» Letters » Dear Sally, Chocolatemeerkat [librera reader txt] 📗

Book online «Dear Sally, Chocolatemeerkat [librera reader txt] 📗». Author Chocolatemeerkat

Chapter 1

Dear Sally,
I can't believe it has been 1 year since I left you, my dearest friend, from our dear little village. Father misses the farm, do you remember our tree at the bottom of the garden? We thought faries lived there. So we stayed up all night waiting for them. But they never came. I remember your little face of disappointment. Unfortuantly, I remember Mother's face too, and your mum's when they found out. Pity.
Our house now is so tiny. We haven't even got a garden. There's only a living room with a black and white TV, a kitchen and a bathroom with the cold tap on the bath broken. Our only warmth is a fire and a couple of blankets. We all have to sleep in the living room, Father, Mother and me. It's the only thing we could get. It looks more like a dumpsite rather than a home for a family of 3. Atleast we didn't get that dog from that stranger in the park. That would be very bad.
Who do you play with at school now? I am homeschooled because there's no school in the area. Although there really should be. Surely we children have a right to learn, yes? I can imagine what your mum would say about that!
The one thing I don't understand is why a proper govermant haven't found out about this place. It's terrible. I asked Mother and Father, guess how they respond? I won't write it or they'll find out. Not Mother and Father. The goverment. Thank goodness they don't check all the letters that are sent.
One of the things I hate about this place is our amount of freedom. We get 0% of it. I understand why people move out so quickly away from this dump. Back in our village, it was like heaven. Father described it as the cherry on top of a cake. This dump would be the mouldly leftovers.
According to some rumor, something weird happens. Not to everyone. It's aimed at the kids, the little ones. I have no idea what happens, but the little ones never return. Some parent said to a little girl that the goverment just borrow them, and they are returned unharmed. I find this very hard to believe, but obviosuly I mustn't say anything against it, or they'll come for me. You know who I mean.
How is everyone at school? I still have that painting set Amy gave me. It's really good when I go on walks down in the forest. I wait for something to come, then I capture it (on paper, I don't go stealing them). I'll mail you some if you want, and you can show the class. Mr Webster would be impressed. Oh, and is little Pete ok? He was in floods of tears on my last day. Someone said he'd gone into hospital on the day I moved, with a heart attack or something like that. Is that true? If so, tell him I'll paint him a picture.
Please send my best wishes to everyone,

Dear Faith,
I honestly thought you hadn't left. I stroll by the farm everyday, remembering the fun we had.
Yes, I vividly remember our old tree. What a fairytale land we lived in then, ha ha.
Personally, I think your village should be found out about. It's not fair that you and several other kids live in such terrible conditions. You have a right to fresh water and a nice house. Along with your education.
I now play with Jasmine, Elizabeth, Josh and Juilet. They're good company, but all we play is tag. You were more fun to play with.
I read out your letter to Mum and Dad. They were shocked to hear about you being homeschooled. I love the way you talk about things, like comparing your new house to leftovers.
Everyone is fine at school. Amy misses you terribly, and she says she's pleased that you are using her present. I think we would love to see some of your artwork. We'll show Mr Webster and Pete. Yes, Pete did go into hospital of a heart attack. Thank God he survived. He's in hospital again, because he caught phuenomia (I think that's how you spell it) I bet he would love a picture from you. I'm visiting him tomorrow so I'll ask then.
Next time, I'll post something nice
Your friend, Sally

Dear Sally,
Thanks for writing back. This means the world to me, even if your letter was short. I know what you're like though when it comes to writing. You keep it short and sweet. I could write pages and pages, but my wrist would be numb for the rest of the day. Not nice.
Who's moved into our old house now? Father wanted to know that it wasn't taken over by bandits or something like that. Typical.
I have to admit, Jasmine and Elizabeth are a bit snobby if you ask me, prancing around in their designer clothes and showing off their Ipods. They constanly go on and on about how rich and posh they are. Josh and Juilet, on the other hand, are great friends. Well done you.
Say to Amy that I will paint her a extra-special picture for free. You'll have to pay me in cookies. Ha ha, just joking. I'll paint one for Pete too, a get-well soon picture. And for Mr Webster. Just so he knows I'm keeping up my art. I'd love to be an artist when I'm older. Then I'd have enough money to get out of this dump and shut it down forever so no child ends up living my story.
You have no need to post me anything special, unless you are paying me in cookies for the picture. Then that's perfectly fine. Again, just joking about the cookies.
Mother says I should take up singing classes, only because she heard me singing in the shower yesterday. There's no singing classes around here, so if I want to I'll have to travel by bus and pay a lot of money. Which we haven't got.
The sun is shining right through the living room window as I write this. It's like as if God is talking to us, or chosing us for something important, like when the angel came down to Mary. Do you remember the Christmas play in Year 2? Abby, Amy's little sister, broke down in tears when the play finished and everyone was on their feet clapping. And Lucy was Mary and Max was Joesph. Do you remember in rehearsal when Elizabeth stood on Juilet's angel halo and broke it, so Juilet 'accidently' spilled her gravy on Elizabeth's party dress at the Christmas dinner at church on Christmas Eve? That was so funny.
How is Pete now? I'm working on his picture, I am doing his dog, Rex. I know dogs are not allowed in the hospital, and his parents have been staying in an hotel (where dogs are forbidden), so where is Rex? I really hope they've not thrown him out, he's a lovely dog with a loving family.
Father has gone away on a buisness trip, so Mother and I are going into town and getting a film and some chocolate for a girly night in. I remember when you came to our house for two whole months because your parents went away on hoilday. That was great. It was like we were sisters. I wish we were sisters, because then I wouldn't have to live here.
Send my best wishes to everyone at school again, please,

Dear Faith,
You know I can't write pages and pages like you. I just write a couple of paragraphs and ta-da, I've finished.
Yes, Amy and I would love pictures from you!! That would be great! Amy would like you to draw a squirrel (attachment below as we know you haven't got a computer) and can you please draw me a picture of my new horse, Nutmeg? (again, there is an attachment below). Pete says thank you for drawing Rex, and he's with my family. Mr Webster asks if you can draw his dog, Crayon. (we got a picture below again)He's pleased to see that you are still keeping up your art skills.
We've got a new girl in our class. She's called Amber and she is really nice. Miss Black has asked me to show her around until she gets used to school, so we always work together in lessons. I told her about you, because she saw 'Faith and Sally: Best friends forever!' inked on my notepad. I didn't say anything about your new house, and this terrible goverment you keep going on about.
I'll post through the cookies. Haha, just joking. Mum grounded me yesterday because when my cousin Elise came round last week, we had a cupboard raid and ate all the biscuits. Aunt Monica wasn't impressed, but it was so funny.
I have to admit, you do have a nice singing voice. Do you remember in Year 5, when you were selected to do a solo in the school christmas concert? I think you did 'Silent Night', my brain isn't what it used to be. It started snowing outside when you started singing. And all the parents were up on their feet, clapping and cheering for you. Just to let you know, all our class was behind you. We were cheering our heads off. Then at the party on the last day of term, you wore that pretty white dress, and a load of Year 6s and 7s asked you out, remember that? You turned your nose up at all of them, that was so funny.


Publication Date: 02-09-2012

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