» Nature » The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespear, Henry Nicholson Ellacombe [read with me .TXT] 📗

Book online «The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespear, Henry Nicholson Ellacombe [read with me .TXT] 📗». Author Henry Nicholson Ellacombe

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id="Page_396" title="[396]"> Turner. Birch tree; Birke tree.

Gerard. Of the Birch tree.

Cotgrave. Bouleau; Birche.


Turner. Blake bery bush.

Gerard. Blacke-berry.

Cotgrave. Meuron; A blacke, or bramble berrie.


Promptorium. Box tre; Buxus.

Catholicon. A Box tre; buxus buxum.

Turner. Box.

Gerard. Of the Box tree.

Cotgrave. Blanc bois; Box, &c.


Promptorium. Brymbyll.

Turner. Bramble bushe.

Gerard. Of the Bramble or blacke-berry bush.

Cotgrave. Ronce; A Bramble or Brier.


Promptorium. Brere or Brymmeylle; Tribulus, vepris.

Catholicon. A Brere; carduus, tribulus, vepres, veprecula.

Turner. Brier tree.

Gerard. The Brier or Hep tree.

Cotgrave. See Bramble.


Promptorium. Brome, brusche; Genesta, mirica.

Catholicon. Brune; genesta, merica, tramarica.

Turner. Broume.

Gerard. Broome.

Cotgrave. Genest; Broome.


Promptorium. Holrysche or Bulrysche; Papirus.

Cotgrave. Jonc; A Rush, or Bulrush.

Burs and Burdock.

Catholicon. A Burre; bardona, glis, lappa, paliurus.

Turner. Clote Bur.

Gerard. Clote Burre, or Burre Docke.

Cotgrave. Bardane la grande; The burre-dock, clote, bur, great burre.


Turner. Burnet.

Gerard. Burnet.

Cotgrave. Pimpinelle; Burnet.


Turner. Colewurtes.

Gerard. Cabbage or Colewort.

Cotgrave. Chou Cabu; Cabbage, White Colewort, headed Colewort, leafed Cabbage, round Cabbage Cole.


Promptorium. Camamilla.

Catholicon. Camomelle; Camomillum.

Turner. Camomyle.

Gerard. Of Cammomill.

Cotgrave. Camomille; The hearbe Camamell or Camomill.


Gerard. Some are called Carnations.


Promptorium. Caraway herbe; Carwy, sic scribitur in campo florum.

Turner. Caruways.

Gerard. Of Caruwaies.

Cotgrave. Carvi; Caroways, or Caroway seed.


Turner. Carot.

Gerard. Of Carrots.

Cotgrave. Carote; The Carrot (root or hearbe).


Promptorium. Cedyr tree; Cedrus.

Catholicon. A Cedir tre; Cedrus, Cedra; Cedrinus.

Gerard. Of the Cedar tree.

Cotgrave. Cedre; The Cedar tree.


Promptorium. Chery, or Chery frute; Cerasum.

Catholicon. A Chery; Cerasum.

Gerard. The Cherry tree.

Cotgrave. Cerise; A Cherrie.


Promptorium. Castany, frute or tre; idem, Castanea.

Catholicon. A Chestan; balanus, Castanea.

Turner. Chesnut tree.

Gerard. The Chestnut tree.

Cotgrave. Chastaignier; A Chessen, or Chestnut, tree.


Turner. Claver.

Gerard. Three-leaved grass; Claver.

Cotgrave. Treffle; Trefoil, Clover, Three-leaved Grasse.


Promptorium. Clowe, spyce; Gariofolus.

Catholicon. A Clowe; garifolus, species est.

Gerard. The Clove tree.

Cotgrave. Girofle, cloux de Girofle; Cloves.


Promptorium. Cokylle, wede; Nigella, lollium, zizania.

Catholicon. Cokylle; quædam aborigo, zazannia.

Turner. Cockel.

Gerard. Cockle.


Turner. Coloquintida.

Gerard. The wilde Citrull, or Coloquintida.

Cotgrave. Coloquinthe; The wilde and fleme-purging Citrull Coloquintida.


Promptorium. Columbyne, herbe; Columbina.

Catholicon. Columbyne; Columbina.

Gerard. Columbine.

Cotgrave. Colombin; The hearbe Colombine.


Promptorium. Corkbarke; Cortex.

Catholicon. Corke.

Gerard. The Corke Oke.

Cotgrave. Liege; Corke.


Promptorium. Corne; Granum, gramen.

Catholicon. Corn; Granum, bladum, annona, seges.

Gerard. Corne.

Cotgrave. Grain; Graine, Corne.


Promptorium. Cowslope, herbe; Herba petri, herba paralysis, ligustra.

Catholicon. A Cowslope; ligustrum, vaccinium.

Turner. Cowslop, Cowslip.

Gerard. Cowslips.

Cotgrave. Prime-vere; . . . a Cowslip.


Promptorium. Crabbe, appule or frute; Macianum.

Catholicon. A Crab of ye wod; acroma ab acritudine dictum.

Gerard. The wilding or Crabtree.

Cotgrave. Pommier Sauvage; A Crab Tree.


Promptorium. Crowefote, herbe; amarusca vel amarusca emeroydarum, pes corvi.

Turner. Crowfote.

Gerard. Crowfloures or Wilde Williams.

Cotgrave. Hyacinthe; The blew, or purple Jacint, or Hyacinth flower; we call it also, Crow-toes.

Crown Imperial.

Gerard. The Crowne Imperiall.

Cotgrave. Couronne Imperiale; The Imperial Crowne; (a goodlie flower).


Gerard. Wild Water Cresses or Cuckow-floures.

Cotgrave. See Lady-smocks.


Catholicon. Rasyns of Coran; uvapassa.

Turner. Rasin tree.

Gerard. Corans or Currans, or rather Raisins of Corinth.

Cotgrave. Raisins de Corinthe; Currans, or small Raisins.


Promptorium. Cypresse, tre; Cipressus.

Catholicon. A Cipirtre; cipressus, cipressimus.

Turner. Cypresse tree.

Gerard. The Cypresse tree.

Cotgrave. Cyprés; The Cyprus Tree; or Cyprus wood.


Promptorium. Affodylle herbe; Affodillus, albucea.

Catholicon. An Affodylle; Affodillus, harba est.

Turner. Affodill, Daffadyll.

Gerard. Daffodils.

Cotgrave. Asphodile; The Daffadill, Affodill, or Asphodell Flower.


Promptorium. Daysy, floure; Consolida minor et major dicitur Confery.

Catholicon. A Daysy; Consolidum.

Turner. Dasie.

Gerard. Little Daisies.

Cotgrave. Marguerite; A Daisie.


Promptorium. Damasyn', frute; Prunum Damascenum, Coquinella.

Catholicon. A Damysyn tre; damiscenus, nixa pro arbore and fructu, conquinella.

Gerard. The Plum or Damson tree.

Cotgrave. Prune de Damas; A Damson or Damask Plumme.


Promptorium. Dernel, a wede; Zizania.

Catholicon. Darnelle; Zizannia.

Turner. Darnel.

Gerard. Darnell.

Cotgrave. Yvraye; The vicious graine called Ray, or Darnell.


Promptorium. Date, frute; Dactilus.

Catholicon. A Date; dactulus, dactilicus.

Turner. Date tre.

Gerard. The Date tree.

Cotgrave. Dacte; A Date.


Promptorium. Dockeweede; Padella.

Catholicon. A Dokan; paradilla, emula, farella.

Turner. Docke.

Gerard. Docks.

Cotgrave. Parelle; The hearbe Dockes.


Turner. Dog tree.

Gerard. The female Cornell or Dog-berry tree.

Cotgrave. Cornillier femelle; Hounds-tree, Dog-berrie tree, Prick-tymber tree; Gaten, or Gater, tree.


Promptorium. Eban' tre; Ebanus.

Cotgrave. Ebene; The blacke wood called Heben, or Eboine.


Turner. Eglētyne or swete brere.

Gerard. The Eglantine or Sweet Brier.

Cotgrave. Rose sauvage; The Eglantine or Sweet brier Rose.


Promptorium. Eldyr or hyldr or hillerne tre; Sambucus.

Catholicon. A Bur tre; Sambucus.

Turner. Elder tree.

Gerard. The Elder tree.

Cotgrave. Sureau; An Elder Tree.


Promptorium. Elm, tre; Ulmus.

Turner. Elme tree.

Gerard. The Elme tree.

Cotgrave. Orme; an Elme tree.


Turner. Sea holly, or Sea Hulver.

Gerard. Sea Holly.

Cotgrave. Chardon marin; The Sea Thistle, Sea Holly, Eringus.


Promptorium. Fenkylle or fenelle; Feniculum vel feniculus.

Catholicon. Fennelle or fenkelle; feniculum, maratrum.

Turner. Fenel.

Gerard. Fennell.

Cotgrave. Fenouil; The hearbe Fennell.


Promptorium. Brake, herbe or ferne; Filix.

Catholicon. Ferne; polipodium, &c.; ubi brakān (a Brakān; filix).

Turner. Ferne or brake.

Gerard. Ferne.

Cotgrave. Feuchiere; Fearne, brakes.


Promptorium. Fygge or fyge tre; Ficus.

Catholicon. A dry Fige; ficus -i, ficus -us, ficulus.

Turner. Fig tree.

Gerard. The Fig tree.

Cotgrave. Figue; A Fig.


Promptorium. Fylberde, notte; Fillum.

Catholicon. A Filbert; Fillium vel fillum.

Gerard. The Fillberd Nutt.

Cotgrave. Avelaine; A Filbeard.


Gerard. Water Flags.


Promptorium. Flax; Linum.

Catholicon. Lyne; linum.

Turner. Flax.

Gerard. Garden Flaxe.

Cotgrave. Lin; Line, flax.


Turner. Flour de luce.

Gerard. The Floure de-luce.

Cotgrave. Iris; The rainbow; also a Flower de luce.


Promptorium. Fumeter, herbe; Fumus terræ.

Turner. Fumitarie.

Gerard. Fumitorie.

Cotgrave. Fume-terre; The hearbe Fumitorie.


Promptorium. Fyrrys, or qwyce tre, or gorstys tre; Ruscus.

Gerard. Furze, Gorsse, Whin, or prickley Broome.

Cotgrave. Genest espineux; Furres, whinnes, gorse, Thorn broome.


Promptorium. Garlekke; Allium.

Catholicon. Garleke; Alleum.

Turner. Garlike.

Gerard. Garlicke.

Cotgrave. Ail; Garlicke, poore-man's Treacle.


Promptorium. Gyllofre, herbe; Gariophyllus.

Turner. Gelover, Gelefloure.

Gerard. Clove Gillofloures.

Cotgrave. Giroflée; A gilloflower, and most properly, the Clove Gilloflower.


Promptorium. Gyngere; Zinziber.

Catholicon. Ginger; zinziber, zinzebrum.

Gerard. Ginger.

Cotgrave. Gingembre; Ginger.


Turner. Goosebery bush.

Gerard. Goose-berrie or Fea-berry Bush.

Cotgrave. Groselles; Gooseberries.


Promptorium. See Furze.

Gerard. See Furze.

Cotgrave. See Furze.


Promptorium. Goord; Cucumer, cucurbita, colloquintida.

Catholicon. A Gourde; Cucumer vel cucumis.

Turner. Gourde.

Gerard. Gourds.

Cotgrave. Courge; The fruit called a Gourd.


Promptorium. Grape; Uva.

Catholicon. A Grape; Apiana, botrus, passus, uva.

Turner. Grapes.

Gerard. Grapes.

Cotgrave. Raisin; A Grape, also a Raisin.


Promptorium. Gresse, herbe; Herba, gramen.

Catholicon. A Gresse; gramen, herba, herbala.

Turner. Grasse.

Gerard. Grasse.

Cotgrave. Herbe; . . . also Grasse.


Gerard. Hare-bells.


Promptorium. Hawe thorne; ramnus.

Catholicon. An Hawe tre; sinus, rampnus.

Turner. Hawthorne tree.

Gerard. The White Thorne or Hawthorne tree.

Cotgrave. Aubespin; The White-thorne or Hawthorne.


Promptorium. Hesyl tre; Colurus, Colurnus.

Catholicon. An Heselle; corulus.

Turner. Hasyle tree.

Gerard. The Hasell tree.

Cotgrave. Noisiller; A Hasel, or small nut tree.


Promptorium. Hethe; Bruera, bruare.

Turner. Heth.

Gerard. Heath, Hather, or Linge.

Cotgrave. Bruyere; Heath, ling, hather.

Hebona. Hemlock.

Promptorium. Humlok, herbe; Sicuta, lingua canis.

Catholicon. An Hemlok; cicuta, harba benedicta, intubus.

Turner. Hemlocke.

Gerard. Homlocks or herb Bennet.

Cotgrave. Cigne; Hemlocke, Homlocke, hearbe Bennet, Kex.


Promptorium. Hempe; Canabum.

Catholicon. Hempe; Canabus, canabum.

Turner. Hemp.

Gerard. Hempe.

Cotgrave. Chanure; Hempe.


Promptorium. Holme or holy; Ulmus, hussus.

Catholicon. An Holynge; hussus.

Gerard. The Holme, Holly, or Hulver tree.

Cotgrave. Houx; The Hollie, Holme, or Hulver tree.

Holy Thistle.

Turner. Cardo benedictus.

Gerard. The Blessed Thistle.

Cotgrave. Chardon benoict; Holy Thistle, blessed Thistle. Carduus benedictus.


Promptorium. Hony Socle; Abiago.

Turner. Honysuccles.

Gerard. Woodbinde or Honisuckles.

Cotgrave. Chevre-fueille; The Woodbind or Honie-suckle.


Promptorium. Isope, herbe; Isopus.

Catholicon. Isope; ysopus.

Turner. Hysope.

Gerard. Hyssope.

Cotgrave. Hyssope; Hisop.

Insane Root.

Promptorium. Henbane, herbe; Jusquiamus, simphonica, insana.

Gerard. Insana (s.v. Henbane).


Promptorium. Ivy; Edera.

Catholicon. An Ivēn; edera.

Gerard. Ivy.

Cotgrave. Lierre; Ivie.


Promptorium. Kyx, or bunne, or drye weed; Calamus.

Gerard. Kexe.

Cotgrave. See Hemlock.


Turner. Knot grasse.

Gerard. Knot-grasses.

Cotgrave. Centidoine; Centinodie, Knotgrassa, Waygrasse, &c.


Gerard. Lady-smockes.

Cotgrave. Passerage Sauvage; Cuckoe flowers, Ladies-smockes, the lesse Water Cresse.

Lark's Heels.

Gerard. Larks heele or Larks claw.

Cotgrave. Herbe moniale; Wilde Larkes-heele, purple Monkes-flower.


Promptorium. Lauryol, herbe; Laureola.

Catholicon. Larielle; laurus.

Turner. Laurel tree.

Gerard. The Bay or Laurel tree.

Cotgrave. Laureole; Lowrie, Lauriell, Spurge Laurell, little Laurell.


Promptorium. Lavendere, herbe; Lavendula.

Turner. Lauender.

Gerard. Lavander Spike.

Cotgrave. Lavande; Lavender, Spike.


Promptorium. Leek or garleke; Alleum.

Catholicon. A Leke; porrum.

Turner. Leke.

Gerard. Leekes.

Cotgrave. Porreau; A Leeke.


Turner. Limones.

Gerard. The Limon tree.

Cotgrave. Limon; A Lemmon.


Promptorium. Letuce, herbe; Lactuca.

Catholicon. Letuse; lactuca.

Turner. Lettis.

Gerard. Lettuce.

Cotgrave. Laictuë; Lettuce.


Promptorium. Lyly, herbe; Lilium.

Catholicon. A Lylly; lilium, librellum.

Turner. Lily.

Gerard. White Lillies.

Cotgrave. Lis; A Lillie.


Promptorium. Lynde tre; Filia.

Catholicon. A Linde tre; tilia.

Turner. Linden tre.

Gerard. The Line or Linden tree.

Cotgrave. Til; The Line, Linden, or Teylet tree.


Promptorium. Lynge of the hethe; Bruera vel brueria.

Turner. Ling.

Gerard. Heath, Hather, or Linge.

Cotgrave. Bruyere; Heath, ling, hather.


Turner. Carobbeanes.

Gerard. The Carob tree or St. John's Bread.

Long Purples.

Turner. Hand Satyrion.


Gerard. Live in idlenesse.

Cotgrave. Herbe clavelée; Paunsie. . . . Love or live in idleness.


Promptorium. Macys, spyce; Macie in plur.

Catholicon. Mace; Macia.

Gerard. Mace.

Cotgrave. Macis; The spice called Mace.


Promptorium. Malwe, herbe, Malva.

Catholicon. A Malve; Altea, malva.

Turner. Mallowe.

Gerard. The wilde Mallowes.

Cotgrave. Maulve; The hearbe Mallow.


Promptorium. Mandragge, herbe; Mandragora.

Turner. Mandrage.

Gerard. Mandrake.

Cotgrave. Mandragore; Mandrake, Mandrage, Mandragon.


Promptorium. Golde, heabe; Solsequium, quia sequitur solem, &c.

Catholicon. Marigolde; Solsequium, sponsa solis, herba est.

Turner. Marygoulde.

Gerard. Marigolds.

Cotgrave. Soulsi; the Marigold, Ruds.


Promptorium. Mageræm, herbe; Majorona.

Catholicon. Marioron; herba Maiorana.

Turner. Margerum.

Gerard. Marjerome.

Cotgrave. Marjolaine; Marierome, sweet Marierome, fine Marierome, Marierome gentle.


Turner. Medler tre.

Gerard. The Medlar tree.

Cotgrave. Neffle; a Medler.


Promptorium. Mynte, herbe; Minta.

Catholicon. Minte; Menta, herba est.

Turner. Mint.

Gerard. Mints.

Cotgrave. Mente; the hearbe Mint, or Mints.


Turner. Misceldin, or Miscelto.

Gerard. Misseltoe or Misteltoe.

Cotgrave. Guy; Misseltoe, or Misseldine.


Promptorium. Mosse, growynge a-mongys stonys; Muscus.

Catholicon. Mosse; muscus, ivena.

Gerard. Ground Mosse.

Cotgrave. Mousse; Mosse.


Promptorium. Mulbery; Morum.

Catholicon. A Mulbery; Morum.

Turner. Mulbery tree.

Gerard. The Mulberrie tree.

Cotgrave. Meure; A Mulberrie.


Promptorium. Muscherōn toodys hatte; Boletus, fungus.

Gerard. Mushrumes or Toadstooles.

Cotgrave. Champignon; A Mushrum, Toadstoole, Paddock-stoole.


Promptorium. Mustard or Warlok or senvyne, herbe; Sinapis.

Catholicon. Musterde; Sinapium.

Turner. Mustarde.

Gerard. Mustard.

Cotgrave. Moustarde; Mustard.


Turner. Myrtle or Myrt tree.

Gerard. The Myrtle tree.

Cotgrave. Myrte: The Mirtle tree or Shrub.


Promptorium. Netyl, herbe; Urtica.

Catholicon. A Nettylle; Urtica.

Turner. Nettle.

Gerard. Stinging Nettle.

Cotgrave. Ortie; A Nettle, the Common Nettle.


Promptorium. Note, frute; Nux.

Catholicon. A Nutte; nux, nucula, nucicula.

Gerard. Wilde hedge-Nut.

Cotgrave. Noisette; A small Nut, or Hasel Nut.


Promptorium. Notemygge; Nux muscata.

Catholicon. A Nut muge; nux muscata.

Gerard. The Nutmeg tree.

Cotgrave. Noix Muscade; A Nutmeg.


Promptorium. Oke, tee; Quercus, ylex.

Catholicon. An Oke; quarcus, &c.; ubi An Ake.

Turner. Oke.

Gerard. The Oke.

Cotgrave. Chesne; An Oake.


Promptorium. Ote or havur Corne; Avena.

Catholicon. Otys; ubi haver (Havyr; avena, avenula).

Turner. Otes.

Gerard. Otes.

Cotgrave. Avoyne; Oats.


Promptorium. Olyve, tre; Oliva.

Catholicon. An Olyve tre; olea, oleaster, oliva; olivaris.

Turner. Olyve tree.

Gerard. The Olive tree.

Cotgrave. Olivier; An Olive tree.


Promptorium. Onyone; Sepe.

Catholicon. Onyōn; bilbus, cepa, cepe.

Turner. Onyon.

Gerard. Onions.

Cotgrave. Oignon; An Onyon.


Promptorium. Oronge, fruete; Pomum citrinum, citrum.

Turner. Orenge tree.

Gerard. The Orange tree.

Cotgrave. Orange; An Orange.


Promptorium. Osyere; Vimen.

Turner. Osyer tree.

Gerard. The Oziar or Water Willow.

Cotgrave. Osier; The Ozier, red Withie, water Willow tree.


Gerard. Field Oxlips.

Cotgrave. Arthetiques; Cowslips or Oxlips.


Promptorium. Palme; Palma.

Catholicon. A Palme tre; palma, palmula.

Gerard. The Date tree.

Cotgrave. Palmier; The Palme, or Date tree.


Turner. Panses.

Gerard. Hearts-ease or Pansies.

Cotgrave. Pensée; The flower Paunsie.


Promptorium. Persley, herbe; Petrocillum.

Catholicon. Parcelle; Petrocillum, herba est.

Turner. Persely.

Gerard. Parsley.

Cotgrave. Persil; Parsely.


Promptorium. Peche, or peske, frute: Pesca, pomum Persicum.

Turner. Peche tree.

Gerard. The Peach tree.

Cotgrave. Pesche; A Peach.


Promptorium. Pere, tre; Pirus.

Catholicon. A Pere tre; Pirus.

Turner. Peare tree.

Gerard. The Peare tree.

Cotgrave. Poire; A Peare.


Promptorium. Pese, frute of corne; Pisa.

Catholicon. A Peise; Pisa.

Turner. A Pease.

Gerard. Peason.

Cotgrave. Pois; A Peas or Peason.


Promptorium. Pepyr; Piper.

Catholicon. Pepyr; Piper.

Turner. Indishe Peper.

Gerard. The Pepper plant.

Cotgrave. Poyvre; Pepper.


Turner. Ernutte.

Gerard. Earth-Nut, Earth Chestnut, or Kippernut.

Cotgrave. Faverottes; Earth-nuts, Kipper-nuts, Earth-Chestnuts.


Promptorium. Pynot, tre; Pinus.

Catholicon. A Pyne tree; pinus.

Turner. Pyne tre.

Gerard. The Pine tree.

Cotgrave. Pin; A Pine tree.


Gerard. Pinks or wilde Gillofloures.

Cotgrave. Oeillet; A Gilliflower; also, a Pinke.


Promptorium. Pyany, herbe; Pionia.

Catholicon. A Pyon; pionia, herba est.

Turner. Pyony.

Gerard. Peionie.

Cotgrave. Pion; A certaine great, round, and Bulbus-rooted flower, of one whole colour.


Promptorium. Plane, tre; Platanus.

Catholicon. A Playne tre; platanus.

Turner. Playne tree.

Gerard. The Plane tree.

Cotgrave. Platane; The right Plane tree (a stranger in England).

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