» Mystery & Crime » Eyes Like Ice, Radia Al Rashid [best way to read ebooks .txt] 📗

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Chapter Fourteen

I look down at my watch after stopping before Richard’s parking lot. It says, 1:35.

Darn it! I am too early this time. Why am I always not in my usual self when it comes to this guy! What do I do now? His car is here which means he’s home, taking rest or doing some other stuff! I am not supposed to make my presence known to him now, when he clearly told me to meet him here at 2. Ow No! I frustratingly run my hands across my face. Scanning around one last time, I decide to take a brief walk instead. Hoping it’ll kill time more quickly than standing here like an idiot.

“Hey! Are you going somewhere?” an attractive voice comes from the left, not as alluring as Richard’s though.

Staggering a bit, I turn to the side, “Hey! Um... just taking a walk.” There stands a really handsome blonde, well-built, blue eyes shining brightly, not icy-cold like his. He must be elder than me by some years, I can’t guess exactly how many. Damn he is good-looking.

“You must be new here, cos I can’t remember seeing you around before.” I straighten my shirt, for no reason. Just one of the many stupid-moves my body does whenever it’s confronted by a cute guy.

“Mhm, you can say that! It’s been two weeks, a little more probably I moved here. You don’t seem to be out much as I never really saw you since.” His ocean-blue eyes sparkle with a smile.

“Well, I’ve never really been a homebody but for some, y’ know unexpected reasons, had to stay home lately.” I stop explaining my life story to him any further. He doesn’t care why you didn’t come out. He is just continuing the conversation!

“Ah, I’m sorry to hear that. Hope whatever the reasons are, will go away soon. Aron Wilson.” He holds out a hand.

“Eve, Evelyn Lawrence.” I shake his hand sloppily. Nope, didn’t mean to, just another stupid move.

“It feels good to have a cute girl around, especially in the neighborhood full of old couples and hardcore career-driven guys.” A corner of his lips, twitches flirtatiously. Yes, you guessed it right, my cheeks enter its favorite mode in no time giving off the heated scarlet flush. He seems to be amused quite a bit by my reaction as I catch him grinning at my face. He looks breathtaking but cannot make my knees weak, like someone else.

“Hello guys!” yes, now this is weakening my idiot knees.

“Hi!” Aron shifts his smile from let’s flirt babe to nice to see you neighbor mode.

“You already here, Evelyn!” footsteps come closer from behind.

I turn around and shrug, “O yeah! It’s already almost 2, anyway.”

“You beat me this time.” Richard grins.

“You guys are...” Aron sounds confused.

“We’re... we’re friends slash good neighbors, y’ know! Hey, Richard, he’s Aron, new to our neighborhood.” I shift nervously.

“I know, not quite new, actually! Hey man, what’s up?” Richard and Aron give each other this one arm hug that guys do. Wow! I am always the weird one out... literally everywhere!

“So, you’re going somewhere maybe? See you later then.” Aron shoves his hands in his pockets.

“Yeah! We are going somewhere. See you around.” I almost echo his words.

Richard opens the car door for me. Giving Aron a smile I hop in the car. Richard says something with Aron before laughing a bit and clambering in the driver’s seat. Aron also is seen laughing on his way back home.

“So, you guys know each other already?” I ask.

“Yeah! We’ve been friends, like for quite a while.” He starts the car.

“Wow! You guys were friends even before he moved in here?”

“Yes!” he gives a small grin.

I better not show too much interest in every corner of his life. let him be!

“So? What’s the first destination? Anna’s house or William’s?” he asks keeping his eyes steady on the road before him.

“I was thinking about Anna’s but we didn’t talk about this last night, did we? As far as I can remember, it was only the plan to go to William’s place.”

“We didn’t talk about it but you did mention you needed to meet Anna’s mom, so thought killing two birds with a stone would be a good idea.” This time he looks at me. Damn those eyes!

I give a little nod, “It’s in the lane behind Target, I mean the one next to this locality. I’m afraid if I’m helping much. Argh! I’m too bad with locations.” I grunt.

“No, it’s good. I get it what you’re trying to say. It’s the 1302 S. La Brea Avenue if I’m not wrong.”

I look at him, “Thanks so much for helping me out. I’m grateful... really.”

“Why, you’re most welcome! What are the friends slash good neighbors for if they can’t come to help when it’s needed?” he winks.

“God! You always love to make fun of me. I know I’m stupid, and I don’t know why I become tenfold stupid while dealing with you. It doesn’t mean you have to laugh at me all the time.” I furrow my brows.

“No! what are you even saying? Why would I make fun of you, Evelyn? I just found that introduction very interesting, not funny at all. Most importantly, you’re not stupid. Well, I’m not just saying it for the sake of saying. I mean it, you’re really cute, not stupid. I apologize for teasing you though, I shouldn’t have done it. It’s just, your reactions are so adorable when I tease you. I am sorry!”

Those last words literally stop my heartbeat altogether before setting it on 1000 beats per second. Holy moly! He needs to be rude and insensible to save me from doing something utterly stupid this time. He thinks I’m cute! Shit, I’m gonna die.

“It’s okay, no worries.” I look down at my hands on my lap.

“You okay?” the concern in his voice is adding to the already intense environment his aura has created inside the car.

“Yeah, I-I am just a little nervous and worried to face the unanswered events that are waiting ahead.” I lick my dried-out lips.

“Evelyn, listen, it is normal for you to get a little nervous at the thought of this secretive mess we’re going to unravel. Guess you just need to accept the fact that sometimes life doesn’t treat you all plain and beautiful. Life can be quite nasty at some points, but we need to face it. We are gonna find out William and you’ll be knowing everything about Anna and her distorted cat choking habit, cool? There’s no use of aching your head over all these. Try to relax a bit now.”

His words are backed with such a force, not so overpowering but by no means, fragile. Each and everything he just said places their firm yet calming presence in my chest. I can feel the tight knot on the pit of my stomach getting loose, letting me exhale with much more ease and comfort.

“You’re right Mr. Know-it-all, I have the unbeatable talent of overthinking, can’t help it.” I pump my eye-brows.

“O yeah? Then Mr. Know-it-all would suggest you to get rid of that talent ASAP! No matter how much you seem to like it.” A hint of a grin fills his voice. “Gosh! I forgot to ask. Did you have lunch?”

I quickly take a glance at the time, it’s already 2:30. I try to calculate in my head how much time do I get to be done with both Anna’s and Will’s cos there’s no way I can be out after dinner. I can’t make anyone doubt me or, Richard more than Anna already made them to.

“Yeah, I did, but did you?” I chewed the inside of my cheeks to stop me coming up with something stupid to bury the lie. I’m such a No Go with lying.


“Some music would help to y’ know calm my hyperactive anxiety now. Can I play from my playlist?” I really need to cover up the loud rumbling my stomach is about to start.

“Sure!” the looks are distant in his eyes.

“Cool then...” I cut it short before asking him if he is okay cos, he clearly is swimming inside of his head right now. God knows what can possibly go on in there.

O good Lord! Why do I always listen to lovey-dovey songs? Isn’t there not a single song which will make me look cool to this Greek God? You really are a hopeless romantic, aren’t you! I wince at my playlist while scrolling up and down.

“Anything wrong?” the regular Icy stares are back in his eyes which kinda gives me a little relief.

“Huh? Nope, I was just mulling something over, no biggie!” I give up on the mission to find out one “Cool” song and tap on “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran. Fuck it! This is who I am, if he thinks it’s too romantic, he can go to hell.

“Ah, I love this song.” Richard’s voice zaps me back to the car.

“Yeah? Thought you’d be more into, y’ know metal and rock stuffs.”

“Why is that?” he chuckles.

“I don’t know, it’s just, a wild guess you can say.”

“I hardly listen to music to be honest. I’m kinda boring, if you ask.” He gives a half smile.

“Why is that?” I mimic his voice making him grin ear to ear.

BAD... Bad idea Evelyn! He’s looking like a fricking piece of perfection.

“I once WAS into rock music, to a great extent actually. Your wild guesses are great, I must say.” He gives his regular grin. “We even used to practice back in the first year of college but something just came up. Then I couldn’t continue that anymore.” The last words were let out a little slowly.

“Woah! You used to practice? That’s crazy! Were you the vocal or?” I cannot keep the surprise away from my tone.

“Yeah! Well, it’s been quite a while now. Guess I already forgot to sing even a lullaby let alone a real rock song.” He snickers.

“But what...”

“So? Looking someone?”

“What? I don’t get it um...” I mumble.

“I’m sorry if I sounded too shamelessly direct but I’m not really into “your boyfriend must be so lucky to have you” sort of cliché.” He shrugs.

My skin feels like it’s been set on fire. My face must be a ripe strawberry at this point, “Ah No! it’s just I’ve never had any boyfriend.”

“Woah! You sure?”

“Yeah, why? You have issues with single since birth girls?”

“God, no! I mean, your song preference... it says you are quite romantic at heart and...”


“You are beautiful and funny, so, that’s certainly shocking to know nobody dared to make a move towards you.”

“Why thank you, I-I’m flattered.” I manage to let out this much before turning towards the window to calm my crazy heart down. It’s literally planning to get out of my chest.

“Just telling the truth.” He teases.


“Here we are, is it the lane you were talking about?” he cuts me short.

I look around to find the pale cream building standing on the left, “Yes! Here it is, should I go... I mean alone? Or, should you come with me?” I can feel my anxiety rising in light speed.

“Hey, hey... Shh! Evelyn, you already know Anna’s mom and we’re not going to sneak into their apartment, right? You’ll just head there and ask her about the day her daughter left for your place. Try to know what exactly happened to that cat. That’s it, it’s nothing scary... at all. You got this.” He leans towards me a bit.

I gulp the lump in my throat partly out of the anxiety, and partly because he is too close.

“Does it mean you’re going to be here, waiting?”

“Yes, it’ll look suspicious if an unknown guy goes in there to ask about her daughter, no matter if you’ll

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