» Music » Rock On, C.J.Munro [top 50 books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Rock On, C.J.Munro [top 50 books to read txt] 📗». Author C.J.Munro

The Band (Intro)

Ireland Green

Denver Hansen

Riley Pearson

Keegan Park

Chapter One

"Scar tissue that I wish you saw. Sarcastic mister know-it-all. Close your eyes and I'll kiss you 'cause, with the birds I'll share.." I sung the lyrics quietly to myself. Remembering my father and how much he love the Red Hot Chili Peppers. I was lying in my bedroom compartment that Id been using for the past three months while on tour with my band. The guys were in the space we used as a living room watching a movie. Usually I would be out their with them but today was July 14th, the four year anniversary of my parents death and all I wanted to do was be alone.
"Are you okay Re?" Denver asked through my closed door. I'd recognize his voice anywhere.
"Yeah" I croaked, trying to hide the sound of my tears. He opened the door and inch and when he saw my tears he came in and shut it behind him. I rolled onto my side when he sat down the the bed next to me. "Re..." he trailed off. He laid down and pulled me into him. And then the tears really fell. Denver and I had been friends since 7th grade when I came to his school and when the girls had bullied me about the funny colours I had put in my hair he stood up for me. We were inseparable ever since. My parents were like family to him as well.
He held me while I cried, kissing my forehead and rubbing my back occasionally.
"I just..." I mumbled, the tears flowing to hard for me to get the words out.
"I know Re...I know..."
"Were going to be in New York City in twenty minutes people! Get ready!" our bus driver Joey called to us in warning.
I sat up with Denver still holing me. He released me to wipe my tears.
"Okay Ireland Green, I know this is hard. But we have fans that need us. We didn't stop when we all had the flu and we aren't going to stop know. You are a strong, beautiful and amazing woman with so much talent its crazy. Your parents would be so proud of you. So I want you to get your butt in that shower, practice your vocals and blow the roof off that stadium. Ready?"
A slight smile came onto my face. "Yeah Denver I'm ready."

Chapter Two

The stadium was sold out and the heat inside was already intense from the opening act. We were on in ten minutes and I was ready to go. Tonight I was wearing black thigh high stockings with garter's a black bra and a white lace loose fitting shirt and my leather jacket, and of course my three inch spiked heels. My hair was wavy with random braids through out it and my make up was dark and smokey but I put nothing on my lips. I went into the main room to sit with the rest of the band while we waited.
"You ready?" Riley asked. I mumbled yes. "Okay, lets go then."
We all headed for the stage, the familiar nervous feeling fluttered around in my stomach and we walked. Devon put his arm around my shoulder in comfort.
"Now the band you have all been waiting for, I.D.R.K!" our manager announced to the fans.
We ran out on stage as the fans screamed our names.
I grabbed the mic stand in my hands and spoke into the mic. "This is for all the people we lost." then Keegan started on the guitar.
"Traffic jam inside my head, I think of words I should have said. Don't know if I'm strong enough to face this world alone, without the place I call home...'
I sing the lyrics I wrote with passion as I bounced across the stage to lean on Keegan. The fans scream and sing along as I brush my hands across their own.

(A/N) Sorry this is so short, but I will get back to it soon!*


Publication Date: 02-06-2013

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