» Mystery & Crime » Echo, J.N Taylor [best motivational novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «Echo, J.N Taylor [best motivational novels .TXT] 📗». Author J.N Taylor

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told her that I wanted her to keep the ashes of my mother that detective Morris had collected. I then went to work. I had worked a 6 hour shift and went straight to my grandmothers house. She was happy to see me and we sat there talking about memories of my mother. My grandma never mentioned my dad. After a couple of hours, I left. I went to the complex owner and told him I wanted to pay out my contract. Paying out the contract cost 700 in total. I managed to pay it with 300 left. I had money saved up because my mom would hand me money. I left the town with nothing. I decided to move 6 hours away and finish school. The dream I had before my mother died, I wanted to have, I wanted to start new. 5. Coming Back

5 years later, it's summer time and I am in my last year of college. My grandmother had kept her promise with helping me and the insurance payout from my mom was helpful. My dad had bought himself a smaller house for him to live in, with the insurance payout. I didn't know I was getting 30,000 from her death, until I turned 18 I had got a check in the mail. I had yet to put my moms ashes anywhere. My grandma was getting older, and beginning to become forgetful, so I had to collect them soon. Detective Morris had stopped contacting me 3 years ago, to no avail, they didn't fine my moms killer which made me sick and angry. College was good for me. I had plenty of romances and I've made plenty of friends in college. Life was going great for me. I started to go see my dad more often, even though it was a long drive and I had also stopped sobbing over my mother, but I would still think about her every now and then. In college we were on summer break, and I would be graduating 3 months after going back. I had decided to go stay with my grandmother awhile, occasionally seeing my dad. Before I went to my grandmothers house, I stopped by Peet's Place, and saw my friend Joseph, an old high school buddy. He asked what had happened to me, and why I had stopped coming too school. I told him I had transferred, not informing him of my moms death and my dads injuries. Joseph and I sat there talking for awhile and a friend from awhile back came in. It was Chelsea. My heart immediately started to pound even faster and I instantly got up to greet her, not even excusing myself from the table while Joseph was talking to me. I went up to her and said "your shoes are nice" even though they where hideous. She turned around to say thank-you, but got caught in a glance. She stood there staying at me while I tried to hold this awkward smile on my face, and she finally said something. "You know I've been asking everyone about you and they said you had disappeared from site." I had told her I went to college a couple of hours away to have a successful career. I was happy to hear that she was looking for me, and actually trying to find me. I told her I would be staying here for my summer break and we should spend some time together. We exchanged numbers and I went over to Joseph told him sorry for being rude and left. I then went to my car to go visit my dad. On the way to my dads small blue house, I drove past, where my mom once lived. I made a u-turn in my car and went to the old vacant house. The door was still unlocked from when I had last visited it 5 years ago. All the furniture was there, except for my bed, which I had took to put in my old apartment. I looked around the old house and everything was the same. No one had moved there, I don't think anyone had tried to move here. I don't even think Detective Morris had even tried to investigate the old vacant house. I continued to look around the old house. I walked passed the basement and had a flashback of the echo I had heard. I was not scared anymore. I opened the door to the basement and went down the flight of steps. I stumbled on a step because it was so dark. I pictured how my mom could had died. I spotted blood on the wall. I could tell that maybe I was wrong about Detective not investigating my mothers death. There was evidence of him attempting to investigate it. I stood inside the dark basement for awhile, trying to put 2 and 2 together. I stood there in silence and heard an echo. This time, I didn't here my name.... I heard my dads name and I felt a cold breeze slide across my face and went away. That was very strange for me, seeing that it is summer, and it it very hot down here in this basement. The echo did not frighten me this time. I felt as if my mother was trying to get in contact with, and she knew who her killer was. I just didn't know what to think of it. Until I put the pieces together, the mysterious sound will be labeled as an echo. I went to go visit my dad. My dad did seem to messed up about my moms murder at all. He was nothing without her, he just didn't want to admit it. I chatted with my dad for a few minutes and left at my grandma's house. She was so happy to see me. She was getting really old and was now using a cane to get around. I wanted to make my grandmother proud, so I planned to get married before she died. My grandmother had an extra room that she would let me sleep in, so I went up there to lay down and think. I thought about my mom and the echo of that voice I heard today and 5 years ago. It was real, I wasn't going crazy. What I had heard was real. I soon had got bored of thinking and decided to text Chelsea. The text conversation went like this:
Me: Hi, wanna hang today?
Chelsea: lol, why? Your girl couldn't hang with you today?
Me: Nah, I'm just bored.
Chelsea: I guess I could have fun with you.
Me: I'll pick you up around 7:30pm
Chelsea: okayy :)
The end of conversation. I put on my tightest shirt to show off my cut muscles and my favorite pair of jeans that I had brought with me from college. I picked her up 30 minutes early and we went to a club. Chelsea and I drank drinks, danced together, and had fun. I would always smile when I was with her. I really liked Chelsea and I could see me being with her. While we were having a good time and slick flirting with each other, I had spotted Ashley from across the room and didn't even go over there to say hey. I was having to good of a time with Chelsea to even bother with Ashley. After ours of fun, Chelsea and I had decided to leave. While exiting the club I saw Ashley again, and this time she saw me too. Ashley looked really good. She had on red pumps with a black tight fitted dress that showed off all her curves. She called out my name. I turned around pretending to not no who it was. Then I heard her heels clacking against the pavement and she reached over to grab me. At the time I had my arm wrapped around Chelsea. I turned around and she said "Where have you been Chris?" Before I could answer, she asked some more questions. "Why didn't you call or answer the phone for me?" I lied and told her that my phone was off for awhile and all she said as oh. She then asked me for my number. I looked at Chelsea and looked back at Ashley and told Ashley "another time" and walked away with Chelsea. I think maybe Chelsea liked me more because of that, because she smiled after I told Ashley that. I drove Chelsea home, and told her I would call her later. Before she got out of the car she asked if I wanted to stay the night at her place. I couldn't deny the invitation. She had took a shower while I was there,and she had looked even better with her hair wet. I had told her that and she started to smile. She came over there close to me and begin to kiss me

6. Not titled

I woke up that morning at Chelsea's house. I slightly woke her up and asked her if she wanted anything to eat. She told me she wanted a bagel, so I drove to Peet's Place. I loved that place and couldn't get enough of it. I bought 2 glazed doughnuts and a bagel. I paid Mr.Peet extra like always and left. As I was leaving I spotted Ashley again and she spotted me too. She came over to me and said hi. We stood there and talked for awhile about her and my college life, and that's when I realized I had to get back to Chelsea. I told Ashley, I had to go and before I could leave she stopped me and asked me for my number again. I slightly hesitated, but I finally gave it to her and went on my way. Chelsea and I had had sex last night, and I believe it to be something special. She was slowly taking the place of my mother, that had been opened for awhile. I had arrived back at Chelsea's place to seeing her getting dressed to leave. "Where are you going?" I said. She told me she was leaving for work and for me to call her later and left. After she closed the boor behind

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