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(Complete) The second short story to the first one, Winter's Death. This book continues where the last one left off. So, with pleasure introducing the second book, The Birth of Death. Oh... jeez; my head is throbbing, I'm sweating heavily, and my arms hurt. I guess that happens though when you’re holding up a piece of heavy machinery for about an hour. Enjoy: P The picture is againnot by me so the rightful artist deserves the credit. The third book is now out named: “The Lively Glow of Death/

An onamatopoeitic tale of evasion, told film-noir style. This was a submission for a writing contest (100-words). The entry wasn't selected for the prize, but it's still a winner. :)

An angry and abused wife and criminal profiler in San Antonio, Texas unknowingly murders her husband. And she can't seem to stay away from the handsome Officer Grant...


Meet Lilac Wilson. She was murdered at the age of 13. In this heartbreaking chiller, see how Lilac deals with her death, moves on, and lets go of life.

Harry loves all his friends but they all only love him for his popularity except Zayn whose been there since Kindergarten. He knows Harry for the real him. Later on his mom has to move away because his mom found his dad cheating with another woman and had to move away quickly before he notices their gone. There is a ghost boy that goes by the name Louis and he haunts the Doncaster Mansion House and doesn't like company. Can Harry help out the beautiful boy to figure out where his family is or

When Marianna Carner wakes up in a hospital, not knowing who she is, she is flooded by new information. Now, she has to find out what happened that night and figure out whether what happened was an accident. But how can you find out what happen to you, when you don't even remember who you are?

Kora Denton is a motherless 16 year old girl looking for answers and with a heart broken father she may as well be alone in the world. During her searches, she finds herself coming close to death but each time a mysterious figure saves her. Who is this mysterious person? Could it be a relative of hers? or is it someone completely different? And what happened in the past that Kora is trying to hide?