» Mystery & Crime » Classmate Murders, Bob Moats [classic children's novels TXT] 📗

Book online «Classmate Murders, Bob Moats [classic children's novels TXT] 📗». Author Bob Moats

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/> Since Chicago was an hour behind us, I waited till about ten to call the Law office of Bander, Witt and Grey. I always disliked the names that law firms have by using the partners names, they should do like other business' do and give it a catchy name like, "Stab'em, Slab'em and We Get Them Off". I checked my email again for the tenth time, nothing still. I watched the clock slowly crawl up to 10 A.M. and picked my cell phone up, set the call number block on it and dialed the number.

It rang twice and a voice spoke, "Bander, Witt and Grey. How may I direct you?"

"Well, I just want some information, maybe you can help me?" I said with a smile on my face. I learned long ago from when I was sucked into selling life insurance, when you cold call on the phone, you put a really big smile on your face and it comes across on the other end. People tend to trust you.

"I'll try sir, what is it you would like to know?" She replied pleasantly.

"I'm on staff with a woman's shelter here in Michigan and a friend of mine said he heard your Miss Waters was in the Saginaw area talking to a group there this last week. I was wondering if she is still in the state and would she be able to come to speak to our group?" I lied.

The voice on the phone hesitated and said, "Miss Waters has been in California for the last month with our new branch there. She's helping to open up the offices and isn't expected to be back for a couple of weeks. She has not been in Michigan since the funeral of her father last December for sure. Who are you, please?"

"Well, I guess I was mistaken, thank you." and hung up the phone. Now I knew she wasn't involved locally, but could have set something up with an accomplice here. Being a criminal lawyer, she must know some unsavory people.

I had just started my day and my brain was already weary from coming up with a good front for my call, I think I should start taking vitamins. My mother tries to get me to take Centrum Silver, but the name implies that I'm old, ok I am old, but why push it.

I called Trapper and did my duty to report. He came on in his usual grumpy voice, "Speak!"

"Good morning to you sunshine." I did that big smile thing.

"What the hell do you want now Richards?" He wasn't smiling, I could tell.

"Just some info I picked up while easing my mind. Not investigating, mind you, just looking." My smile widened.

"Fine, whatever, what have you got?"

I told him of my exploration on the internet and the obit of Rocco, which he already knew that Rocco was dead. I told him of the daughter and that she was in California for the times of the murders, but how she could have hired someone to do the deed.

"Richards, stop theorizing, that's our job. I do appreciate the info on the daughter. I guess I should teach my men to use the internet for more than just for watching porn. I'm still trying to track down Linda Grolich, she's on vacation somewhere but no one seems knows where. I've got men hanging around Penny Wickens, she's not happy, but they are staying out of the way of the cameras so she's going along. Especially since her cheerleader pals are being knocked off, she doesn't want to be one. I still have to interview her, so don't go snooping around, eh?"

"Me, snoop, hardly, I inquire".

"Well, quit it. I've got enough of a headache without you getting killed. Remember you were threatened too." He hung up.

I sat back and thought about that last statement. I was threatened and this person had succeeded in killing three people already with police standing around, I had no police protection. So I called Buck.

He didn't answer his phone, I presumed since he worked midnight last night, he was sleeping.

I checked my email again, nothing dire or threatening, but there was a couple of pictures of winsomely naked females playing soccer while drooling men stood on the side lines that Buck had included in his batch of email. The girls had their uniforms painted on their upper body but you could tell they were naked other than a thong to cover their lower private parts. I really shouldn't start my day with that image in my head, I have to remember to read Buck's mails later in the evening.

I went to Penny Wickens website again, it was about her TV talk show, "Penny for Your Thoughts", I wonder who dreamed that up. They taped early in the day for broadcasting later in the afternoon. I went to see a taping of the Bozo the Clown show years back in Windsor, Canada, across from Detroit. It was amazing how they can make such a small studio look so huge on TV. I got the address of Penny's studio, it wasn't too far away and then gathered my toys: Treo cell phone, Palm PDA, flash drives, earbuds, Swiss army knife, business card case, etc. I was ready for anything. I left after consulting for Mom's needs.

I did a search for the location of the studio on my Palm TX and set the Mapopolis GPS to guide me there. Traffic wasn't too bad this morning so it took me only thirty-five minutes to get there. I parked in the visitor lot after telling the gate guard that I was there to see Penny. He gave me a suspicious look and told me to wait while he called in. I gave him my name when he asked and he waited for whoever was on the other end to confer with Penny to see if I was legit. He smiled and sent me through. I thought about asking if they were hiring for more guards, I had the experience. I parked and went in the door marked main entrance and told the receptionist who I was after and she also called ahead to verify. I'll say the killer definitely wouldn't get in here without an appointment. The receptionist pointed me in the direction and I dutifully follow orders.

I came down a long hallway with people buzzing up and down and around, then found the door with Penny's name on it. There was a big burly cop sitting on a metal chair by the door looking uncomfortable, he stood up as I approached.

"You got business here?" he growled.

"Jim Richards. Miss Wickens is expecting me." I hoped she had from all the calls ahead.

He poked his head in the door and inquired. I heard Penny yell "Tell that S.O.B. to get in here!".

Wow, that made me feel welcome. I smiled to the cop and slipped through the door. Penny was in a pink, furry robe and was having make-up put on. She pushed the make-up girl aside and bounced up and latched on me with a bear hug that would give me dreams for a month. Soft flesh, smelled great, with perky breasts, she looked as young as she did back in school, the wonders of cosmetic surgery. I'm sure she stopped aging at forty.

Damn, Jimmy, you look... Old." She laughed, it was a nice laugh, soft and airy. "But still good looking."

"Thanks and your fortunes have kept you looking young." I smiled, she punched me lightly on the shoulder and laughed again.

"Sit down you old coot, tell me about yourself," she commanded as she went back to her make-up table.

I was fixated on her. There are some people on TV who look good, but in real life they can be gorgeous. She was. I sat facing her and she bent over to pick up a brush she just dropped exposing a breast through the front of her robe. My crotch got tighter.

"Well," I stammered as she grinned, "after high school I goofed off for about six months then Uncle Sam called me to action. I ended up in Germany. Out of the army, I goofed off again, then got married, the first time. Divorced four years later, goofed off for about a year having sex with as many young innocent girls as I could, then married again."

"Damn, you are a glutton for punishment." she winked, "You still married?"

"God no. I divorced about 12 years later after one son. I'm on the loose again, but I don't move as fast as I used to," I winked back. "I've been single now for about six years and very happy with it. I'm kind of a misogynist now days."

"Damn, are you gay now," she looked disappointed.

"Oh hell no. Nothing against the gays, I just have been burned too many times to get involved with women again. A little gun shy you might say." I kind of went blank on that.

"Gun shy? Is your pistol still working?" She had a devil of a smile now.

I really went blank on that, too. I had a feeling this conversation should be done in private.

"Are you trying to embarrass me or is this part of your talk show 'Old Men and sex, is there life after the fall' or you just want to see me squirm?"

"Jimmy, would I put you on the spot. You have an aura about you that says 'I'm horny' or am I wrong?"

"Again, are you auditioning me for your show? Or is there dinner and a movie in there somewhere?"

"I'm sorry Jimmy," she laughed again, "Being honest here, confession time, I had a serious crush on you back in school. You and your cute little camera, always roaming the halls. But you were so hung up on Dee, rest her soul, and that other girl, what was her name?" She snapped her fingers a few times, I guess, to help her remember.

"Sara Lester, I chased her all through high school. I should say wasted my time chasing her through high school," I sighed. "I really never seemed to have much luck with women."

"Only because you didn't get together with me." She gave me a cute coy smile and then turned her attention towards the mirror to get herself ready for her show.

I just sat silently as her people fussed about her, getting her camera ready. I was a bit speechless with her confession about her crush on me. It seems like we always go after the ones who we shouldn't be with and the good ones get away. Point in case, Sara Lester is now weighing in around 280 pounds and is a bit mental, but I wanted her. The girl who wanted me is now a glamorous, beautiful star of her own TV show. Go figure.

She stood and walked to the bathroom, but turned first to ask if I wanted to help her change into her clothes. She laughed and ran in but not quite closing the door. Yeah, I watched. And she knew it.

She came back out a few minutes later looking all spiffy in her expensive clothes. Maybe if I had married her, I'd be broke by now. She reached down to me and took my hand. Her's was soft and very warm.

"Time to go play savior of the city." She led me out the door and down the hall being followed by
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