» Mystery & Crime » Vengeance, Marisa Redhead16 [e book reader online TXT] 📗

Book online «Vengeance, Marisa Redhead16 [e book reader online TXT] 📗». Author Marisa Redhead16

Baby News

"I'm so excited," Saturday Billings told her sister Mary. 


"Why?" Mary looked up from her painting, a picture of a cat on a windowsill. Mary was a painter, and her work was becoming popular.


"I'm pregnant!" Saturday said, swishing back her brown hair.


"With Wren's baby?" Mary's eyes bugged out. She fiddled with her blonde ponytail.


"Aren't you excited? You'll be an aunt!" Saturday squealed.


"Yes, but...."


"But what?"


"Saturday, don't make the same mistake Mom did. She had Eudora when she was fourteen!"


"I'm sixteen, that's not much of a difference." Eudora was the oldest sister, who, unfortunately, was no longer on Earth.


"Having a baby is a big responsibility," Mary continued. "And some guys don't always support the mothers, not that Wren won't." she quickly added. Saturday was very protective of Wren. She hated it when anybody even thought about talking smack about him.




















Publication Date: 07-25-2014

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