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Book online «Pedagogical Anthropology, Maria Montessori [online e book reader TXT] 📗». Author Maria Montessori

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facial, 271, 282, 346, 383
functional, 271

Biographic chart, Commune of Bologna, 431
of Italian reformatories, 432
Pastorello's, 420
Sergi's, 429

Biographic history of pupil, 404
pedagogical advantages of, 441
of an idiot boy, 431 et seq.

Birth-marks, 329

Brachycephalic races, 214

Brachydactylism, 317

Brachyscelia, 82-91

Brain, chemistry of, 247
convolutions of, 221-223
embryonal development of, 220-221
morphological normality in relation to age, 237
rhythm of growth of, 225-227
volume of, 229
weight of, 224

Brunettes, suppressed, 324

Buccal apparatus, anomalies of, 336

Calf of leg, absence of, 311

Carnet maternel, 174-175, 273

Cells, animal, 43
vegetable, 43

Cephalic index, 207-220
at different ages, 217
for Italy, 214
nomenclature, 210-211

Cephalometry, 370

Cephaloscopy, 370

Cerebral development, influence of biological factor upon, 255
influence of economic conditions, 253
influence of exercise, 254

Cerebral hypophysis, 152, 153

Cervical pleiades, 157

Chameprosopic face, 263, 265

Chiromancy, 312, 318

Childbirth, dangerous modern, 307

Children's Houses, 123-124, 138, 143-145, 280, 288, 422, 423, 443

Chinese, civilization of, 91-92
psycho-ethnic character of, 77

Chromatic charts, Broca's, 321

Circumference, axillary, 385
of cranium, 233-242, 376
submammary, 385
of thorax, 368, 385

Club-foot, 312

Convolutions of the brain, 222-223

Coordinates, 394

Craniology, 186-283

Craniometric points, 373-374

Craniometry, 370, 373

Cranioscopic norms, 371-372

Cranioscopy, 370

Cranium, animal, 189
bones of human, 187-188
characteristics of human, 191-192
measurements of, 369-385
morphological evolution of, 197
of new-born child, 197
normal forms of, 202
ossification of, 200-201
varieties of:
acrocephalic, 207, 374
beloid, 205
clinocephalic, 207, 372
cuboid, 205
cymbocephalic, 372
ellipsoid, 203
ovoid, 203-204
oxycephalic, 372
pentagonoid, 204
plagiocephalic, 196, 372
platycephalic, 205
rhomboid, 204
scaphocephalic, 196, 372
sphenoid, 205
spheroid, 205
trapezoid, 206
trigonocephalic, 371
volume of, 220-259, 377

Criminals, non-violent, types of, 101-102
violent, types of, 102
stature in, types of, 101, 103

Cubic index, Broca's, 377

Curves, De Helguero's, 460

Deformations, definition of, 344
due to field labour, 121
due to mining, 121
due to school benches, 122, 302, 307, 349
due to stone-breaking, 121

Degeneration, signs of:
abnormal frontal diameters, 384
kinky hair, 330
polytrichia, 330
precocious wrinkles, 330
united eyebrows, 331
social causes of, 6

Dentition, record of first, 410

Diameter, biacromial, 385
bigoniac, 379, 383
bimammillary, 385
bizygomatic, 379, 383
of cranium, maximum antero-posterior, 374

Diameter of cranium, maximum transverse, 375
minimum frontal, 384
vertical, 375
of thorax, antero-posterior, 385
transverse, 385

Diameter of cranium, increase of maximum, 231
measurement of, 374

Diastemata, 337

Diet of children, 127

Dimensions of the body at different ages, 146-147

Dismimia, 282

Dolichocephalic races, 214

Dystrophies, toxical, 162

Ear, anatomy of, 334
anomalies of, 333-335
handle-shaped, 346
Morel's, 335
Wildermuth's, 335

Education of new-born child, 442

Electricity, effect on growth of stature, 139

Embryo, development of human, 45, 72

Embryonal face, 272

Environment, adaptation to, 79
influence of, 415

Enzymes, 154, 155
Ludwig's theory of, 42

Epilepsy, 136
a factor in criminality, 445
treatment of, 446

Error, personal, 387-390, 457

Eurafrican race, 214, 270

Eurasian race, 79, 214, 323

Evolution, theories of, 46-50

Exophthalmia, 333

Experimental sciences defined, 23

Expression, facial, 276 et seq.

Extra-social types, 103-105

Eye, anomalies of, 333
Mongolian, 333

Eyebrows, oblique, 331
united, 331

Face, chameprosopic, 262
embryonal, 272
evolution of, 272
human characteristics of, 260
leptoprosopic, 262
limits of, 259 et seq.
mesoprosopic, 263
orbicular, 263
skeleton of, 188-189
symmetry of, 383

Facial norm, 378

Family monograph, Le Play's, 452

Final causes, 40-42

Fingers, proportion between, 316

Flat-foot, 311

Fontanelles, cranial, 197

Form, the, 67-75, 361-369
canons of the, 74 et seq.
definition of, 69
fundamental laws of, 69

Freckles, 329

Frontal index, 232

Galloway, stature of Scotchmen of, 108-109

Gastrula, 45

Generation, hygiene of, 173, 176

Genius, man of, 264, 469, 476

Germinal potentialities, 63, 64

Gigantism, 104

Glands of internal secretion, 151-155, 163, 164

Goniometer, Broca's, 382

Gray hair, 326, 330
precocious, 330

Growth, defined, 81
effect of psychic stimuli on, 140-145
need of heat for, 132
of brain, due to alimentation, 245
due to cerebral exercise, 245
in woman, 227
rhythm of, 225, 226, 227
of head, rhythms of, 274
of limbs, 309
of neck, 282
of pelvis, 306
of stature, 112-114
of thorax, 294

Hair, curly, 327, 328
form of, 327-329
kinky, 327, 328
pigmentation of, 323-325, 327
smooth, 327
vortices, 330
wavy, 327, 328

Hair-roots, line of, 330

Hand, the, 312-319
dimensions of, 315
functional characteristics of, 316
in figurative speech, 313-314
in relation to other dimensions of the body, 315
psychological types of, 314

Heart, the, 285

Heredity, phenomena of, 50

Hexadactylism, 317

Hybridism, human, 60-65, 78, 79, 351, 467, 471
phenomena of, 51-67

Hygiene of generation, 173, 176

Hymn to bread, 126

Hypermimia, 281

Hypersthenic type, De Giovanni's, 99-100

Hyposthenic type, De Giovanni's, 96-98

Hypothyroidea, 153

Ichthyosis, 329

Index, cephalic, 207-220, 376
of ear, 380
facial, 380-381
of nose, 380
ponderal, 368
of segments of limbs, 310
of sexual mass, 257
thoracic, 299, 385
of visage, 263
vital, 296, 368

Indices, formula of, 367

Individual liberty of pupil, 123

Infantile atrophy, 153
types, 147-151

Infantilism, 146-164
due to alcohol, 156-157
anangioplastic, 162
due to denutrition, 162

dystrophic, 155-162
hereditary causes of, 155
hypertrophic, 162
myxedematous, 153, 155-156
pathogenesis of, 151 et seq.
due to syphilis, 157, 158
due to tuberculosis, 159

Intelligence, human, what it is, 252
human, how to diagnose it, 253
cerebral volume in relation to, 250

Invagination of cells, 43

Iris, pigmentation of, 325

Italians, stature of, 110-111

Japanese, stature of, 110

Joints, loose and stiff, 311

Juvenile delinquents, antecedents of, 413
psycho-physical character of, 413
teachers' notes on, 414

Knock-knees, 312

Kyphosis, 303, 306

Latium, young women of, 65, 78, 111, 216, 466

Leg, calf of, 311
curvature of, 312

Leptoprosopic face, 262

Liberty of children, 144

Light, effect on growth of stature, 136, 138

Limbs, the, 308-319
growth of, 309
index of segments of, 310

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