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The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Book of Herbs, by Rosalind Northcote

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Title: The Book of Herbs

Author: Rosalind Northcote

Release Date: August 3, 2019 [eBook #60050]

Language: English

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(From the statue erected by Mr. H. Thompson at Sefton Park, Liverpool)





Turnbull & Spears, Printers, Edinburgh

CONTENTS PAGE History of the Cries of London xi Introduction 1 Of the Chief Herbs used in the Present Time 7 Anise — Balm — Sweet Basil and Bush Basil — Borage — Bugloss — Burnet — Caraway — Celery — Chervil — Ciboules, Chiboules or Chibbals — Cives, or Chives, or Seives — Coriander — Cumin — Cresses — Dandelion — Dill — Endive — Fennel — Goat’s Beard — Horse-Radish — Hyssop — Lamb’s Lettuce or Corn Salad — Marjoram — Mint — Mustard — Parsley — Sage — Savory — Sorrel — Tarragon — Thyme — Viper’s Grass or Scorzonera — Wood-Sorrel.   Of Herbs chiefly used in the Past 47 Alexanders — Angelica — Blites — Bloodwort — Buck’s-horne — Camomile — Cardoons — Clary — Dittander — Elecampane — Fenugreek — Good King Henry — Herb-Patience — Horehound — Lady’s-smock — Langdebeefe — Liquorice — Lovage — Mallow — Marigold — Pennyroyal — Purslane — Ram-ciches — Rampion — Rocambole — Rocket — London Rocket — Stonecrop — Saffron — Samphire — Skirrets — Smallage — Sweet Cicely — Tansy — Thistle.   Of Herbs used in Decorations, in Heraldry, and for Ornament and Perfumes 102 Bergamot — Costmary — Germander — Gilliflower — Lavender — Lavender Cotton — Meadow-Sweet — Rosemary — Rue — Southernwood — Wood-ruff — Wormwood — Bay.   Of the Growing of Herbs 145 Of Herbs in Medicine 158 Of Herbs and Magic 175 Of Herbs and Beasts 188 Tusser’s List 201 Authors referred to 207 Index of Plants 209

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE 1. John Parkinson (from the statue erected at Sefton Park, Liverpool, by Mr H. Thompson) Frontispiece 2. Initial Letters from Turner’s “Herbal” To face  page 16 3. Sweet Cicely and other Herbs „ „ 22 4. Pot Marjoram (from a drawing by Ethel Roskruge) „ „ 32 5. The Lavender Walk at Strathfieldsaye (Photograph by F. Mason Good) „ „ 40 6. Angelica „ „ 48 7. A Field of English Rhubarb at Messrs Stafford Allen & Sons, Ampthill „ „ 60 8. Title-page of Gerard’s “Herbal” „ „ 86 9. The Arms of Saffron Walden „ „ 100 10. Old Stills at Mr Hooper’s, Covent Garden „ „ 102 11. Bergamot „ „ 120 12. Rosemary „ „ 130 13. Plantation of Lavender at Messrs Stafford Allen & Sons, Ampthill „ „ 150 14. Chelsea Physic Garden „ „ 158 15. Plantation of Poppies (P. Somniferum) at Messrs Stafford Allen & Sons, Ampthill „ „ 166 16. Plantation of Aconite at Messrs Stafford Allen & Sons, Ampthill „ „ 172 17. Rampion „ „ 180 18. Fennel (Photograph by Dr Banfield Vivian) „ „ 194

Here’s fine rosemary, sage and thyme.
Come, buy my ground ivy.
Here’s featherfew, gilliflowers and rue.
Come, buy my knotted marjoram, ho!
Come, buy my mint, my fine green mint.
Here’s fine lavender for your cloaths,
Here’s parseley and winter savory,
And heartsease which all do choose.
Here’s balm and hyssop and cinquefoil,
All fine herbs it is well known.
Let none despise the merry, merry cries
Of famous London Town.
Here’s penny royal and marygolds.
Come, buy my nettle-tops.
Here’s water-cresses and scurvy grass,
Come buy my sage of virtue, ho!
Come, buy my wormwood and mugworts.
Here’s all fine herbs of every sort.
Here’s southernwood that’s very good.
Dandelion and houseleek.
Here’s dragon’s tongue and wood sorrel,
With bear’s-foot and horehound.
Let none despise the merry, merry cries
Of famous London Town.

Roxburghe Ballads.



What is a Herb? I have heard many definitions, but never one that satisfied the questioner, and shall, therefore, take warning by the failures of others and make no attempt to define the word here. It is, however, fairly safe to say generally that a herb is a plant, green, and aromatic and fit to eat, but it is impossible to deny that there are several undoubted herbs that are not aromatic, a few more grey than green, and one or two unpalatable, if not unwholesome. So no more space shall be devoted to discussing their “nature,” but I will endeavour to present individual ones to the reader as clearly as possible, in order that from their collective properties he may form his own idea of a herb. The objection may be raised that several plants included in this book are outside the subject. To answer this, I would point out that the boundaries of a herb-garden are indefinite, and that the old writers’ views of them were liberal. Besides this, every garden must have an outside hedge or wall, and if this imaginary herb-garden has a row of elder bushes on the East, barberry trees on the West, some bay trees on the South, and a stray willow or so on the North, who can say that they are inappropriately placed? The bay and barberry hold an undisputable position, and the other trees have each an interesting history in folk-lore, magic and medicine. Herbs have been used in all countries and from the earliest times, but I have confined myself, as a rule, to those spoken of by British authors, and used in the British Isles, though not scrupling to quote foreign beliefs or customs where they give weight or completeness to our own or our forefathers’ practices, or are themselves of much interest. We have forgotten much that would be profitable to us.

Mr Dillon, writing in the Nineteenth Century, April, 1894, on “A Neglected Sense”—the sense of smell—describes a Japanese game, the object of which was that while one of the players burned certain kinds of incense or fragrant woods, singly or in combination, the others ventured opinions from the odours arising, and recorded their conjectures by means of specially marked counters on a board. The delicate equipment for it included a silver, open-worked brazier; a spatula, on which the incense was taken up, also of silver, sometimes delicately inlaid with enamel; and silver-framed mica plates (about one inch square), on which the incense had been heated, were set to cool on “a number of medallions, mother-of-pearl, each in the shape of a chrysanthemum flower or of a maple leaf.”

Both Mr Dillon and Miss Lambert (Nineteenth Century, May 1880) attribute the importance early attached to odours to religious reasons. He says that it was believed that the gods, being spirits, neither required nor desired solid offerings, but that the ethereal nature of the ascending fragrance was gratifying and sustaining to them. Miss Lambert quotes an account of the tribes of Florida “setting on the tops of the trees, as offerings to the sun, skins of deer filled with the best fruits of the country, crowned with flowers and sweet herbs.” Among the Aztecs of Mexico the festival of the goddess of flowers, Coatlicue, was kept by Xochenanqui, or traders in flowers. Offerings of “curiously woven garlands” were made, and it was “forbidden to everyone to smell the flowers of which they were composed before their dedication to the goddess.” The Tahitians had the idea that “the scent was the spirit of the offering and corresponded to the spirit of man,” and therefore they laid sweet-scented offerings before their dead till burial, believing that the spirit still hovered near. These instances show clearly the high regard in which delicate odours were once held.

Herbs and flowers were early used in rites and ceremonies of the Church. Miss Lambert quotes from a poem of Fortunatus, Bishop of Poitiers. “When winter binds the earth with ice, all the glory of the field perishes with its flowers. But in the spring-time when the Lord overcame Hell, bright grass shoots up and buds come forth.... Gather these first-fruits and you bear them to the churches and wreath the altars with them till they glow with colour. The golden crocus is mingled with the purple violet, dazzling scarlet is relieved by gleaming white, deep blue blends with green.... One triumphs in its radiant beauty, another conquers by its sweet perfume; gems and incense bow before them.” In England, the flowers for the Church were grown under the special care of the Sacristan, and as early as the ninth century there was a “gardina sacristæ” at Winchester.[1] Miss Amherst gives a most careful description of the several gardens into which the whole monastery enclosures were often divided, and herbs were specially grown in the kitchen-garden and in the Infirmarian’s garden, the latter, of course, being devoted to herbs for healing. Many herbs were introduced by the Romans, among them Coriander, Chervil, Cumin, Featherfew, Fennel, Lovage, Mallow, Mint, Parsley, Rue and Mustard. Some of these are supposed to have died out after the Romans withdrew from England and have been

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