» Mystery & Crime » It All Started At Four Corners, Robi Crusoe [best black authors .txt] 📗

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your simple witnesses. After we arrived at the house, both of you, along with Ms. Whittington, went into the kitchen to get a drink. This was when you committed your second act of villainy. You both grabbed the knife at the same time and plunged it into Ms. Whittington’s back. See, I found Ms. Whittington’s will upstairs in her room, and I was surprised by the fact that the envelope that it was in had been opened. But when I read it, I knew the truth. Ms. Whittington wrote that whoever her husband was would inherit her fortune when she died. But, if she happened to pass away before one of you became betrothed to her, all of the remaining suitors would inherit her fortune. That was what you were after, not love, but money. And you were determined to get it, even if it meant killing somebody.”

The two men laughed.

“That is a mighty fine story, Ms. Carter, but I can assure you that none of it is true. I mean, you don’t even have proof!”

“Actually, I think I have enough evidence to put you two away for good! Dari, come here please!” Addison called. Dari Stutter then came rushing into the room, carrying a test tube, and a sheet of crisp white paper. She handed them off to Addison, and then waved at the crowd. Addison rolled her eyes, quickly returning to her explanation.

“This test tube contains a sample of blood from Ms. Whittington’s shirt. What surprised me though was that the sample did not just contain one person’s blood. It contained two, yours, Mr. Hartwell, and the victims. I figured that this was because as you and Mr. Parker plunged the kitchen knife into Ms. Whittington’s back, the wound on your hand was reopened, and some of the blood fell on Ms. Whittington’s back. Just to prove my theories even further, I checked for fingerprints on the hilt of the knife, and found a set of yours and a set of Mr. Parker’s. Do I need to explain further, or will you just go ahead and let my friend Detective Doyle cuff you up now.”

Both of the young men were scowling now, so Addison knew that everything she had said was one-hundred percent true. She cast a sidelong glance at Conner.

“Their expressions speak for themselves.” she concluded. “Constable, take them away.”


Later, after Conner, Addison, and Dari had all given statements in court, the team decided that they would all celebrate with a well deserved trip to Carmelo’s Ice Cream Parlor down on South Tenth.

“That was an amazing feat that you pulled off at that last case.” exclaimed Conner. “I didn’t know that you had such good deductive reasoning. You’re a natural young Sherlock Holmes!”

“Thanks Detective Doyle!” replied Addison. “But I couldn’t have done it without Dari.” The girls smiled and high-fived each other.

“Well, also, if you hadn’t gone to prison and read those police case files, you probably never would have ended up in this position!” said Dari.

“That’s true, for if I had never gotten arrested, I never would have met you two!” Addison affirmed. “But still, I wonder what happened to Jamieson, Drake, and the rest of the Moriaritys?” Just then, out of the corner of her eye, Addison saw a flash of movement in the window of the closed convenience store across the street.

“I’ll be right back.” she said. Then the young detective raced to Conner’s car, grabbed his gun from the glove compartment, and rushed over to stop the burglary of Casey’s Convenience Store.

She kicked open the doors and held the gun out threateningly.

“Whoever’s in here, you should come out with your hands up! I have a gun, and I’m not afraid to use it!” Addison called. Slowly, a shadowy figure emerged from behind the counter.

“Addi, is that you?” he asked, seemingly surprised. “Is it really the young girl I knew from all those years ago?”

“Drake?” Addison questioned, her eyes growing wide. “What are you doing here?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” Drake laughed. “I’m robbing this convenience store!” Addison glared at him and held her weapon higher.

“So, after all of this time, you’ve never changed.” Addison sighed. “Well, I’m sorry Drake, but if you’re breaking the law, I will have no choice but to turn you in.” Drake looked at her skeptically.

“Addison, honey, why would you do a silly thing like that?” he said calmly. “Hey, I know, why don’t you join back up with me? We could forget all of the events that happened seven years ago, and start a new, crime based life! Come on Addi, just say yes.”

The more Addison thought about it, the more she wanted to agree. She hadn’t seen Drake in so long! But then, her thoughts turned back to Conner, Dari, and her escapades in the prison. She couldn’t give that up, not even for her old friend.

“I’m sorry Drake, but I cannot go with you.” Addison answered. “But, just this once, I will let you go free. Though, if I ever catch you stealing again, I will turn you into the police, no questions asked.”

She gave him one last hard look, and then watched as he ducked out of sight and out of her life forever. Slowly Addison smiled, running out the door, and back towards her future, solving crimes with her best friend Dari, and crazy Detective Conner Doyle.


Well, I guess my life couldn’t be any better. I have an amazing job, an awesome best friend, and a fairly decent employer. So for now, I guess I will go to bed, and ready myself for my first study session with Conner in the morning. To everyone reading my case files, this is Addison Carter, Junior Detective, signing off.



                                                The End


Text: RC Productions
Editing: Grandma Betty and Me
Publication Date: 07-13-2013

All Rights Reserved

I would like to dedicate this book to the great mystery writer himself, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Thank you, Mr. Doyle, for writing the great blueprint!

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