» Mystery & Crime » The Hidden, Becca A. [reading like a writer txt] 📗

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Thw car slows to a stop on the side of an empty road. "Why are we stepping Daddy?" I ask, looking out the window. The sencery in Mexico is pretty. "Sara, when I tell you to run you do if okay?" he asks. He sounds scared, he is never afraid of anything. " Daaddy ahats gping on?" I ask frightened. I look out the back wondow, there is four men comming twords our car, guns drawn. "Dad, whats going on?" I ask agin.

"Those men are going to kill me. Ill keep them busy enough for you to run. Dont trust anyaone.Stay hixddden.Tell no one" he tells me, just as one of the men points a gun at my dads window. "But-" I try to say 'But I can't let them kill you' but he cuts me off. "Do as I say. If you don't run, they'll kill you too" he whispers. "I love you sweetie" he says, throwing open his door. The man standing closes to the door is thrown back, and my door is pulled open.

Im dragged out of the car roughly, but my dad lunges at whos holding me. "Run!" he shouts. He says it so fericely and filled with so much pain, I have to run. I run as fast as I can, but look over my shoulder just in time to see my father being shot, and dropping to the ground, dead. A casade of tears roll down my cheeks, and I keep running, and don't look back.

The tears blurr my vision, but I keep running until I run into someone. I look up, frightened. Its an old woman, maybe in her 70's. At first, she speaks spanish, and I can't understand her. Then, seeming to understand I speak english, she changes langues. "Whats wrong child? Don't you know how dangerous it is out here?" she says.

My father said not to trust, but I have no where to go. "I can't tell you" I ghasp between sobs. "Then come with me" she says, and we go into her house. Its small, and broken down, like most houses in Mexico city. I don't tell her what happened.

I only tell her that Im all alone, and that my father told me to not trust anyone. She nods her understanding. She is kind, and I have that gut instinct that I can trust her. She takes care of me, and I learn spanish. But the death of my fathers murder will always haunt me, no matter where I hide.

Rule 1- Never look back

I rush out of the house, trying to make it in time to work. I work for a boat company, fixing old, and selling them. My feet barely make noise as I run across the street. Its beautiful here, where ever here is. I really don't know where I am, but I do know that Im not in Mexico anymore. I left Mexico a couple years ago, after the lady who found me, Rose, died.

I make it just in time. "Sara" a voice calls out to my right. The voice is female, and I can tell is used to speaking spanish. I turn, its Emila. Shes a firend I got to know working here. She waves me over. "Whats going on?" I ask, survaying the people aruging. Our boss, Meeko, and someone who left off their boat a while ago, mabey two weeks ago.

"¿Dónde está mi barco? ¿Por qué no lo terminó? Exijo me devuelvan mi dinero! Voy a vencer culo de alguien si no lo hago!" The coustomer screams. Loose translation, hes pissed that he can't get his boat back yet. "He keeps saying he left it here a month ago, and hes going to kill us all" Emila says, rolling her eyes.

Meeko is trying to reason with the man, but I see hes loosing his temper. "I'll go settle this" I grumble, walking over to the bickering people. "Hey, cállate ¿quieres? Que lo dejó aquí hace dos semanas. Pregunte a cualquier persona que trabaja aquí, ellos dicen lo mismo. Así que cállate, y volver en una semana" I say, putting my hand on my hip.

The man glares at me, but he knows not to mess with me. Hes a regular, name is Delgato. Last time he got into an argument with me, I nearly broke his arm. I might be small, but I know how to fight. Delgato stomps away.

Meeko nods his thanks to me, and goes back to his work. Hes not one for thank yous. Escpically since I usally end us up with more angry coustumers, because I cant keeps my mouth shut, as he would say. I should tell him that if I wasn't, they would all be robbing him blind. I go back over to Emila.

"That wasn't very smart" She remarks as soon as Im in hearing distance. "You already got one gang after you" she says, slightly worried. She is right, kinda. I do have people with grudges aginst me. Like, trying to kill me once in a while grudges.

"Well I don't care about him, hes all talk" I say, flipping my hair back when the passing by car blows it in my face. "Still..." she says, still uncertain. "You worry too much" I say, getting on to fixing the boat.

Emila fallows my lead. Shes younger than me, but still taller than me. I watch as she gets annoyed with her hair, nearly gouging the boat. I almost laugh when she falls. I pull her back up. "You need to tie it back" I say, handing her my hair tie I had around my wrist.

"How come you hair dosn't fly in your face? Our hair is the same legnth" she grumbles, putting her hair up. "Im facing twords the wind, your facing away from it" I say. She dosn't even seem to try to understand what I said. Shes distracted easily. We both go back to working on the boat.

After about four hours, I stop to take a break. Emila took one eailer, so she keeps working. I go to the back of the little shack of the store. Everything is warn down, you might think you were in Hati. Who knows, maybe this is Hati, I don't ever ask. I think its better that way. The ocean is clear and blue, and seems to go on forever.

I walk down to the dock, finally sitting on the edge of it, my feet almost touching the water. I lay back, but keep my senses on high alert. You never know what can happen to you. I can hear the water lapping at the dock, people yelling off in the distance, and the rustle of the trees and houses as the wind blows.

Theres proubly going to be a storm sometime soon. The sky looks clear right now, but I see darker clouds rolling in from the distance. The last one left some houses destroyed, which is good concidering how badly built the houses are.

I climb to my feet, and head back. When Im close enough, I can hear unfimilar voices, and Emilas concerned one. She almost sounds panicked. I quickly go over to see whats going on. There is two men, both clean and in nice clothes. Not good. No one from here is ever like that.

Emila quickly looks at me, and her panicked expression wornses. "Whats going on?" I ask harshly. "They said they needed to talk to you. I didn't know what to say" She whispers to me. I look back at them. They both seem serious, and offical. They dosn't look like the crule ones that found me 3 years ago, still I can't take any chances.

I bolt, leaving Emila. I don't think they'll hurt her. I turn on cornners, and doge around anything thats in my way. I can hear the guys heavy foot steps behind me, but not catching up. Once in a while they call out my name, but I don't look back. When I think I lost them, I slow down to a jog. When I dosn't hear their foot steps I look back. No one.

I put my hands on my knees, catching my breath. Then I hear them before I see them. They didn't stop, only slowed down, and now found me. When I jump up to run, the younger looking one grabs my wrist. Hes maybe in his earily 20's. Hes stronger than me, thats for sure.

I decide to hear what they have to say, then run for it. The older one comes over, maybe in his 40's. "You are Sara, right?" he asks, a little breathless. "You abviously know the answer to that" I grumble. "Guess so. We're from the fbi, Im Gavern and hes Nick" he says, nodding to the person holding my wrist.

"What do you want?" I ask, a little snappy. "We have reason to belive that you know what happened to your father, and maybe the answer to the case they were working on. Also because we have reason to belive that you are in danger" he explains. I flinched a little when he mentioned my father, but pushed it away. "Yeah, I kinda knew that. I have been for last 7 years. And I think you will too if you don't let me go. I don't know anything, so Im no use to you" I say, and pointly looking at the guy holding my wrist.

"Eaither way, we think it would be in your best intrest to come with us" Gavern says. "How 'bout no?" I say, quickly kneeing Nick, and running as soon as his grip is gone. I don't get very far before I hear shooting, directed at me.

I drop to the ground, reflectivly. Now, that is the guys who found me when I was 15, and basically torchered me until I almost died. The sight of them makes me freeze. Im terrified. I thought of that torchous month for years, and I thought I was over it now, apperently not. Gavern is shooting at them, and Nick runs over to me.

He yanks me to my feet, and pulls me along as he runs. I don't bother fighting him, and when were far enough, I snap out of my trance-like state and run along with him. I don't

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