» Mystery & Crime » Eyes Like Ice, Radia Al Rashid [best way to read ebooks .txt] 📗

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here, the nurse gave me this bracelet after going to the hospital when Jules had this accident. I kinda forgot to give it to you.” She brings the black and gold bracelet out of her pocket.

“O wow! Isn’t it that bracelet we found in the basement when I was in the middle school?” I caress the beautiful, shiny gold design with my thumb.

“I think so, yeah!” she smiles a bit, “Well. I’m going then, don’t forget to call me if...”

“If I want anything? I won’t Ma’am.” I grin.

“Cool, you better not forget!” beaming, she leaves the room.

I still wonder whose bracelet was it before leaving this at the basement! Was it accidentally dropped there or someone intentionally left it? Wait! Wasn’t I wearing this bracelet when we had the accident? Suddenly, a shiver brushes down my arms. I have goosebumps even after being in layers. Is it something like a cursed bracelet or what! But I don’t believe in such things… it just doesn’t make any fricking sense. Well, let’s experiment with this thing! I can wear it from now on and see what happens next. I almost laugh at my own thoughts as it seems so childish to believe a bracelet can cause any danger.

Well, no harm can be caused in giving it a go though I’m pretty darn sure it doesn’t have any connection with the problems that are happening in my life. Or does it?

The thought unnoticeably sends another chill down my spine. I shift my attention towards the plate of food. Yum! It’s mac n cheese. Thank God, Serena insisted me in having the dinner or else I would’ve missed this delish. A grin pulls to my lips and I unconsciously slip the bracelet down around my left wrist.

I could’ve unlocked the door to some weird dream of mine unless suddenly my phone started ringing. With sleepy-sloppy hand I grab the phone from the nightstand before switching on the lamp.

“Hello? Kate, what’s up? Is Jules ok?”

“Julia is alright, she’s awake!” Kate’s voice filled with joy.

“Really? How’s she doing?” I leap up to sit.

“She is better than we could ask for. She is uttering words... I mean not entirely clear and crisp but she’s smiling, and trying to talk as much as she can. She even said your name.”

“You kidding! This is amazing! Can I get to talk to her?” my voice finds its excitement-mode pitch.

“Sure! Hold on a sec.” Jules, it’s Evelyn. Say hello to her. Kate’s voice sounds muffled.

“Eve!” Jules’ trailed off voice instantly brings tears to my eyes.

“Jules? You awake Jules! You’re now calling my name. I’m feeling like I’m hearing your voice after eons! I love you Julia.” My throat almost shuts off with the hint of brimming tears.

“Likewise, Eve! Kay... now sleep” the broken words hold that old... loving, sisterly affection that shakes me to the core.

“Alright, Jules. You too sleep sound. I will be right there first thing in the morning.”

“She’s very happy, Eve! I can’t stop smiling like an idiot but my heart is literally fluttering right now. See? I told you someday everything would be just fine.” Kate’s shaky voice gives off the presence of tears in her eyes.

“I know, Katie. I love you so much. Thanks for coming... for tolerating my bad temper and for taking care of Jules.”

“Alright! Emotional hours are off. Now, go get some sleep missy.” She chuckles.

“Yeah, you too. Good night.”

“Good night sweetie.”

Kate is right! Whatever the heck I thought would darken my life... however pessimistically I dealt with my worries... the bottom line is WE WILL GO THROUGH IT ALL. JULES IS TRYING TO TALK... SHE’LL START RESPONDING WITH ALL HER SENSES VERY SOON. God will not let us down. I believe so... I KNOW so!

After too many emotional episodes, we finally arrive home with Jules. She does not need the wheelchair now as she almost got ahold of her lower body movements. I feel like leaping like a little child holding her tightly by one arm while she limps across the way home.

“God! Jules, you can almost walk now... you’re talking... I am so happy.”

“I know! Me... I’m happy too!” her voice trails off.

“Eve! Can you grab the meds from the car?” Kate looks over her shoulder after settling Julia down on a couch.

“Sure thing!” Smiling at them, I duck out of the living room. I catch Anna going towards Julia with the corner of my eyes which immediately maddens me. Struggling to halt, I choose to stride away from her quickly.

I take out the meds and about to close the car door when the voice comes in.

“Hey, Evelyn! How’s your sister doing?”

NO...NO, NO! not you. I’m never facing you; I took an oath to myself. Please, God, do something to distract the guy. I am no more in the state of talking to him after what the fricking hell did I do just yesterday. God! not even a single day has passed since! My face flushes crimson when I realize he is still standing right behind me. Gathering all the courage and energy, I turn to him.

“Hi! Great, she’s doing much better than before. She seems to have impaired a little physically because of the unnecessary dose of sedative but thankfully, it hasn’t caused any major damage. So, yeah! She’s trying to walk, she’s almost talking. thank you for asking.” Racing the words out, I turn around and close the car door.

“That’s such a wonderful news. I’m so happy to hear that.” A little grin mixes with his usual calm voice to make it even more irresistible.

“Yeah, me too! I’m happy too. See you around maybe! Bye.” I get seriously surprised at my swift and smooth deliverance of speech to Mister Knee-weakening voice.

“You okay, Miss Lawrence?”

“Me? Couldn’t be okay-er… I mean more okay.” I blurt out without turning to him.

“Cool! See you soon.” he lets out a little laugh before pacing away.

Shoot! Shoot! Is he growing more attractive or am I being a crazy moron! I’m not supposed to interact with him, not anymore after my oh-so-dramatic and So-embarrassing actions.

I sneak a peer at him over my shoulder before going home.

“Hey, Jules! You’re gonna have to listen to a lot of my jabbering, okay?” I scoot over to put the bag of meds on the table.

“Yeah!” she smiles.

My smile fades out after seeing Anna sitting right beside Julia.

“What are you doing here? I’m not seeing any sedative around.” I cannot stop my thoughts from speaking out loud. Shit!

“What! Evelyn. You’re going extra miles here, I must say. She is totally okay now and that was an accident. It could be you and your stupid alien hand syndrome. Stop making me guilty whenever you get the chance to. I did not choose to do whatever happened that night.” Anna storms off.

I forcefully stop the urge to snap back and as a matter of fact, I do have a lot of logicalities to back my argument up. Well, Julia hasn’t come home to face these shits, so, I got to stop, at least in front of her.

“Eve, it’s... y’ know, accident.” Julia tries to minimize the intensity of brewing anger beneath my steeled face.

“I get it, Jules! I’m sorry to be so short-tempered always. Anyway, what are you up to? What are you looking at?” I scoot over to find Will’s photo holding stiffly in her hand.

“What... where is he?”

“I-I don’t know. He called before...” She lets out an unconscious whisper.

“What! When? Before when Jules? Did you pick it up?”

“Yes... he asked me to go... to go there but... I couldn’t,” she heaves a deep breath out. “then it happened... I’m tired.” Sweats begin to roll down her temples.

“Calm... calm down, Jules. It’s ok, you do not have to tell anything right now! okay? Just relax now. We’ll figure out about Will later. Do not sweat over anything, just do focus on your health. Smile, laugh... do whatever that makes you happy.” I look into her eyes.

“Love you, Eve! I’m happy...” she smiles wryly.

“I’m literally on cloud 9000, look at you! You’re almost totally healed now.” I hug her.

“The sisters seem to forget about their very special aunt, I see!” Kate cocks her head to a side and smile brightly.

“Look, who is here! That beautiful girlfriend of Mister handsome.” I give a smirk.

“Ow shut it, missy!” Kate gives me a little shove.

“I want to hear.” Julia smiles.

“You will… but first eat the meal and meds, get some sleep. Then you’ll hear EVERYTHING.” Kate puts an arm around Jules’ shoulders.

“You don’t have any idea how much relieved I’m feeling to see you talking and laughing, Jules.” Serena brushes off the droplet of tear after putting the tray on the table.

“I know... you guys...” Julia’s words trail off.

“Cool! Now I’m gonna feed you the meal first...”

“No, crazy! She has to try on her own, we’ll be here to help.” Kate cuts me off.

“Sure, but seriously! I think only this time I should intervene.”

“No, you shouldn’t, she can eat on her own now.” Kate grins.

The rest of the afternoon is spent so smoothly that I haven’t even thought about another soul upstairs. After settling Jules up for sleep, I unknowingly climb up the stairs and stop before the door to the guest room.

Should I just shove away the fight and fix everything or, should I keep lingering on the bad blood! I don’t know. This is not the first or only time I have fight with Anna. We have had the highest numbers of fights over our friendship among all possible friendships in the history of the world. but nothing felt this awkward and somewhat mysterious like this one.

I chew on the inside of my lip, back off five to six times right after advancing to knock the door. Something is not feeling quite right this time. Anna is not hiding anything from me, is she? Well, I think a walk in the open air will steady my mind at this moment. Stepping outside, my eyes wander towards the house next door and immediately I feel like shrinking down to a tiny dot and vanish into the air. I want this walk but I absolutely never want Miller to see me. So, I go around the house to walk in the backyard, from where, Miller’s house is not in any way to be seen. The soft grasses feel great against my barefoot. I always take off the sandal to walk more closely to the nature whenever I come to the backyard. It has become more like a ritual since... since when I was a little kid. Inhaling sharply, I look at the screen of my phone that suddenly vibrates.

Holy moly! This thing is literally bursting with gazillions of texts! I have been out of the network for over two weeks. And, this is what happens when you turn off the airplane mode after this long. Argh!

Chapter Eleven


Before shoving the phone in my pocket, my eyes fixate on one text, probably from Sara. This is not the name of the sender that draws my attention but the text... the words it contains. Sitting down on a bench I quickly tap on the text.

“Hey, Eve! Is Anna at your place? I just heard from a neighbor that someone killed her cat the

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