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Book online «Pedagogical Anthropology, Maria Montessori [online e book reader TXT] 📗». Author Maria Montessori

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>malformations of, 310
measurement of, 386

Limitations of mass, 40-42

Little's disease, 312, 408

Livi's charts, 110, 393

Lordosis, 303, 306

Lungs, the, 286-287

Macrocephaly, 243

Macrodontia, 337

Macroglossia, 338

Macroplastic type, 119

Macroscelia, 77, 88-90

Malformations, 331-350
distribution of, 344-350
of cranium, 195-6
of limbs, 310
origin of, 355
synoptic chart of, 332

Marie's disease, 154

Marriage, proper age for, 118
precocious, 117

Maternal diaries, 409

Mean averages, 391

Measurement of abdomen, 386
of cranium, 375-377
of face, 378-385
of limbs, 386-387
of stature, 362-366
of thorax, 385
of total spread of arms, 367

Medial man, theory of the, 65, 454-470

Mediterranean race, 79, 214, 264, 270, 323

Melanosis, 329

Mendel's laws, 50-59

Mesoprosopic face, 263

Metabolism, 40-42, 124

Method, importance of, in experimental sciences, 23-30

Methodology, statistical, 391-403

Microcephaly, 243

Microdontia, 337

Microphthalmia, 333

Mongolians the most brachyscelous race, 77

Monkey-like traits:
flat hand, 317
lack of certain lines in palm, 318

Monkey-like, long forearm, 310
thin lips, 336

Morphological adaptation of hand, 314
combinations, De Giovanni's, 65
evolution of cranium, 197

Morphology of body at various ages, 146-147
of the brain, 247
importance of, 338

Mortality, curve of general, 115
infant, in relation to vital index, 296
in Italy, 293

Morula, 44

Mother's love, psychic stimulus of, 142

Multicellular organisms, formation of, 42-46

Muscles of head and face, 277-278
of thorax, 285

Mutations, De Vries' theory of, 47

Myxedematous idiocy, 153

Nails, the, 317

Nanism, achondroplastic, 103-105

Neanderthal skull, 192

Neck, the, 282-283

Norm, facial, 378
frontal, 372
lateral, 372
occipital, 372
of profile, 379
vertical, 371

Nose, anomalies of, 335-336

Nutrition, influence of, on school children, 418

Oligodactylia, 316

Onycogryposis, 317

Orientation, line of, 265

Orthognathism, 268, 271

Ovum, human, 44

Palate, cleft, 272
ogival, 338, 352

Palms, lines of the, 318

Papillary lines, 319

Paralysis, infantile, 408

Parasites, social duty towards, 168

Parasitism, stigma of, 314, 317

Peasant, class stigma of, 271, 326, 346

Pedagogical method, need of reform in, 123, 144, 302

Pellagra, symptoms of, 161

Pelvis, 304-307
growth of, 306
rotation of, 307
sexual differences in, 305
skeleton of, 304

Personal error, 387-390, 457

Photogenic conditions, 136-138

Phototherapy, 136

Pia Barolo society, 131

Pigments, the, 320-331
during growth, 323

Pigmentation of hair, 326
of iris, 325
of skin, 325

Pigmy races, 109

Pithecanthropus, skull of, 192

Plagiocephalic cranium, 196, 372

Plagioprosopy, 271, 383

Platyopic profile, 271

Playthings, children's natural contempt for, 143

Pleasure, expression of, 279
necessary to human existence, 141

Polytrichia, 330

Polydactylism, 317

Ponderal index, 181
evolution of, 183, 184
method of computing, 181-183

Pregnancy, too frequent, 173

Profile, Egyptian, 270
Greek, 269
low types of, 271
norm of, 379
proopic, 271
Roman, 269

Progeneism, 267, 385

Prognathism, 267, 268, 385

Prophatnia, 385

Prosopometry, 379-385

Prosoposcopy, 378-379

Protoplasm, 38

Psychic stimuli, effect on health of children, 144
test, De Sanctis', 425

Puberty, change in pigments at, 323, 326
growth of jaw at, 274
of limbs at, 310
of nose at, 274
influence of climate on, 135-136
of cold on, 132
of direct sexual stimuli on, 131
of heat on, 135
of nutrition on, 130-132
of psychic stimuli on, 134, 141, 142
repose preceding, 115
of Russian girls, 135
of women of Lapland, 135
relation of growth of brain and face to, 230

Pulmonary capacity, 288-294

Quétélet's binomial curve, 398

Race, Eurafrican, 214, 270
Mediterranean, 79, 214, 264, 270, 323

Rachitic rosary, 302

Racial types in Europe, different characteristics of two principal, 353

Rewards and punishments, fallacy of, 123, 144-145, 432, 441, 443

Rhythm of brain growth, 232-236
of facial growth, 274
of stature, triennial, 113

Rickets, 97, 103, 164-166, 244, 268, 296, 302
fœtal, 103

School benches, deformations due to, 122, 302, 307, 349
records, 411

School-sanatorium, 160

Scientific philosophy, Morselli's, 21

Sea-shore, benefit to children, 136-137

Seriation, 396
importance of, 455

Sexual education, 356
function, dignity of the, 126
morality, 117, 126, 473-476

Sitting stature, 365-366
at different ages, 85

Skeleton, human, 71-72
articulations of, 107
of face, 188-189
of limbs, 308
of pelvis, 304

Skin, the, 320-344

Solitary confinement, 141

Sorrow, expression of, 278

Space, empirical relation to stature, 139

Specific gravity, of body, 178
of brain, 229

Spirometry, 288-294, 385

Stature, 106-171
of abnormals, 167
according to sex, 80 et seq.
of American children, 128
brachyscelous type of, 75
cycle of, 363
definition of, 70, 106, 362
in relation to dimensions of thorax, 295-297
effect of nutrition on, 124-132
of erect position on, 120
of heat on, 132-136
essential, 73
mean average, of European, 459
growth in, during first year, 112-113
index of, 84, 366, 367
involution of, 114
of Italians, mean average, 392

Stature, Livi's charts of, 110-111
macroscelous type of, 76
maximums and minimums, compared
with cranial circumference, 238-242
measurement of, 362
parabolic curve of, 112, 114
pathological variations of, 145-170
of rachitic children, 165
racial limits of, 108-111
in relation to sex, 111-112
rhythm of, 86
summary of, 170-171
terminology of, 110
total, at different ages, 85
triennial rhythm of growth of, 113-114
types of, 67 et seq.
abnormal, 91
according to age, 81
in art, 80
according to race, 77
according to social conditions, 79
summary of, 105-106
variations in, according to age, 112-118
according to seasons, 138
due to mechanical causes of adaptation, 119-124
night and morning, 119
transitory, 120

Sterility of dwarfs and giants, 104
due to precocious marriage, 117
due to work in rice-fields, 121

Stigmata of degeneration, 342
among beggars, 348
among orphans, 348

Stimulants poisons for children, 127

Studious children, denutrition of, 185
physical inferiority of, 25, 159, 185, 293

Sun-baths, 137

Superiority, social, 258
of women, moral, 259

Suprarenal capsule, 152, 154

Surprise, expression of, 279-280

Syndactylism, 317

Syphilis, abortion due to, 157
symptoms of, 157-158

Tasmanian, civilization of, 92-

most macroscelous race, 77

Teacher of the future, the, 360
of abnormal pupils, 449
responsibility of the, 116

Teeth, anomalies of the, 336
first and second dentition, 336

Temperaments, De Giovanni's doctrine of, 12-14

Thermal gymnastics, 133-134

Thermic conditions of schools, 132-135

Thoracic index, 299
perimeter, 368

Thorax, the,

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