Β» Music Β» mister ssaxobeat, jon8732 [finding audrey txt] πŸ“—

Book online Β«mister ssaxobeat, jon8732 [finding audrey txt] πŸ“—Β». Author jon8732

the friend

My name is Danial I may some times be mean. That is only when I'm made fun of. But I do have friends this week I got a new friend. He is nice his name is Jon. We get along like two peas in a pot. We never fight, we share our problems, and tell each other secrets. So you could say we were brothers now I have a brother we always fight, but with Jon we don't fight at all. so on the first day of Aprill I went to my friends house his name is Eathen. Jon was at his house he in itroduced me to Jon. I had came to get my computer my mom asked why is it over there. I said it had a virus and it did have a virus so eathen fixed it.
When I got home I told her about my new friend. She said it was late so I had to go to bed.

the nightmare

That night in bed I had a nightmare it was about Jon. I went over to his house and I knocked
and got no anser so I went home and thought maybe he was not home. So I when I got home i told my mom to remind me too go over to jon's house in one hour. So later in the dream I went over and saw a note on thier door it read.
Dear Dan
We will not be home for
along time maybe a month
I ask you to feed my snake
Sincerily Jon
So I went inside his house I could not find the snake. I sat by the cadge he was not in there. I turned around only to find the python attacking it bit down hard. I was bleeding really bad I reached for the phone it was out of reach. And I died.

the next day

so when i woke up i went to Jon's house and that note in the dream was at the door so i went in side the python was no were in sight so i looked around *BOOM* the door slammed shut i got scared *BOOM* go es a window that was right in front of me *WOOSH* then a blaze appeared out of no were the house was on fire.


Text: jon8732
Images: jon8732
Editing: jon8732
Translation: jon8732
Publication Date: 05-11-2012

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