» Mystery & Crime » The Samsara Project, David Burgess [most popular ebook readers txt] 📗

Book online «The Samsara Project, David Burgess [most popular ebook readers txt] 📗». Author David Burgess

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a notch.
“Am I OK to make a call?” asked Andrew.
“Of course,” said DCS Hughes, “you’re not under arrest, you can make as many calls as you like.”
Andrew took out his secure phone and keyed in Geoffrey’s speed dial number. The call was answered on the third ring. Andrew quickly brought him up to date. They agreed to meet at the hospital in an hour. John had his phone switched off.
“If it’s OK with you we’re ready to take him to hospital,” said the first paramedic.
“That’s fine,” replied DCS Hughes, “make sure you look after him, he’s an old friend of mine.”

* * * *

The two HSS agents returned to their safe house. It had taken then over two hours to drive back to the house despite the fact it was less than twenty minutes away. They arrived back to be de-briefed on their interrogation of Patrick Wallace. The two agents explained in great detail how they had carried out their questioning, what techniques they had used and how reliable they felt the information was they had extracted from Pat. Both agents were very confident as to the validity of the information they had obtained.
It then took the agents a further hour and a half to go through the intelligence received. Agent one took detailed notes during the de-briefing and these were sent to GCHQ via a secure digital data burst.
Forty one minutes later the secure line beeped. They had an inbound message. Agent one read the message from the screen, printed out a hard copy and read it to the group.
‘As from 06:30 AM Sunday 10th April mission status re Tracy Rae is Red 1. John Reynolds is Red. Other members of the group unchanged for now. Message ends.’

Chapter 15

Tracy and John had woken up just before eight o’clock, both feeling a warm glow that neither had experienced for a long time. John lay on his side facing Tracy, “Good morning,” Miss Rae, he said.
“Why, good morning Mr. Reynolds,” she replied. “I hope you managed to sleep well last night in my humble little bed.”
John moved closer to her, “It’s amazing how awake you can feel in a morning when you’ve had so little sleep. I feel like I could conquer the world right now.” He said in a soft tone.
“I think you’ve done enough conquering for one day,” she answered him. “You stay here, I’ll go and put the coffee on and run the water for a bath. Sorry, are you a bath or a shower man?”
“Generally a shower, but either will be fine, so long as you’re in it with me?”
“Mmm, that sounds fun. Out of interest what do I get out of this mixed shower?”
John grinned at her, “What you get is to be the proud owner of the cleanest pair of boobs in London.”
“Coffee can wait,” said Tracy.
The shower lasted for thirty eight minutes and when they had finished she had to admit that John had been true to his word. They dressed and headed into the kitchen. John prepared breakfast while Tracy made a picnic lunch. Tracy thought banquet would have been a more suitable term. Three different types of sandwiches, a selection of cheeses, crackers, meat pie, gala pie, salad with a choice of dressing and freshly baked cake. Two flasks of coffee and a bottle of non alcoholic wine ensured they would not be thirsty either. They bagged everything up and put the food into the boot of the Jaguar. “Your carriage my lady,” said John as he held open the passenger door for Tracy. She slid into the seat, “I love the smell of leather,” she said, “I think it reminds me of when I went horse riding, the leather saddle, harnesses and other pieces of tack.”
“Have the doctors every given any hope that you might regain your memory?”
“The specialists have said they don’t know. I may never get my past life back or I could wake up tomorrow to find I’ve a husband and four children.”
John looked over at her. “I’m only joking,” She said, “the two things I’ve never had are an engagement or wedding ring. Apparently that was one of the first things they checked. Even if you aren’t wearing any rings they can do some kind of scan of your fingers that will show if you have. I’m in the clear. No rings, so relax. Whatever might come out of the woodwork in the future, a screaming husband and a house full of kids won’t be included”
John fired up the Jaguar’s three litre engine. “South coast, no motorways?” he asked.
Tracy nodded. John placed his finger on the tough screens of the cars inbuilt sat nav; he selected ‘no motorways’ option for their route. “Let’s go,” said John. He selected first gear and following the sat nav instructions pulled away.
“Can you do me a favour?” asked Tracy.
“Of course,” replied john, “what is it?”
“Would you mind switching of your mobile, I’d just like to escape from the modern world today. Even for a little while.”
John did not even answer; he took his mobile out of his pocket and passed it over to Tracy. “Just press the red button to switch it off, then you can put it in the glove box.”
It was perfect driving weather, the roads were dry hardly any wind. The sky was fairly cloudy so the low sun, that could cause so many driving problems, was hidden for most of the time. The drive and the conversation were both relaxed and easy. Tracy was asking John about his childhood, what did his father do? Did he have any brothers or sisters? What and where were his favourite holidays? John enjoyed answering her questions; he enjoyed reminiscing about his childhood.
After a couple of hours driving they decided to look for somewhere to stop and eat lunch. They were on a country road with large areas of woods on both sides and John started to look out for a lay-by. It did not take too long before they passed a sign saying ‘Picnic area two miles ahead’. Both agreed that would be the perfect spot.
The Jaguar pulled into the lay-by and John stopped just by some rustic looking tables and benches. He got out of the car and walked over to admire the view. It was indeed a perfect spot. Just at the back of the designated picnic area the trees gave way to a large lake. There was just a very faint ripple on the top of the water. John stood on the edge and gazed out drinking in the fabulous view. Tracy came up behind him and slipped her arm through his. “It’s beautiful,” she said. John nodded in agreement.
Looking on the ground he noticed three or four palm sized flat stones. He picked them up. “Have you ever skimmed stones?” he asked.
“I’ve no idea what you mean,” replied Tracy.
Tracy held one of the flat stones in his right hand. He showed Tracy how the stone was held parallel to the ground. “When you throw the stone try and spin it with your first finger as you let it go.” He threw the stone so that when it hit the water it bounced up into the air then again and again. Tracy giggled, “That looks like fun,” she said, “let me have a go.” John found a good sized flat stone for her and placed it into her hand. “Don’t forget to spin the stone when you throw it, and keep the stone flat.” Tracy threw the stone; it hit the water on a angle and sunk without trace. “Here, have another go,” said John. Tracy took the second stone. This time she had a look of determination on her face. She moved her arm back, when it would not go back any further she moved it powerfully and quickly forward. The stone flew out of her hand, spinning as it approached the water. The stone hit the smooth top of the lake, there was a splash and rippers started moving outwards in a circle where the stone had hit. They both watched as the stone flew back up into the air, then dipping down on its second approach to the water. In all the stone made five skips before disappearing into the lake.
Tracy was shouting and jumping up and down “I did it,” she yelled, “I did it.” It was only a minor moment in her life but Tracy could not remember ever feeling happier before than right now. “I’ll go and get the food,” she said to John, “you go and pick a table, one with a good view.”
John looked around; all the tables had good views. Then, he heard Tracy shout. “John,” there was a pause, “John, look...” then silence.
John’s heart started to race, he immediately ran towards the car where Tracy had headed. Two men came out of nowhere and stood before him, he stopped. Each was dressed from head to foot in black combat clothes. Their face covered with black ski masks and blacked out goggles covered their eyes. One held up a rifle, aimed it at John and pulled the trigger. John stood there waiting for the pain of a bullet. It did not happen, all he felt was a stinging sensation in his right thigh. Looking down at his leg John saw a dart sticking in it. Grabbing the dart he pulled it out and started to walk towards the two men. It was too late though. The chemicals had already been injected into his blood stream. His legs buckled beneath him and he fell to the ground, hitting the side of his forehead against a rock. John tried to move but no matter what messages he was trying to get his brain to send to his limbs nothing was happening. John was completely paralysed. He could still see, he could still hear. He tried to talk, but nothing happened. No sound what so ever passed his lips, John felt trapped inside his own body and he could feel himself starting to panic.
He was roughly grabbed by the two men, one each side of him and carried to a spot closer to the car. About ten yards away and in front of him John could see Tracy lying on the ground. In her shoulder was a dart similar to the one fired at him. “What’s all this about?” he though, “why is this happening to us?”
John was dropped onto the floor, he was still facing Tracy. He saw the two black clad figures go over to her, pick her up and take her over to one of the nearby trees. Then they tied Tracy to the tree so she was standing upright. They walked back to John. One man held him up, the other took his right hand and placed a nine mm self loading pistol in it. John was powerless to do anything to stop them. He could only watch everything that was going on around him. He was like a spectator in a virtual world. All he had to do now was wake up.
The figure holding the pistol in John’s hand checked to make sure the hand had a good grip of the pistol. When he was satisfied he aimed the pistol at Tracy and pressing John’s finger that was wrapped around the trigger fired twice. John’s brain was close to shutdown, he could not take in what was happening. He heard the pistol fire twice. Looking over to Tracy John could see two, small crimson coloured circles on the front of her cream coloured top. Both shots had found their target. The crimson marks on Tracy’s chest started to
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