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Having finish'd the preceding Relation the Tenth of November, and applying to the Magistrates to procure Writers to copy a sufficient Number, to satisfie the Desires of all the Persons who have done us the Honour to consult us on this Subject, those Gentlemen replied, that by reason they could not get Transcribers enow, they would willingly take upon themselves the Care of having it printed; so that we have accepted their Offer, being persuaded that it is the shortest and most commodious

en a Galley is ready to launch, they open a small Sluice which kept up the Sea Water.'This great Building makes one entire Front of the Port, three hundred Paces in Length; the Harbour of Marseilles, is thirteen hundred Paces long, and the Circumference about three Thousand four hundred and fifty Paces. The Streets of the old Town are long, but narrow; and those of the New are spacious, and well Built. The chief, is that they call le Cours, which is near forty Paces broad, in the middle of