» Mystery & Crime » Shhh...The Name of this Book is Classified!, Amy Lockhart [little red riding hood read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «Shhh...The Name of this Book is Classified!, Amy Lockhart [little red riding hood read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author Amy Lockhart

Certainly you want to close this book, for it can only bring you bad luck.
How can you possibly stand this no good, evil, cursed book.
Ahhghhh, quick your running out of time, close the book!
Please I beg of you, if you read on you might get sick!
To late, in about 20 minutes you are going to see spots!
Energy will overwelm you and you will possibly faint!
Relax, how can you relax when in 15 minutes you will get a case of amnesia!
Oh no, lights are going dimmer you freeze up!
Now you can feel yourself breath heavily.
Eventually you pass out!
On and on you sleep intill boom, you wake up!
Right away you find yourself in a big mansion.
"I hope you find your stay here injoyable!" you hear a ghostly voice say.
So you get up and wonder wich way to go, right or left?
If you picked right, you run out of the house screaming and catch a cab to Chicago.
To bad, if you picked left you ran to an elevator.

Will you choose to press the up button? If so just push. If you did not push the up button, you ran away from the elevator and ran out of the mansion. You hitched a ride to a doctor's office seeking mental help. If you did push the up button on the elevator you came to a stop at a room full of bats. You scream and A: Duck and cover your head intill the bats go away, or B:For some reason find a parachute in a near by supply closet and jump out of a two story high building into the busy street below. If you choose A your in luck! You find a napkin and a black pen in a near by drawer, A:You write an sos sign with the black pen on the napkin and hang it out the window, or B:Scream at the top of you lungs for help. If you picked A, good job! You smell smoke and notice that there is a fire on the first floor. Luckily someone sees your sos sign and calls the fire department. They quickly come and ask you to jump. They say you won't get hurt. A:You don't trust them, or B:You trust them and jump. If you picked A you were wrong. If you picked B you were safe but rused to the hospital.

IF you got all the questions right you are an intelligent person
with high expectations. If you got half of them right you are an amazing person with
pretty good expectations. And if you got none of them right better luck next time, your getting

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Publication Date: 07-11-2012

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