» Literary Collections » The Phone of Destiny, Focs123 [reading the story of the TXT] 📗

Book online «The Phone of Destiny, Focs123 [reading the story of the TXT] 📗». Author Focs123

Destiny: h8 u so much

Josh: didnt mean dat ily destiny

Destiny: shut the front door!ik u did! i saw u eat dat last piece o pie!!!

Josh: i did no such - w8, wt?? i thought u ment u saw me kiss ur bro ... :/

Destiny: U DID WAT NOW??? i wuz just mad bc u 8 da pie ...

Josh: w8 which pie?

Destiny: tat doesnt matter rite now. wich bro of mine did yal kiss?

Josh: o, if it dsnt matter dan i did eat it

Josh: ur delish bro

Destiny: o ya him ... hes a gr8 kisser..... my 1st kiss

Josh: but i wuz ur 1st bf.....

Destiny: ya ... i gt bored w/ u ...

Josh: i gtg tell ur bro <3 from me

Destiny: np biii <3


Later that day ...

Destiny: hay

Mom: wuzzup buttercup?

Destiny: mom, 4 da last time, i wuznt buttercup lst halloween, i wuz bubbles DUH!!! n i m stil angry @ u

Mom: ik i shouldnt hav kissed Derek,ur bro.

Destiny: u did WAT???

Mom: o rite, only dad new abt dat ...

Destiny: dnt wry, i kissed gpa its all gud

Mom: u did WAT?

Destiny: o rite ... only derek new abt dat ...

Mom: o well gettin hair dyed pink ttyl


Destiny: WAT???


Later that evening ...

Derek: Hi des-des!!!!

Destiny: ok r u gay or high???

Derek: well, technically, im bi n im drunk, nt high

Destiny: ok gud bc if u gt high again i coud nt handl dat

Mom wants to join chat. Accept?

Destiny: Yeah sure.....

Derek: hi mommmykins!!

Mom: y hello darlings do u like my hair?

Mom sends picture of her hair

Destiny: euuuuwww

Derek: i like it, but ur mor of a fuchsia

Mom: ikr? they ran outa it tho ...

Destiny: u ppl scare me.....

Mom: awww wts rong gf?

Derek: BOO!

Mom: listen to my advice....

Destiny has left the chat

That Night ...

Destiny: Hey papa

Dad: hay cutie

Destiny: ummm ... will u just tell me secrets?

Dad: ok well ... 4 strtrs ur not adopted n nt our child

Destiny: WAT????

Dad: Yeah wen u wer 2 the FBI said tht we hada keep u for 14 yeers

Destiny: 2day is my 16th b-day-- w8 y????

Dad: ur mom wuz high a lot

FBI would like to join chat. Accept?


Destiny: still here, :(

FBI: Hey destiny?

Destiny: noooooo

Dad: yes that is her :) cries tears of joy

Destiny: luv u 2 dad.....

FBI: Your going with your birth mother.

Destiny: um who?

FBI: You may know her. Shes in rehab for most of the day... shes Lindsay Lohan

Destiny: AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Dad: does a happy dance and slams door in Destiny's face



Publication Date: 10-17-2010

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