» Mystery & Crime » The Wives Of Edward Denbre, Robert F. Clifton [recommended reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Wives Of Edward Denbre, Robert F. Clifton [recommended reading .TXT] 📗». Author Robert F. Clifton

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a relationship developed between the two women. On market day, Joyce went shopping with the housekeeper. On those occasions Denbre carefully went through her belongings looking for anything that would reveal her wealth to him. At the same time there was a problem. For the first time in his life he was attracted to a woman and not for her money. He was falling in love. Still, old habits were hard to break and he constantly tried to get information from her about her finances.

Alone together in the evenings they sat quietly talking or listening to classical music, something that Joyce enjoyed. Edward went along with it, but was no great fan. Once in awhile

she offered to look at the books of his business. Each time he politely refused. Nonetheless, he was running out of excuses. He was now a wealthy man. There was no problem having someone examine his accounts. The problem would be answering as to how he developed his wealth, something he didn't want to do.

Instead he questioned her and found out that she had been married. Her husband, Howard had owned a marina in Shelter Bay, Massachusetts. He dropped dead of a heart attack at age thirty two leaving Joyce everything he owned. She sold the marina and never remarried. She had no children. Still, armed with that information Edward was unable to put a number on just how much money she had.

Joyce however, got Edward to speak about the tragic accident that took Henrietta's life. He also told her about Shirley Beauvals and the possibility that the woman might one day request and inquiry into the reading of Henrietta's original will.

“Why would she do that?”, asked Joyce.

“As I recall, before we were married Henrietta considered Shirley as almost a sister. Alone at the time I imagine that Henrietta in a weak moment decided that if anything happened to her her estate should go to Shirley.”

“Didn't you say that the Beauvals had money?”

“Yes, he manufactures concrete mix.”

“With them having money and at the same time living in Paris I sincerely doubt that they would be interested in a probate in an American court.”

“Money does funny things to people.”

“Speaking of money, how much is your accountant charging you?”

“Not too much. The largest bill comes at tax time and what he saves me in what I have to pay, his cost is well worth it.”

“I'd charge you nothing, nil, natta.”

“I know love, but I want you to stay as sweet as you are. I don't want you involved in ledgers, stock portfolio's, bonds and bank accounts, all of which would turned your attention away from me,” he said with a smile.

“Believe me darling. I will always pay attention to you.”


“Right to the end.”

“Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you just made a commitment.”

“Yes, I did.”

“Then, will you marry me?”

“Yes, Edward, yes.”

After the wedding and a honeymoon in Aruba Joyce took it upon herself to become a silent partner in Denbre Enterprises. Edward, very much in love never even thought of a prenuptial agreement before the wedding. His infatuation with his new bride resulted in him giving her anything she wanted. Fortunately, she didn't want much. What she wanted was a full disclosure of Edwards assets, and she told him so. “You do realize dear, that in this state anything you own means that I'm entitled to half, don't you?”

“Yes of course,” he answered.

“Then, the way I see it I'm entitled to know just what my half amounts to now.”

“Why is that so important to you?,” he asked.

“I lost one husband with a heart attack. There was no warning. He kissed me good by, went to work and two hours later he was dead. You can't imagine the time I had getting his estate settled. The probate alone took months. During that time I found that he owed money and was owed money. I had to turn some delinquent accounts over to a collection agency. They took a percentage. It was a terrible time darling and I don't want to go through it again.”

“I see. Well, if it is so important to you then I'll make sure that you know our finances and I'll change my will. However, when it comes to the business, things have been rather slow for sometime now. I'll make arrangements for you to meet with the accountant and my broker. To tell you the truth they know more about my so called wealth then I do. Is that alright with you?”

“Of course dear, but I'm telling you right now that after those meetings I intend to take over the accounting duties.”

“If that's what you want, then so be it.”

“Incidentally, you received a letter from Shirley Beauval.”

“What does she have to say?”

“She's still sadden by Henrietta's accident and hopes that you are well. She hopes that you will correspond with her in the future.”

“Should I?”

“No. She was a friend of Henrietta not yours.”

“You're right, of course.”

“I'm always right dear. Always.”

“Did you sleep alright last night? I woke when you got out of bed. I don't know what time it was,” said Edward.

“It was around two o'clock. I couldn't sleep so I got up and took a Valium. After that I was alright. Speaking of Valium I have to call the doctor for a new prescription.”

“How long have you been taking it?,” asked Edward.

“Going on four years now. It all started just before Howard died. I had a miscarriage then on top of that bills started to accumulate. There's not too much income in the marina business during the winter except for boat storage. I was distressed over losing the baby, Howard began drinking. Then, with his death I more or less went to pieces. My doctor prescribed Valium and I've been using it ever since.”

“I see.”

“What I want to know is information on the lease for your office on Atlantic Ave.”

“I'm glad you mentioned it. It's almost time to renew.”

“Edward, you're paying three hundred and fifty dollars a month for a one room office you never use. Let the lease expire. We'll conduct our future business here at home. We'll convert the studio apartment into an office and write it off at tax time.”

“If that's what you want, fine.”

“That's what I want. I also want you to clean the master bathroom and shower. I notice the beginning of mildew on the shower curtain.”

“Renata can do it tomorrow.”

“I have no intention of waiting to bathe until Renata comes to work. Clean the bathroom and use Clorox.”

“That stuff is strong. It takes your breath away.”

“It also cleans and disinfects. Use the Clorox. And make sure you clean every inch, including the shower curtain.”

“Alright, alright.”

“We wouldn't have a mildew problem if you had a fan installed in the bathroom.”

“I know, I know. You've told me that several times.”

“And you don't listen. Clean Edward, just clean. Now I have to call the doctor.”

Denbre stood at the kitchen sink carefully pouring pure Clorox into a plastic spray bottle. He wore rubber gloves not wanting the smell of the cleaning fluid on his hands. When the spray bottle was filled he then carried the bottle to the master bathroom. For the next thirty minutes he scrubbed the tile walls and floor of the shower stall, all the while trying to see through watery eyes as the fumes of the Clorox irritated them.

Once in awhile he coughed and had to step out of the bathroom and into the hallway where he could breath normally. As he stood catching his breath Joyce walked up to him. “What's wrong?.” she asked.

“The Clorox. The fumes made it hard for me to breath.”

“Are you almost finished?”, she asked.

“I still have to do the shower curtain.”

“Then do it. I don't want to see any signs of mold or mildew.”

“Did you call the doctor's office?”

“Yes. He renewed my prescription and the nurse called it into the pharmacy. It should be delivered by this afternoon.”

“Good. Alright, let me get back to work. I'm almost done.”

Joyce walked into the bathroom and looked at the shower floor. “You should have used more bleach than that,” she said.

“I used a whole bottle. That should have been more than enough.”

“We'll see,” she replied as she walked away.

The next morning the couple sat having breakfast when they heard Renata use her key to enter the apartment. When she did she said, “Oh, my. How can you sit there and eat with the smell of bleach in the place.?”
“Edward cleaned the bathroom shower. It was becoming green with mildew,” Joyce answered.

“I would have done it this morning,” Renata replied.

“That's what I told her”, Edward responded.

“ It did him good and the smell will go away. I left the grocery list on the kitchen table”, said Joyce.

After breakfast Edward took the morning Atlantic City Press into the living room. Still dressed in pajamas and robe he sat reading the newspaper as Joyce got dressed. Out of habit the first thing he read was the financial page. He looked over the stocks he owned. Satisfied that all, but one was making money he then turned to those he had an interest in making an investment. He reached for a ballpoint pen on the end table next to him and circled two particular stocks that he would inquire about with his broker. As he did Joyce walked into the room. “What are you doing?,” she asked.

“There's two stocks I want to ask about. If they're solid I might buy,” Denbre answered.

“Don't you think that you should ask me first?”

“Not really. I said I was merely looking into them and might buy some shares. Notice the word might.”

“Just remember, I know our finances. You don't. All you know is spend. Play at the casino's. Buy stocks and bonds that go no where. That might have been alright before we married, but now you're dealing with our money. Not just yours.”

“ Speaking about our money I haven’t seen any of yours. When I first met you all you wanted to do was make investments. As far as I know you still haven't made any.”

“Believe me Edward when the right opportunity comes along I'll invest. However, unlike you my dear,you pick stock like you gamble, on hunches. I bet on sure things.”

“Oh yeah, give me an example.”

“That's easy. You.”

“What do you mean by that?”

“ If you don't know darling I don't have time to explain it to you. Someday you'll see what I mean.”

“It probably means that you picked a winner.”

“Yes, that's what it means. You're some winner.”

Edward smiled as he made his way to the bathroom. As he did he asked, “Is the smell of bleach gone? I want to shave.”

“You'll live. If it gets bad hold your breath,” said Joyce and she poured another cup of coffee. As she took sips she searched the internet on her laptop computer.


























Chapter Eight



Months later Edward and Joyce sat in the office of Byrnes, Byrnes and Coleman, Attorney's At Law. Herman Byrnes looked at the couple and said, “I want to go over this one more time just in case either one of want to change your minds.”

“No, I can assure you that we're both satisfied with the arrangement. Please go ahead,” said Joyce Denbre.

“Alright, the new organization of Denbre Enterprises means that you, Joyce Denbre are now First, Vice President. It also means that you now own forty nine per cent of the company. Edward retains fifty one per cent. At the same time at the request of Edward I have, with his instructions changed his will. Should he pass away, everything he owns, Denbre Enterprises, Real Estate, stocks and bonds, cash, all goes to you, Joyce Denbre. However, New Jersey Marital Property Law stipulates that any property inherited by one spouse before marriage as a gift or inheritance is referred to as separate property. This means in the case of divorce those assets obtained as a result of the untimely deaths of the former wives of Edward Denbre remain his. Do you understand what I'm saying,

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