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Detective Rachel Bradshaw solves a bunch of serial murders in which the killer leaves a piece of a Monopoly game at the scene of each crime.

Charm Moravia was your average, everyday girl, she had just graduated college and was ready to move on to her dream job--a film director in the big city, away from the dreary, drab small town in Colorado. But things change when she gets home one day to two police officers waiting to question her. When Charm realizes that all these girls are being killed and the killer somehow wants to go after HER...let's just say things get a bit complicated, especially when she's getting phone calls from a

“The CEO” is a fast paced corporate thriller of loves come and gone, innovation, resilience, corporate philanthropy, vision, and deception. Corporate business leaders are protected by their own small armies of private security whose power will surprise. The story takes the reader behind the scenes and into the back office meetings of both corporations and countries; travelling from Denver to New York to London to Bogota and to Paris. As Mitch and his team of loyalists’ race against time they

a retired couple, good naturedly banter about the death of their trailer park office manager, an unpopular character. Police solve the mystery with interviews and detective work, and the principals, including a reporter, witness the end. Fast-paced and funny by a former crime reporter.

Areo is the new kid and she has already made enimes. right after the an-ti bullying law is past macy uses the law to her advantage to get back at her worst night-mare (areo)to clam the name as prettiest girl in the school. areo needs to clair her name and get her good reputation back before she is sent to juvy. in her fight agents the real bully with the help of her best friend aqua she will do what she can to earn her innocents.

If I had listened, I wouldn't be laying in this hospital bed. If I wasn't snooping around, I wouldn't have gotten shot in the arm. If he never killed her, everything would be different. There are so many things that might of never happened, but they just do. Sometimes you wish there was a restart button, but there isn't. But not everything can go your way and that is the fact of life.

Maybe moving here to Unitah, Utah wasn't the right idea. But I'm here and there isn't a doubt in my mind that I wasn't supposed to come here. Everything is quiet at night until you hear the railroad sounds when there is nothing there. But I'm not the only one, we are now all involved and now we all all have to figure out what is going on.

Join Clarissa Odele in the first double homicide of her career. Help her solve The Case of the Slain Newlyweds. What you find might surprise you more than you think.

(If you look closely you will find a secret sentence in this book) I'm warning you DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOK! I REPEAT, DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOK!!!!