» Mystery & Crime » Gifts From The Kasbah, Robert F. Clifton [suggested reading TXT] 📗

Book online «Gifts From The Kasbah, Robert F. Clifton [suggested reading TXT] 📗». Author Robert F. Clifton

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pocket. Here they are”, said Thomas as he handed the keys to the Captain.

"Thank you. I know that you're also friends with Emma Prescott and Phillip Spencer. What can you tell me about a girl or woman named Gloria?" asked Wallace.

"Nothing...I sure don't know anyone named Gloria and I never heard Betty or the others talk about a Gloria".

" O.K. Martin. You have been very helpful. I want what you have told me to be kept confidential. That means don't go talking about what you did or didn't do in reference to Elizabeth. Right now this is a homicide investigation. There is a possibility that I might have to talk to you again. Meanwhile keep quiet. From now on you only talk to the police. do you understand?"

"Yes sir'.

"Good. Thanks for coming in", said Wallace shaking the young man's hand again.

When Martin Thomas left the office Wallace shut off the tape recorder then re-round the tape. He then sat back and played the taped conversation. From time to time he stopped the recording and took notes. As he did he looked up to see Frank Stiles enter the office.

"Good morning Cap. You sent for me? What's up?", said Stiles.

"Morning. Have a seat O'Neil is on his way. When he gets here I'll brief both of you and give you your assignments"

" Fine, but just between you and me is this going to be a hard nut to crack?", asked Stiles.

"We've had tougher cases. Besides where is your sense of adventure?", asked Wallace.

Just as he finished speaking to Stiles, O'Neil walked into the office. He carried a white paper bag containing three Styrofoam containers of coffee and three donuts, two lemon and one jelly. placing the bag on the desk he


looked at Wallace and said," You owe me five dollars".

Wallace reached into the bag, removed one container of coffee along with an artificial creamer and two packets of sugar. Pouring both into the coffee he smiled and looked up at O'Neil and said, "You cheap bastard. you owe me your whole career". Both men laughed as the bag with the donuts was passed around. After taking a sip of coffee Wallace looked at both men and said, " Frank, I want you to talk to Phillip Spencer. Find out what you can about him, Martin Thomas, Emma Prescott and Elizabeth Kerr. What did they do?

Where did they go? See what you can find out about their drug use, particularly, heroin. Most of all does he know a female named Gloria? I will talk with Emma Prescott. Unfortunately, right now she's in Spain enjoying the Christmas holidays. Nonetheless, when she gets home I'll meet with her.

Bill, the reason I wanted you here this morning is to let you know that this homicide investigation is going to involve narcotics. Since you take over the Vice Squad next week I want you to know that any information we turn up involving drugs. particularly dealers you'll be the first to know. What I need from you is anything related to the Kerr murder".

"No problem Cap", O'Neil replied.

"Good. I hate to lose you. There's two men I'm looking at to join the unit", said Wallace.

"If you want my opinion Wally, Tom McKenna would be my choice", O'Neil replied.

"Just what I need, another hardheaded Irishman", said Wallace.

"Hey, if you don't want him, I'll take him". O'Neil responded.

"No, all kidding aside, if you recommend him that's good enough for me", said Wallace.

Later that afternoon Wallace finished his reports then typed a request for Detective Thomas McKenna to be transferred from the Detective Bureau to the Major crime Squad. He hand carried it to Chief Monahan who after reading it looked up at Wallace and asked, "Are you sure you want him?"


"Monahan nodded. O.K. you got him. However, I expect some results in the Kerr case and soon".

Wallace didn't respond, instead he turned and walked out of the office. Arriving home at his condo he picked up the telephone and dialed Doctor Edwards home telephone.

"Hello", said Edwards.

"What are you doing?", asked Wallace

31. "What do you want? I'm busy" Edwards replied.

"I have some information for you", Wallace explained.

"Such as?"

"Such as the Kerr girl".


"I have a witness that told me her symptoms on the night she died".

"No shit?"


"And what were they"?

"Lack of vision, sever stomach pain and vomiting".

"Hell, that could be caused by anything"

"True. but here is a revelation. When she used heroin, Elizabeth Kerr always ingested it".

"Really? I would have expected that she used a suppository".


"Well when ingested the stomach converts the heroin into morphine before it is absorbed into the blood stream. it is less effective than using injections or snorting. It is similar to oral morphine and would be the perfect way to to take heroin. I have to admit the girl was clever.

"You said that you found a trace in her liver", said Wallace.

"I did. Normally, the user who ingests will expect a lesser high than when it is taken any other way. They start with say twenty to forty five milligrams then over time work upwards".

"How in hell do they eat this stuff?"

"Usually they mix the milligrams in something like a strong tasting drink".

"Damn. Well thanks for the lesson Manny. that's all I have for you".

"And, I thank you Robert. Talk to you later".

"Good by"

At seven thirty that evening, Wallace dialed the telephone number of Jane Chambers. He waited as the phone on her end rang three times. then he heard her voice, "Hello?"

"Hello yourself", he responded.

"Captain Wallace?"

"That's me"

"Oh, I'm so sorry I never got back to you about the car keys. to tell you the truth all I did all day was answer the telephone and fend off newspaper reporters, T.V. stations, not to mention those who came to the door",


she explained.

"Don't worry about it. I have the keys".

"You do? Is that why you called?"

"Not entirely, however, it is a good excuse".

"An excuse for what?"

"It gives me a reason to call and ask you to dinner".

" So you think you need an excuse to ask me out".

"Let's say it's my way of breaking the ice".

"So, you think there is ice?"

Wallace laughed. "Now, you're putting words in my mouth. Will you have dinner with me Miss Chambers?"

"Yes Captain. I will. Where and when?"

"How about New Years Eve at the Glass Menagerie?"

"Wow! Can you get reservations at this late date?"

"You haven't said yes".

"Alright, I accept your invitation with one condition'.

"And that is?"

"Under no circumstances do we discuss the Kerr case or anything remotely associated with it".

"Deal..Believe me my mind will not be on the Kerr case on New Years Eve".























33. Chapter Six



Robert Wallace parked his Ford sedan in front of Jane Chambers house and walked to the front door. He glanced at his wristwatch and saw that it was seven thirty P.M. His reservations at the Glass Menagerie was for eight o'clock and since it was only a short drive to the restaurant he was ahead of time. He stood in front of the doorway, looked for and found the doorbell button then pressed it.

He heard the sound of high heels crossing a ceramic tile floor. Then the sound stopped and the door opened.

Wallace stood looking at Jane Chambers in complete surprise. She stood in front of him as a complete transformation. Eyeglasses with the black rims, were replaced by contact lens, brown hair he use to see combed back, in a bun now flowed down just past her shoulders. A pretty face that was void of makeup now appeared with eye shadow, mascara and lipstick. She wore a black, sleeveless jersey tuck dress with black cross strap shoes and he could tell just by looking at both that the outfit was expensive. She looked at him and said, “I'm sorry. Do I look alright?”

“Of course, of course. Forgive me. I'm use to seeing you at work.”, Wallace answered.

“Do you really think I wear business suits every day?”


“I also wear blue jeans, flannel shirts and tennis shoes. In summer I prefer a bikini at the beach. So you see Captain, I'm only the personal secretary at work. Other times I'm just a normal young woman”, said Jane.

“And may I say, a very beautiful young woman”, Wallace answered.

“Thank you very much. I don't believe you, but it is nice to hear it anyway”, Miss Chambers replied.

“While I'm standing here in your doorway Captain is my rank in the police department. Socially, my name is Robert”.

“Oh. I'm sorry. Like you I reverted back to seeing you under different circumstances”.

“No problem. Now, am I coming in or are you coming out?”

Jane laughed. “Again my apologies. Come In. I'll get my coat and we can go”.

Wallace stepped into the house, but stood just inside the doorway.

As he did he looked around seeing the expensive furnishings, the rug, the drapes and the art work hanging on the walls. He was tempted to cross the floor, enter the living room and really examine the paintings. The urge disappeared when Jane held out her coat to him and he helped her put it on.

After Wallace pulled away from the curb and began the drive to the


restaurant Jane turned to him and asked, "I have a question for you. Why aren't you married?"

Robert smiled. "If there is a woman in the world who can put up with me on a permanent basis I haven't met her yet".

"Are you really that difficult?"

"That depends on who you ask".

"Tell me about yourself. Not the cop. The other you".

"The other me? Well, let me see. you already know that I'm single. I'm set financially , being the only child of very thrifty parents. I appreciate the finer things in life such as good music, art, theater, and as you know literature. At the same time I enjoy the outdoors. I enjoy camping, fishing and hiking. I also like fine dining with fine company and a hobby of mine is gourmet cooking".

"Really?..I don't picture you wearing an apron and chef's hat", said Jane.

"I wear an apron on occasion, never the chef's hat".

"What about your education? What year did you graduate from high school?", she asked.

"I didn't graduate. I dropped out when I was a junior".

"Really? Why?"

" The Korean War was on. I wanted to go, so I joined the Navy".

"But, surely you continued your education when you came home".


"Did you go to college?"

"As a matter of fact I lecture in colleges".

"Really? On what subject?"

"Just about anything related to Criminal Justice and investigations".

"My. my, you are deep, very deep, Captain Wallace".

"And you at this very moment are not only beautiful, but mysterious".

"That's what you think of me, that I'm mysterious?"

"Certainly, for example, why do you maintain a certain

demeanor at work, but a completely different appearance at other times, like tonight?"

"Would you prefer to take me to dinner on New years Eve dressed in a suit?", she asked.

"Wallace laughed, you got me on that one".

"To be perfectly honest with you Robert my attire at work is a requirement set by my boss, Doris Kerr. She pays me well, very well and like you when the work day is over I revert back to the real me. When I do, I wear what I want, do what I want and go where I want".

35. "So what you are saying is that away from work you're independent".

"Just like you".

"Ouch! you got me again", said Wallace as he drove into the Glass Menagerie parking lot.

" Look at all these cars. This place is mobbed", said Jane.

"It's New Years Eve", Wallace answered as the parking valet opened the passenger side door allowing Jane Chambers to exit. Wallace got out of the Ford walked to the sidewalk and took the parking ticket from the young man. Together, Robert and Jane entered the restaurant. Taking off her coat she handed it to Wallace who then gave it to the hat check girl. "Do you want the ticket or should I hold on to it?", asked Robert.

"You keep it", Jane answered as she looked around the crowded dining room. On the stage a single piano

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