» Nature » The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, Trinidad Hermenegildo Pardo de Tavera [book club suggestions TXT] 📗

Book online «The Medicinal Plants of the Philippines, Trinidad Hermenegildo Pardo de Tavera [book club suggestions TXT] 📗». Author Trinidad Hermenegildo Pardo de Tavera

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href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@26393@26393-h@26393-h-7.htm.html#pb155" tag="{}a">155

Pili, pilis, 43, 73

Pimienta, 206

Pinkapinka, 183

Pinkapinkahan, 183

Piper Betel, 204
 Betle, 204
 nigrum, 206

Piperaceæ, 204

Plantaginaceæ, 199

Plantago crenata, 199
 erosa, 199
 media, 199

Plantain, 199

Plátano, 227

Plum, black, 114

Plumbagineæ, 155

Plumbago viscosa, 155
 Zeylanica, 155

Plumeria acutifolia, 162
 alba, 162

Poinciana pulcherrima, 98

Polanisia viscosa, 31

Pomegranate, 120

Pongamia glabra, 95

Poppy, Mexican, 29

Portulaca axiflora, 134
 oleracea, 34
 toston, 134

Portulaceæ, 34

Prayerbeads, 88

Pride of India, 75

Psidium aromaticum, 113
 pomiferum, 113
 pyriferum, 113

Pterocarpus echinatus, 93
 erinaceus, 93

Pterocarpus Indicus, 93
 marsupium, 94
 pallidus, 93
 santalinus, 93

Pukingag̃, 92

Pukopukot, 128

Punica Granatum, 120

Purslane, 34


Quisqualis Indica, 112
 spinosa, 112
 villosa, 112


Rábano, 30

Rabasa, 134

Radish, 30

Raiz de mora, 241

Randia aculeata, 142
 dumetorum, 54, 142
 longispina, 142
 stipulosa, 142

Raphanus sativus, 30

Rhamnaceæ, 81

Rhamnus Carolinianus, 81
 Jujuba, 81
 Wightii, 82

Rhinacanthus communis, 189

Rice, 242

Ricinus communis, 222
 microcarpus, 222
 Subpurpurascens, 223
 viridis, 223

Robinia mitis, 95

Romero, 197

Rosas-Caballero, 116

Rose of China, 46

Rosemary, 197

Rosmarinus officinalis, 197

Rottlera tinctoria, 220

Rubiaceæ, 140

Ruda, 61

Rue, 61

Ruta angustifolia, 61
 graveolens, 61

Rutaceæ, 61


Sabá, 228

Sabila, 232

Saccharum officinarum, 241

Sacred lotus, 28

Safflower, dyer’s, 154

Saffron, bastard, 154

Saga, 88

Sagamamin, 88

Sagdikit, 155

Sagig̃, 227

Sage, Jerusalem, 198

Sag̃ki, 18

St. Ignatius’ bean, 171

Sàladay, 63

Salagsalag, 128

Salay, 63, 240

Salig̃bobag, 32

Salig̃-wok, 194

Salimpokot, 128

Samadera Indica, 71

Samat, 204

Sambak, 104

Sambog̃-gala, 151

Sambon, 150

Sampaga, 158

Sampaguitas, 158

Sampaka, 19

Sampalok, 104

Samphire, 118

Sandalwood tree, red, 93

Sandoricum Indicum, 77

Sansawsansawan, 26

Santa María, 153

Santalum rubrum, 93

Santan, 143

Santol, 77

Sapag̃, 97

Sapotaceæ, 156

Sappan wood, 97

Sasa, 238

Saunders, red, 93

Sayikan, 210

Schizostachyum acutiflorum, 243

Screw tree, Indian, 54

Senna, western, 100

Sesamé, 184

Sesamum Indicum, 184

Sesbania grandiflora, 88

Sibukao, 97

Sibuyas, 233

Sida acuta, 42
 carpinifolia, 42
 frutescens, 42
 Indica, 43
 stipulata, 42

Siempreviva, 109

Sili, 177

Simarubaceæ, 71

Sinampaga, 142

Sinapis alba, 30
 juncea, 30
 nigra, 30

Sisiwhan, 210

Sobsob, 150

Solanaceæ, 176

Solanum Dulcamara, 177
 nigrum, 176

Solasi, 195

Solasolasian, 199

Sontig̃, suntig̃, 102

Sorog-sorog, sorosoro, 212

Sorrel, Indian, 58

Sphœranthus hirtus, 151
 Indicus, 151
 mollis, 151

Spilanthes Acmella, 152, 228

Star anise, 18

Sterculiaceæ, 51

Sterculia cordifolia, 52
 fœtida, 51
 polyphilla, 51
 urens, 52

Strychnos Ignatii, 171
 Philippensis, 171

Suelda, 213

Suganda, 196

Sugar cane, 241

Sug̃ot-olag̃, 214

Suha, 67

Sukaw, 28

Sulbag̃, 91

Suma, 24

Sumalagi, 104

Sursur, 239

Susog̃ damulog, 20

Susokayoli, 58

Suspiros, 199

Swallow-wort, 167

Swertia Chirata, 128

Syzygium Jambolanum, 114


Tabaco, 180

Tabayag, 129

Tabig̃, 43

Tabigi, 78

Tabobog, 128

Tabog, 67

Tacamahaca, 39

Tœ-tœ, 149

Tagaktagak, 189

Tagaraw, 112

Tagaray, 175

Taghilaw, 183

Taglinaw, 50

Tag̃antag̃an, 222
na morado, 223

Tag̃lad, 240

Tagudin, 38

Taig̃an dogá, 58

Takbibug̃, 178

Takip kohol, 134
suso, 134

Taklag̃-anak, 36

Takpus, 148

Takurag̃an, 46

Tala, 182
 odorata, 182

Talatala, 182

Talamponay, 178
na itim, 179

Talankaw, 155

Talaylo, 27

Taliantar, 148

Taliatan, 76

Taligharap, 198

Talisay, 110

Talutu, 50

Tamarind, 104

Tamarindo, 104

Tamarindus Indica, 104

Tamawian, 38

Tambalisa, 101

Tampuhig̃, 228

Tanag, 53

Tangolon, 112

Tapulag̃a, 46

Taramhampam, 182

Taratara, 182

Tartaraw, 112

Tawatawa, 215

Tawatawasig̃a, 222

Tawawa, 210

Tayabas, 113

Taywanak, 244

Tea, Mexican, 202

Teak tree, 190

Teca, 190

Tectona grandis, 190

Terminalia Catappa, 110
 Chebula, 111, 115, 127, 155
 mauriciana, 110
 moluccana, 110
 reticulata, 111

Tetracera Assa, 17
 macrophylla, 17
 monocarpa, 17
 Rheedi, 17
 sarmentosa, 17

Theobroma Cacao, 55

Thespesia populnea, 47

Thevetia nerifolia, 159

Tighiman, 100

Tig̃log, 185

Tikla, 190

Tilites, 200

Timbag̃an, 203

Tinatinaan, 214

Tindag̃-bayag̃, 171

Tinisas, 153

Tinospora cordifolia, 23
 crispa, 22

Tintatintahan, 214

Titiw, 185

Tobacco, 180

Toktok-kaló, 161

Toronjas, 67

Toston, 134

Tovomita pentapetala, 38

Tree, alstonia or dita, 163
Black Myrobalan, 111
Jack fruit, 223

Trianthema monogyna, 134
 obcordata, 134

Trichosanthes amara, 128
 anguina, 128
 cucumerina, 128
 lucioniana, 127
 palmata, 127
 tricuspis, 127

Tsampaka, 19

Tsatsatsatsahan, 190

Tsiku, 156

Tuba, 24, 215
kamaisa, 218

Tubó, 241

Tumbog̃aso, 148

Tumboug̃ aso, kapay, 148

Tunas, 27

Turmeric plant, 229

Turpeth root, 216

Turroea octandra, 77
 virens, 76

Tylophora asthmatica, 169


Umbelliferæ, 134

Unona uncinata, 20

Urena morifolia, 44
 multifida, 44
 muricata, 44
 sinuata, 44

Urticaceæ, 223

Urtica ferox, 224
 umbellata, 224

Uvaria Sinensis, 20


Verbena capitata, 190
 nodiflora, 190

Verbenaceæ, 190

Verdolagas, 34

Vitex Leucoxylon, 192
 Negundo, 192
 repens, 192
 trifolia, 192

Vuas, 220


Walnut, Indian, 217

Wars, 220

Water lily, 27

Wawalisan, 42

Weed, styptic, 100

Wood apple, 69

Wormseed, American, 202

Wormwood, Indian, 153


Xanthoxylum oxyphyllum, 63
 violaceum, 63

Xylocarpus granatum, 78


Yate, 190

Yayo, 58


Zea Mays, 240

Zingiberaceæ, 228

Zingiber officinale, 228

Zizyphus Jujuba, 81
 Mauritania, 81

Table of Contents Notice Translator’s Preface. Preface. Contents. Explanation. Abbreviations. Dicotyledonous, Polypetalous. Dilleniaceæ. Magnoliaceæ Anonaceæ. Menispermaceæ. Nymphæaceæ. Papaveraceæ. Cruciferæ. Capparidaceæ. Bixineæ. Portulacaceæ. Guttiferæ. Dipterocarpeæ. Malvaceæ. Sterculiaceæ. Geraniaceæ. Rutaceæ. Simarubaceæ. Burseraceæ. Meliaceæ. Celastraceæ. Rhamnaceæ. Anacardiaceæ. Moringeæ. Leguminosæ. (Papilionaceæ.) Leguminosæ. Leguminosæ. Crassulaceæ. Combretaceæ. Myrtaceæ. Melastomaceæ. Lythraceæ. Onagraceæ. Passifloraceæ. Cucurbitaceæ. Ficoideæ. Umbelliferæ. Cornaceæ. Dicotyledonous, Gamopetalous. Rubiaceæ. Compositæ. Plumbagineæ. Sapotaceæ. Oleaceæ. Apocynaceæ. Asclepiadaceæ. Loganiaceæ. Boraginaceæ. Convolvulaceæ. Solanaceæ. Scrophulariaceæ. Bignoniaceæ. Pedaliaceæ. Acanthaceæ. Verbenaceæ. Labiatæ. Plantaginaceæ. Nyctaginaceæ. Amaranthaceæ. Chenopodiacæ. Aristolochiaceæ. Piperaceæ. Chloranthaceæ. Lauraceæ. Euphorbiaceæ. Urticaceæ. Casuarineæ. Monocotyledons. Musaceæ. Zingiberaceæ. Amaryllidaceæ. Liliaceæ. Palmæ. Cyperaceæ. Gramineæ. Bambuseæ. Index of Plants: According to Therapeutic Properties. Index of Plants: According to Special Diseases. Alphabetical Index: Of Systematic and Common Names of Plants A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
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U. S. P. = United States Pharmacopeia, still issued today.

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