» Mystery & Crime » The Sad End, Zema Zuruki [classic literature list .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Sad End, Zema Zuruki [classic literature list .TXT] 📗». Author Zema Zuruki

She stood by the door. Tears coming down her cheeks she thought nothing worse can happen to me can there. She was wrong. Alice Sat up from her bed forgotten everything about the night before. The maid ask " are you okay miss Alice" She replied "why would I not be fine" "miss Alice both your parents were killed yesterday how could you forget" stammered the maid. A scared face came to the poor Alice. She swore she would find the murders of her beloved parents. The maid asked if she wanted breakfast or if she wanted to skip the meal, Alice skipped but asked for tea. Hours passed no one said a word in the house. Later that night a knock on the door woke Alice she was not wanting to wake anyone else in the house so she decided to open it herself. Alice was not in her bed the next morning the maid got worried and called the butler to see if he had seen her but no one else was in the house. The maid as puzzled and called the house next door to see if they went on a field trip. They did not Alice had been kidnapped thought the maid. Meanwhile were Alice was a voice rang out "hello Alice" she replied "fine if I was not tied up" "sorry about that your highness. but I can't let you got Kings order" He said, "Kings order the King is dead my parents were killed a day ago" she stammered, he just laughed at her, and kept looking out the window of the carriage. Hours later the carriage stopped, she was pulled out of the carriage. Screaming, "you think this is how my father the real King would treat me!" "um yes cause that was his order dearest" the man said. She was so tired she had stayed the whole trip awake, Because she was in fear and she could not see they had put a cloth bag on her head so she was blind. They toke the bag off her head and she saw a portrait of her mother, the Queen. Then in front of them the kidnapers were bowing and, her father walked out of the back throne room. She shouted, "father your alive, the maid at the house said you and mother died, is mother okay" "Dear child that maid kidnapped you last night and, yes your mother is quite was fine as am I." Relief came over Alice she was so happy. A few normal days passed. There was a knock on the door, Lewis one of the butlers answered it and no one was there "hum, must be a stick on the door," But in truth the crazy maid sneaked in though the top of the doorway. suspecting nothing the butler closed the door. Unfortunately the butler did not survive the night, his body was found mutilated in the guest room were at the present time Alice was staying, "AH" screamed Alice. Her father came in the calm her saying" what is wro-" He saw the body, called for another butler to clean the mess up. He moved Alice to the room closest to his own. Everyday another Body popped up the King was furious. He almost had to have the Undertaker move in. A few days past without any deaths then one morning. Alice woke up and was bleeding from her head, Confused she did what she did naturally scream. Her mother and father rushed into the room and saw the blood, her mother fainted. They took her to a hospital across the town which took all day, they maid did not follow. Alice slipped out of conciseness and was almost pronounced dead. A few days later Alice was back home and in bed rest, and she slowly died without anyone knowing. That night her mother was checking on her and fainted again, and the Queen as well laid her last breathe that night. The maid starring at there cold dead bodies and laughs. The King does not find either Alice or the Queen until the morning to check on Alice. Alice and Queen Ann died April, 7th, 1887. King Andrew died March, 14th, 1903.


Publication Date: 09-20-2011

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