of time. Yet, the gift that is left behind, precious memories, eases that pain.

In answer to one of your questions: Yes, I have kept one childhood toy because it taught me a lesson and holds a whole Christmas memory. I wrote a short story on it, The Gift Lesson.

We are not alone, because we are all the same. Nice job. Robynn"

Another person commeted on March's Insiders so here their comment:

"Hi Theunchosen
I found this book to be a very powerful & intriguing read.

My label has changed many times throughout my life, depending on the problem I was facing, my level of confidence to tackle the situation & the level of support I had during this time.

Thank you, for drawing attention to a very difficult topic as it compels the reader to evaluate how they treat others, in addition to, how they have been treated.

Look forward to reading more of your work,


Thanks for reading!
P.S. My friends call me "A" your welcome to do the same if ya want. :)


Publication Date: 05-16-2012

All Rights Reserved

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