» Mystery & Crime » Every Hundred Years, Mackenzie Herrst [best book club books of all time .TXT] 📗

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promise ring, a promise that you’ll keep my heart safe , warm and will love it forever, i know you will."
"Kurt, i don’t know what to say." I took the ring from him and slipped it on my right hand. Thank you i had been waiting for a moment such as this dating masons best friend would mean I would be around Mason more and I could be close to Sydnee too.
"How about Yes

"Yes!" then i through my arms around his neck, then in a flurry of light I saw myself in Jordan’s arms in my bedroom like this just earlier today then i opened my eyes and i was dancing with Kurt again.

The Supprise

~Later That Night~

Kurt and I had finally decided that we should stop dancing so we took a break we walked through he sand holding hands over to were Mason a Sydnee were siting.
"Hey guys what’s up?" Kurt and I said in unison, we all laughed when they said "Not much how bout you guys?" in unison too.
"Oh hey I'll be right back make sure you listen Sydnee." He said jumping up and running then disappearing into the crowd.
"Okay?!" Sydnee shouted after him half question half not. We all laughed again.
"Save our seats Kurt and I are going to grab some Food." I said standing up and going to the food stand Kurt in tow.
"Sure." i heard her faintly over the blaring music.
When we got back from getting food there was a tap on the mike, and the music paused and Mason’s voice came through on the mike
"May i have your attention every one I have an Announcement to make, Sydnee Bogard, I love you, and i promise to love you like it’s the last time for the rest of my life, if.. You’ll just marry me." Mason sure did have an announcement to make I sneered to myself. "Sydnee are you out there?!" Mason called looking through the crowd then i looked behind me were Sydnee was siting, she sat there resting her face on her hand but not lazily she had a frozen shocked look on her face, I nudged her she came back from her lifeless pose she stood up.
"YES!!!" she screamed and I sighed. she ran up to the DJ stand were Mason stood, rushing by the crowd, and into his arm, he was still holding the mike and it was close to her face when she whispered to him. "Yes, I love you too." she blushed when she realized that she had been over the speakers, then Mason presented a ring I couldn’t see from back here were I sat at the table. we spent the rest of our night there Kurt and i in the sand on the beach Me sprawled in his lap drifting in and out of sleep, Mason and Sydnee to our left, Sydnee doing the same as I, This night was quiet the surprise.

Thes Times...


Finally after drifting in and out for hours I felt the black consume me.
A bright Wight light shown through the dark, then it faded away becoming a pale day there was a little girl in a light blue sun dress and her red hair pulled into curls around her face, and a little boy in blue jeans and a red T-shirt he had brown hair long but still short, they were under a weeping willow that was by a pond, they were talking, then i remembered that was me and Mason as kids. I walked closer to them, little Mason got up and walked straight to the very edge of the pond and looked down at one of the coy fish in the pond, little me walked up behind him and wrapped my little arms around his waist put my chin on his shoulder and looked into the pond at the coy fish to. As i stood there watching them I realized that this was the day that I realized I was in love with Mason. Little Mason turned his body around and little me dropped her arms Mason bent over a little to reach my face and he kissed me on the cheek.
"Sydnee would you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend?" little Mason said, Mason always talked like that when he asked me about love, he was always sweet to me.
"I will do you that honor." little me said with a smile then the smile faded I closed my eyes and lead in and kissed him on the lips and then went back to where they had been laying before an laid down again, Mason quickly composed himself once more and went and laid beside me again. All the sudden the pail light turned black and then the pond the weeping willow the grass blowing in the trees little Mason and me were gone, someone was whispering in my ear, "Sydnee it's time to go you need to wake up." it was Mason, I half opened my eyes and I saw the ocean it span out in front of me going for miles dark blue almost black in the night.
"Ok i need to talk to Alex anyway." I said half conscious.
"Ok well let’s go home and you can talk to her there, ok?" Mason said. "What were you dreaming about you had a smile on your face the whole time you were sleeping?"
"I was dreaming about the day you asked me to be your girlfriend, remember?" I asked him turning my head in his lap to look up at him.
"By the weeping willow? And the pond? When we were about 8 years old?" Mason asked looking down at me fondly.
"Yes, that exactly." I said looking up at him.
"Well I would love to stay here and reminisce with you but we need to get home." Mason said starting to stand up, I get up to we all start to walk back to the truck me and Alex climb in the back and Mason and Kurt close our doors for us, and then climb in the front.
"Alex?" I asked in the near blackness the only light was coming from the dash board, which wasn't much.
"Yeah?" she answered, as my eyes adjusted to the new kind of black I could see the outline of Alex’s' figure, the truck started with a roar Alex and I both jumped, then laughed at ourselves.
"I want to see your ring, may I?" I had noticed Kurt had given her one and I decided I would look at it on our way home.
"Oh sure! May I see yours?" She asked excited. I handed her my ring and she handed me hers, I loved hers so simple so elegant yet still understated, I handed her the ring back, and she gave me mine, I looked at My intricate flower blooming with a small pink diamond in the center, the flower was on top of a vine of silver and leaves of silver on either side of the flower, I loved it. After a few minutes my head fell against the window and I fell asleep.





The unwanteds...

~ September 11th~

I hadn’t slept much I was having lots of nightmares that made me restless but for some reason last night I didn’t dream at all it was just black it was odd, I usually tossed and turned all night but this morning I woke up exactly how I had fallen asleep curled up on my side, blankets pulled close to my face.
“Happy Birthday, I’m going to go downstairs and make breakfast, don’t forget we are leaving at 1 so don’t take too long.” Mason had whispered in my ear this morning before I had gotten up. Today is my birthday tomorrow is Alex’s, so tonight from 11-1 we were having a beach party to celebrate we were both going to be 25 and in a month so would Mason and Kurt.
“Sydnee you awake?” Mason called from the bottom of the stairs I assumed.
“Yes I’m awake I’ll be down in soon I’m going to get a shower.” I called down to him as I got out of bed and grabbed my towel off the back of the bed room door, then crossing the room to go into the pent house master bathroom.
“All right just don’t take too long I made bacon and eggs and I want you to eat before it gets cold.” Mason called up to me right as I closed the door behind me, I laid my towel on the side of the huge bath tub and put the cork in the drain and started to draw hot bath water I put my hand under the faucet and while the water filled the tub I undressed and pulled my way too long of hair into a messy tight bun, I waited about 2 min till the tub was ¾ s full of steaming water I climbed in, it was nice just lying there in the huge tub, there very relaxing, I brought one hand out of the water and rubbed the knots out of my neck. After I had finished relaxing my mussels I grabbed my sponge and body soap and scrubbed the stress away, I kept telling myself that it was my birthday I shouldn’t be like this I should be over joyed who doesn’t like birthdays (Me) I thought to myself sulking like a

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