» Mystery & Crime » 27 kills, Megan Stringfellow [read e book .TXT] 📗

Book online «27 kills, Megan Stringfellow [read e book .TXT] 📗». Author Megan Stringfellow

This is all too easy. The parents knocked out on the couch, the child in it's crib oblivious to the threat in it's house. I hurried to the couch, wearing all black, and a black long glove I slipped my butcher knife from my handle. I approached the sleeping parents cautiously, and slit their throats. Next for the child. I smiled evily as the moon cast a shadow in the room. I saw my bloody blade, and almost drooled at the sight of lucious blood. I'm no vampire, just a man with a blood desire. I climbed the old wooden steps finding my way to the little kid's bedroom. Toys littered the floor in a formation that resembled a train. I looked in the crib, and caught sight of the little child looking up at me with big eyes. It saw my knife, and immediatly felt danger spark inside of it. The baby cried, and cried. I heard the neighbors stirring in their houses. Lights popped on, and voices were muffled through the walls in the town house. I jumped out of the house leaving the door unlocked. I will find that kid later. Angry neighbors knocked in frustration, and the baby cried harder. A man tested the door knob, almost suprised it was unlocked he stormed in. That's when he saw my work. Blood puddled on the floor, and bodies slumped over lifeless. He didn't dare let out a scream he was scared I was there. He was lucky I wasn't. That's when they heard the child. They rushed up the stairs the blood that dripped from my knife guiding them. An elder woman rushed to the child's aid, and the others called the police. I watched all this unfold from the window. I couldn't hear their words considering a steel window was unfortunatly in between us, but I caught a few things. Like 'police are coming right away.' That's when I ran, shredding my black clothes. I tucked them into my napsack, and ran. I ran faster than I have ever in my life. I had to get away from the crime scene, knowing the police would search around the house. I can't be caught now, only twenty seven kills is not enough.

The next day I saw the headlines.
Child found alive, 27 murders this month! Who is behind this?

No one suspected that the man in a blue stripped shirt was the killer. That was my angle at least. I began reading the article curious what the newspaper would make out of this.

The child was okay, almost like he avoided the child. We know it's a he know because of back ground knowlege, and the child said "Man, Man!" We know the baby will grow to remember this day. Which is ecaxtly what we need so we can put a stop to this man!

Bull shit. That baby won't remember what happened before it's killed. By me. I will make an oath right here, right now. I will not kill anyone, nor anything untill that child is killed by me. If I have to sneak into it's coffin, and stab it's organs out I will. I will never be satisfiyed untill this child is gone.

Fifteen years later:
Still no sign of the girl. I have found out that the child I desire to kill is a female. Now fifteen she should be able to kill. If only I could find her. I know she stayed here, in Franchisten, but where is she staying. I have actually considered acting like a high schooler, just to find her. I wouldn't fit in, and I would be tempted to kill every snot infested child in the school. I am sticking to my oath. I mean I could pull it off though, only twenty nine. I know, I stared killing young. Tweleve is when I murdered my parents after they canceled our vacation. The rage filled me so quickly I couldn't help but slice their throats. I ran away after forcing my nanny to call 911. I killed her too. Three kills. I then killed my enemy, Francios, for taking all my money on my last day of school. I sliced his throat, took all his money, and ignored his parents who came home short after I left. Four kills. I then killed every person who annoyed me. Still twelve, I managed to find foster parents. Acting innocent I waited for something, anything to piss me off. Nothing happened, until foster mom got prenant. They got rid of me. I waited hoping they had some fun with their newborn, and killed them hoping to kill the child too. I still look on that night with disgust that I couldn't complete a job. twenty seven kills in a month. A new record. Things have calmed down though, with me not killing anymore. Right now i'm walking with my hands shoved in my pocket. I am in the plaza of our small town when the paper caught my eye.

The young girl who at age 0's parents who got murdered remembers!

Rence, a young fifteen girl lives a normal life. Well as normal as it can be knowning your parents were killed, and you were spared. She says she remembers bits of that night. "There was a man in all black, with a knife. He had a black rubber glove, and had a creepy evil smile on his face. I knew he ws danger, so I cried scared for my short life. The neighbors came, and that's all I remember. He just dissapered." Is he a magican? A worlock? Reporting for you Jerry finsihelu!

Wow, she actually remembers some. I am shocked no doubt, but now I got her name. One step closer. Then Im killing this Jerry dude who writes this crap. Seriously, A magican? A worlock? Who actually beleives this stuff. I dropped the newspaper down, and a girl glared at me.
"What?" I asked innocently.
"Put it back up on the stand." She ordered me.
I bust my butt for people, and you can't bend down, and freaking pick up a newspaper." She was freaking out.
"God, Rence...sorry." I hurridly picked up the paper.
"Thanks." She huffed out.
"You know your mighty attractive, and I want to tell my buddies at the bar about this, can I have a picture as proof?"
"Sure?" I grabbed my camera, and snapped one leaving me out of it. I moved on not bothering to say thanks. I heard foot steps behind me, and I swirled around. It was Rence.
"The newspaper is ruined. I want 3.95 on the dot." She demanded angrily. I shoved my hands in my pocket, and reluctantly pulled out the exact change. She nodded, and ran back. I continued walking. Yet again footsteps fell behind me. I twirled around nostrails falring.
"WHAT!" I screamed at the timid Rence.
"You look familier. Im not leaving until I find out how."


Text: I'd rather you not take this as your own, but if you want to I won't stop you.
Publication Date: 07-05-2011

All Rights Reserved

To my sister, Mallorie, keep rocking the clarinet!

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