» Mystery & Crime » Brush Creek Charlie, D. B. Reynolds [top non fiction books of all time TXT] 📗

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year old black female, stood five-foot-three, weighed approximately a hundred and thirty pounds. Had several convictions for prostitution which spanned for many years. She did time in Lansing for forging checks and tampering, and completed to the tenth grade.”
“It’s pretty much the same story for all the other women found in Gillham Park.”
“The sashlike cloth dangled over her stomach, what did the lab say about that?”
“No DNA found on it.”
“The white sock found hanging on the bush branch, what about that?”
“Nothing to give us any clues.”
“Doc McKinnis showed me how all those Gillham Park murders have similarities. Question is, would a killer go from mutilating women and dumping them down in Brush Creek, to raping women and then suffocating them with mud and debris? And my answer to that would be hell-to-the-fucking-no.”
“I’d have to agree with you, Jerry. How about the prostitute who worked Independence Avenue who’d been found mutilated down in Brush Creek? Or the sweet, innocent IRS worker with saintly qualities found chopped up in trashbags down in Brush Creek?”
“To think, Seth and Richie, along with one of the unit’s best canines, coming within inches or seconds of catching this puke.”
“Jerry, chills come over me everytime I think about our perp. With the things he’s done and gotten away with, it makes me believe that we’re dealing with someone who’s not human, someone who’s not of this world.”
Yes, Charlie wasn’t your typical average human being.
Overtreet pounded the top of his desk. His emotions kicked into overdrive. “Of this world or not, when we finally catch up with this savage, and I know that we eventually will, I’m going to hang him upside down by his balls with my bare hands. I’m going to beg the chief of police, the mayor of this city, the governor of this state, even the President of the United States, to either re-instate the gas chamber or the electric chair for this sonofavitch. I want to see his body being fried with volts of electricity or his lungs being poisoned inside one of those old gas chambers. I have an elderly mother, I have a loving, caring, and supporting wife, I have a beautiful young daughter, I have little adorable granddaughters, and I have wonderful nieces. These are all female counterparts in my immediate and not so immediately family that I love dearly. To think, it could be one of them who’d fall victim to the Brush Creek and Gillham Park killers.”
This time, like every other time, Overstreet took matters very personal. Going around killing women, even the not so innocent women, angered him to the point of taking justice into his own hands. Only cowards abused and mistreated women. Only cowards murdered women for their sick, selfish pleasures. Only cowards raped and assaulted helpless women. Overstreet could’ve cared less about receiving honorable mention for apprehending a sicko who killed for sport or vengeance. Getting those beasts off the street and behind bars stayed at the top of his priority list.
“But, I’m sure that none of your female relatives would put themselves in jeopardy to be raped, assaulted, or killed,” Carey reassured his superior.
“Sometimes, all the precautionary measures in the world can’t stop these coldblooded killers from taking human lives.”
“That I’d have to agree with.”
“Anymore information on Lisa Wallace from the IRS?”
“Went back and talked with their service director, but she had no more information from the time that you went and visited the place.”
“Kimberly Barr from off Independence Avenue, any further information about her?”
“Interviewed everyone several times up and down the avenue, but everybody’s singing the same tune over and over.”
“Doc McKinnis has given us the closest leads we have so far. The Brush Creek killer is definitely a Vietnam Veteran. Only somebody who’s got traces of Agent Orange in their blood did time in Vietnam. Both bodies found in those trashbags were dismembered with a Full Tang Monster Machete, the kind used during the war to chop through those jungles.”
“Piece those two together, you come up with a war psycho who’s come home to be a killer.”
“Psychologically damaged from the war.”
Carey joined strong eye contact with Overstreet. They studied one another on a commending level. “The odds of this psycho slipping up, what are they, Jerry?”
“Good, maybe not so good.”
“Or maybe as good as one of us getting struck by lightning ten times in the same area.”
“He’s got to slip up at one point or another.”
“Let’s hope that it’s not before he’s done killed more people.”
Overstreet and Carey had to pool their resources together with the rest of the KCPD to hopefully meet up with a killer endowed with clever instincts.


Crime Scene Investigators painstakingly collected more evidence from the scene involving police officers Richard Dolan and Seth Jacobson and the canine Bruno. Lab workers determined similar results. The maniac who attacked both officers carried blood inside his body tainted with Agent Orange. Overstreet suggested to his superiors to do a cross-section of all Vietnam Veterans living in both Kansas City, Missouri and Kansas City, Kansas. The KCPD wanted to see if a trail could lead them to their killer.
Doing a cross-section of all Vietnam Veterans from both sides of the Missouri River sounded like a silly idea at first. Narrowing it down to one man required too many resources and manpower. The chief of police complained about city hall jerking on their coats about not staying within their budget limits. City and state funds didn’t pour in like they wished. Human lives were more important than worrying about pinching every nickel and dime filling up law enforcement coffers.
A special burial service had been set aside for the slain police canine known as Bruno. After all, Bruno was just as important as the police personnel walking around on two legs. The four- legged creature was honored by his constituents. A gravesite funded by private donors was the final resting place of Bruno. Office Seth Jacobson watched as his precious partner was being covered with layers of dirt. Flanking him at the site were Overstreet, Carey, and Richard Dolan. A soft spot in their hearts were deeply touched by Bruno’s death.
“You know, guys, I’m going to miss that dog,” Seth eulogized with pampered words.
“Everyone in the department’s going to miss him,” Richard added, showing his strong emotional side.
“His service to the department will always be respected,” Overstreet said, sipping from a cup of fresh-brewed coffee.
“Bravery is the best word to describe him,” Carey said, doing whatever to console Seth.
Seth watched as the cemetery staff leveled off the last layer of dirt. “Guys, Bruno had the best personality. He loved to go to work and was damn good at what he did.”
Richard murmured and said, “If only we knew what kinda psycho we were dealing with, we wouldn’t’ve never sent Bruno into that tunnel after him.”
“That’s just it, we didn’t know what type of true monster we were dealing with.”
“To think, a canine dog, two police officers, and a chopper, all those still weren’t enough to stop that sonofavitch.”
“Our goddamned perp isn’t of this world.”
“Going through that tunnel, I just know that he had to fight with a lot of big rats.”
“You think Vietnam might’ve taught him how to escape dogs and police officers?”
“It’s a big chance that his military training did a lot for his survival skills.”
Overstreet waved his finger through the air. “I’m gonna go back to the chief and ask him to let us cross-section Vietnam Vets all across the city. Also, I’m gonna ask him to get a court order so we can subpoena some records from the VA Hospital here in Kansas City. We possibly can get permission to subpoena records from Washington. Guys, we’ve got to catch this killer and catch him as soon as possible. Like Seth said, how many men can dance their way around two skilled officers, a well-trained canine, and the best air unit that the department has to offer?”
“Jerry’s right, guys,” Carey imposed. “Our streets are gonna be littered with more dead bodies. More of the vics being found on the streets are women, the ones who are the most weak and vulnerable. Something’s gotta be done about this sicko who’s going around killing for pleasure.”
“The VA Hospital could possibly lead us straight to our suspect.”
“Think they can tell us which veterans are living with Agent Orange, opposed to the ones who don’t have a trace of it in their blood?”
“Should be able to.”
“Did the lab tell you how much concentration of it that he had in his blood?”
“Couldn’t give me an exact content.”
Seth posed a question to Overstreet. “But Jerry, doesn’t that crap start eating up their insides after awhile?”
“Like maggots feasting on rotten flesh.”
“Shouldn’t we be asking, how long does he have to live?”
“Nobody knows that.”
“Another question should be, will we get to him before the Agent Orange does?”
“Still, nobody knows that.”
“With good medication and treatment, some guys have been known to live many years after they’ve come back from Vietnam with Agent Orange.”
“If this guy dies on us, then all of our police and detective work will go straight down the drain.”
Richard Dolan had some input of his own. “My balls are itching to catch that bastard, especially after what he did to me and Seth that night down in Brush Creek.”
Seth conjured up a giggle. “Yeah, it’s an insult to our honor as police officers. I think after he’s caught, the courts should turn him over into our jurisdiction. The law should let us serve him the punishment the way we see fit.”
“Now that would be sweeter than butter pecan pie topped with hot chocolate syrup.”
“Please don’t tease my sweet tooth at a time like this.”
“I’m starting to believe that he’s making all of us
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