» Nature » The plant-lore & garden-craft of Shakespear, Henry Nicholson Ellacombe [read with me .TXT] 📗

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Promptorium. Planteyne, or plawnteyn, herbe; Plantago.

Turner. Plantaine.

Gerard. Land Plantaine.

Cotgrave. Plantain; Plantaine, Way-bred.


Promptorium. Plowme; Prunum.

Catholicon. A Plowmbe; prunum.

Turner. Plum tree.

Gerard. The Plum tree.

Cotgrave. Prune; A Plumme.


Promptorium. Pomegarnet, frute; Pomum granatum, vel malum granatum.

Catholicon. A Pomgarnett; Malogranatum, Malumpunicum.

Turner. Pomgranat tree.

Gerard. The Pomegranat tree.

Cotgrave. Grenarde; a Pomegranet.


Promptorium. Popy, weed; Papaver, Codia.

Turner. Poppy.

Gerard. Poppy.

Cotgrave. Pavot; Poppie, Cheesbowls.


Gerard. Potatus, or Potato's.


Promptorium. Prymerose; Primula, calendula, liqustrum.

Catholicon. A Prymerose; primarosa, primula veris.

Turner. Primrose.

Gerard. Primrose.

Cotgrave. Primevere; The Primrose.


Gerard. Melons, or Pumpions.

Cotgrave. Pompon; A Pompion or Melon.


Promptorium. Quence, frute; Coctonum, Scitonum.

Turner. Quince tree.

Gerard. The Quince tree.

Cotgrave. Coignier; A Quince tree.


Catholicon. Radcolle; Raphanus, herba est.

Turner. Radice or Radishe.

Gerard. Radish.

Cotgrave. Radis; A Raddish root.


Promptorium. Reysone, or reysynge, frute; Uva passa, carica.

Catholicon. A Rasyn; passa, racemus.

Turner. Rasin.

Gerard. Raisins.

Cotgrave. Raisin; A Grape, also a Raisin.


Promptorium. Reed, of the fenne; Arundo, canna.

Catholicon. A Rede; Arundo, canna, canula.

Turner. Reed.

Gerard. Reeds.

Cotgrave. Roseau; A Reed, a Cane.


Gerard. Rubarb.

Cotgrave. Reubarbe; The root called Rewbarb, or Rewbarb of the Levant.


Promptorium. Ryce, frute; Risia, vel risi.

Catholicon. Ryse; risi judeclinabile.

Turner. Ryse.

Gerard. Rice.

Cotgrave. Ris; The graine called Rice.


Promptorium. Rose, floure; Rosa.

Catholicon. A Rose; rosa-sula, rosella.

Turner. Rose.

Gerard. Roses.

Cotgrave. Rose; A Rose.


Promptorium. Rose Mary, herbe; Ros marinus, rosa marina.

Catholicon. Rosemary; Dendrolibanum, herba est.

Turner. Rosemary.

Gerard. Rosemary.

Cotgrave. Rosmarin; Rosemarie.


Promptorium. Ruwe, herbe; Ruta.

Catholicon. Rewe; ruta, herba est.

Turner. Rue.

Gerard. Rue or Herb Grace.

Cotgrave. Rue; Rue, Hearbe Grace.


Promptorium. Rysche, or rusche; Cirpus, juncus.

Catholicon. A Rysche; ubi a Sefe (a Seyfe, juncus, biblus, cirpus).

Gerard. Rushes.

Cotgrave. Jonc; A rush, or bulrush.


Promptorium. Rye, corn; Siligo.

Catholicon. Ry; Sagalum.

Turner. Rye.

Gerard. Rie.

Cotgrave. Seigle; Rye.


Promptorium. Safrun; Crocum.

Catholicon. Saferon; Crocus, crocum.

Turner. Safforne, Saffron.

Gerard. Saffron.

Cotgrave. Saffron; Saffron.


Turner. Sampere.

Gerard. Sampier.

Cotgrave. Creste marine; Sampier, Sea Fennell, Crestmarine.


Promptorium. Saverey, herbe; Satureia.

Catholicon. Saferay; Satureia, herba est.

Turner. Saueray or Sauery.

Gerard. Savorie.


Promptorium. Segge, of fenne, or wyld gladon; Acorus.

Catholicon. A Segg; Carex.

Turner. Sege or Sheregres.

Cotgrave. Glayeul bastard; Sedge, wild flags, &c.


Turner. Sene.

Gerard. Sene.

Cotgrave. Senné; The purging plant Sene.

Speargrass. Stover. Strawberry.

Promptorium. Strawbery; Fragum.

Catholicon. A Strabery; Fragum.

Turner. Strawbery.

Gerard. Straw-berries.

Cotgrave. Fraise; A strawberrie.


Promptorium. Sycomoure, tree; Sicomorus, celsa.

Gerard. The Sycomore tree.

Cotgrave. Sycomore; The Sycomore.


Promptorium. Thystylle; Cardo, Carduus.

Catholicon. A Thystelle; Cardo.

Turner. Thistle.

Gerard. Thistles.

Cotgrave. Chardon; A Thistle.


Promptorium. Thorne; Spina, sentis, sentix.

Catholicon. A Thorne; Spina, spinula, sentis.

Turner. Whyte Thorne.

Gerard. White Thorne.

Cotgrave. Espine; A thorne.


Promptorium. Tyme, herbe; Tima, timum.

Catholicon. Tyme; timum, epitimum.

Turner. Wild Thyme.

Gerard. Wilde Time.

Cotgrave. Thym; The hearbe Time.


Catholicon. A Paddockstole; boletus, fungus, tuber, &c.

Gerard. Toadstooles.

Cotgrave. Champignon; A Mushrum, Toadstoole, Paddockstoole.


Turner. Rape or Turnepe.

Gerard. Turneps.

Cotgrave. Naveau blanc de Jardin; Th' ordinarie Rape, or Turneps.


Promptorium. Fetche, corne, or tare; Vicia.

Turner. Fyche.

Gerard. The Vetch or Fetch.

Cotgrave. Vesce; The pulse called Fitch, or Vetch.


Promptorium. Vyny or Vyne; Vitis.

Catholicon. A Vyne tree; argitis, propago, vitis.

Turner. Wild Vine.

Gerard. The manured Vine.

Cotgrave. Vigne; A Vine, the plant that beareth Grapes.


Promptorium. Vyalett, or vyolet, herbe; Viola.

Catholicon. A Violett; Viola.

Turner. Violet.

Gerard. Violets.

Cotgrave. Violette; A Violet.


Promptorium. Walnote; Avelana.

Catholicon. A Walnotte; Avellanus, Avellanum.

Turner. Walnut tree.

Gerard. The Wall-nut tree.

Cotgrave. Noix; A Wallnut.


Promptorium. Wardone, peere; Volemum.

Catholicon. A Wardon; Volemum, crustunum.

Cotgrave. Poure de garde; A Warden, or Winter Peare.


Promptorium. Whete, Corne; Triticum, frumentum.

Catholicon. Whete; Ceres, frumentum, triticum.

Turner. Wheate.

Gerard. Wheate.

Cotgrave. Froment; Wheat.


Promptorium. Wylowe, tree; Salix.

Catholicon. A Wylght; Salix.

Turner. Wylow tree.

Gerard. The Willow tree.

Cotgrave. Saule; A Sallow, Willow, or Withie tree.


Promptorium. Woode Bynde; Caprifolium, vicicella.

Catholicon. Wodde bynde; terebinthus.

Turner. Wodbynde.

Gerard. Wood-bind or Honeysuckle.

Cotgrave. Chevre-fueille; The wood-bind or honie-suckle.


Promptorium. Wyrmwode, herbe; Absinthum.

Catholicon. Wormede; absinthum.

Turner. Mugwort, Wormwod.

Gerard. Wormewood.

Cotgrave. Absynthe; Wormewood.


Promptorium. V tree; Taxus.

Catholicon. An Eu tre; taxus.

Turner. Yewtree.

Gerard. The Yew tree.

Cotgrave. If; An Yew or Yew tree.


[393:1] Where any of these five are omitted, that author does not name the plant. In many cases the same plant is given under different names; but I have not thought it necessary to quote more than one. In the quotations from Turner the preference is given to the "Names of Herbes," where the plant is mentioned in both works.


COMEDIES.   Tempest— Act I., sc. 1. Furze, Heath, Ling, Nut.   sc. 2. Acorn, Ivy, Oak, Pine, Reed. Act II., sc. 1. Apple, Corn, Docks, Grass, Wallows, Nettle.   sc. 2. Crab, Filbert, Pignuts. Act IV., sc. 1. Barley, Barnacles, Brier, Broom, Furze, Gorse, Grass, Lime, Oats, Peas, Piony, Rye, Saffron, Sedge, Stover, Thorns, Vetches, Wheat. Act V., sc. 1. Cedar, Cowslips, Lime, Mushrooms, Oak, Pine, Reed.   Two Gentlemen of Verona— Act I., sc. 2. Ginger. Act II., sc. 3. Lily.   sc. 7. Sedge. Act IV., sc. 4. Lily, rose. Act I., sc. 1. Cabbage, Prunes.   sc. 2. Pippins.   sc. 3. Figs. Act II., sc. 3. Elder. Act III., sc. 1. Roses.   sc. 3. Hawthorn, Pumpion.   sc. 4. Turnips.   sc. 5. Pepper. Act IV., sc. 1. Carrot.   sc. 2. Walnut.   sc. 4. Oak.   sc. 5. Pear.   sc. 6. Oak. Act V., sc. 1. Oak.   sc. 3. Oak.   sc. 5. Balm, Bilberry, Eringoes, Flax, Oak, Plums, Potatoes.   Twelfth Night— Act I., sc. 1. Violets.   sc. 3. Flax.   sc. 5. Apple, Codling, Olive, Peascod, Squash, Willow. Act II., sc. 3. Ginger.   sc. 4. Roses.   sc. 5. Box, Nettle, Yew. Act III., sc. 1. Roses. Act IV., sc. 2. Ebony, Pepper. Act V., sc. 1. Apple.   Measure for Measure— Act I., sc. 3. Birch. Act II., sc. 1. Prunes, Grapes.   sc. 2. Myrtle, Oak, Violet.   sc. 3. Ginger. Act III., sc. 2. Garlick. Act IV., sc. 1. Corn.   sc. 3. Burs, Medlar, Peach.   Much Ado About Nothing— Dramatis Personæ. Dogberry. Act I., sc. 3. Rose. Act II., sc. 1. Oak, Orange, Sedge, Willow. Act III., sc. 1. Honeysuckle, Woodbine.   sc. 4. Carduus Benedictus, Holy Thistle.   Midsummer Night's Dream— Act I., sc. 1. Grass, Hawthorn, Musk Roses, Primrose, Rose, Wheat.   sc. 2. Orange. Act II., sc. 1. Acorn, Beans, Brier, Corn, Cowslip, Crab, Eglantine, Love-in-idleness, Musk Rose, Oxlip, Thyme, Violet, Woodbine. Act III., sc. 1. Acorn, Apricot, Brier, Dewberries, Figs, Grapes, Hawthorn, Hemp, Knot-grass, Lily, Mulberries, Orange, Rose, Thorns.   sc. 2. Acorn, Brier, Burs, Cherry, Thorns. Act IV., sc. 1. Elm, Honeysuckle, Ivy, Nuts, Oats, Peas, Thistle, Woodbine.   sc. 2. Garlick, Onions. Act V., sc. 1. Brier, Broom, Cowslip, Leek, Lily, Thorns.   Love's Labour's Lost— Act I., sc. 1. Corn, Ebony, Rose. Act III., sc. 1. Plantain. Act IV., sc. 2. Crab, Oak, Osier, Pomewater.   sc. 3. Cedar, Cockle, Corn, Rose, Thorns. Act V., sc. 1. Ginger.   sc. 2. Columbine, Cloves, Crabs, Cuckoo-buds, Daisies, Grass, Lady-smocks, Lemon, Lily, Mint, Nutmeg, Oats, Peas, Rose, Sugar, Sycamore, Violets, Wormwood.   Merchant of Venice— Act I., sc. 1. Grass, Wheat.   sc. 3. Apple. Act III., sc. 1. Ginger, Sugar.   sc. 4. Reed. Act IV., sc. 1. Pine. Act V., sc. 1. Willow.   As You Like It— Act I., sc. 2. Mustard.   sc. 3. Briers, Burs. Act II., sc. 1. Oak.   sc. 4. Peascod.   sc. 7. Holly. Act III., sc. 2. Brambles, Cork, Hawthorn, Medlar, Nut, Rose, Rush.   sc. 3. Sugar.   sc. 4. Chestnut, Nut.   sc. 5. Rush. Act IV., sc. 3. Moss, Oak, Osier. Act V., sc. 1. Grape.   sc. 3. Rye.   All's Well that Ends Well— Act I., sc. 1. Date, Pear.   sc. 3. Rose. Act II., sc. 1. Grapes.   sc. 2. Rush.   sc. 3. Pomegranate.   sc. 5. Nut. Act IV., sc. 2. Roses.   sc. 4. Briers.   sc. 5. Grass, Marjoram, Herb of Grace, Saffron. Act V., sc. 3. Onion.   Taming of the Shrew— Induction.   Onions, Rose, Sedge. Act I., sc. 1. Apple, Love-in-idleness.   sc. 2. Chestnut. Act II., sc. 1. Crab, Cypress, Hazel. Act III., sc. 2. Oats. Act IV., sc. 1. Rushes.   sc. 3. Apple, Mustard, Walnut.   sc. 4. Parsley.   Winter's Tale— Act I., sc. 2. Flax, Nettles, Squash, Thorns. Act II., sc. 1. Pines.   sc. 3. Oak. Act III., sc. 3. Cork. Act IV., sc. 4. Brier, Carnations, Crown Imperial, Daffodils, Flower-de-luce, Garlick, Gillyflowers, Lavender, Lilies, Marigold, Marjoram, Mint, Oxlips, Primroses, Rosemary, Rue, Savory, Thorns, Violets.   Comedy of Errors— Act II., sc. 2. Ivy, Brier, Moss, Elm, Vine, Grass. Act IV., sc. 1. Balsamum, Cherry, Rush, Nut.   sc. 4. Saffron.   HISTORIES.   King John— Act I., sc. 1. Rose. Act II., sc. 1. Cherry, Fig, Plum. Act III., sc. 1. Lily Rose. Act IV., sc. 2. Lily, Violet.   sc. 3. Rush, Thorns.   Richard II.— Act II., sc. 3. Sugar.   sc. 4. Bay. Act III., sc. 2. Balm, Nettles, Pine, Yew.   sc. 3. Corn, Grass.   sc. 4. Apricots. Act IV., sc. 1. Balm, Thorns. Act V., sc. 1. Rose.   sc. 2. Violets.   1st Henry IV.— Act I., sc. 3. Reeds, Rose, Sedge, Thorn. Act II., sc. 1. Beans, Fern, Ginger, Oats, Peas.   sc. 3. Nettle.   sc. 4. Blackberries, Camomile, Pomegranate, Radish, Raisins, Speargrass, Sugar. Act III., sc. 1. Garlick, Ginger, Moss, Rushes.   sc. 3. Apple-john, Prunes, Sugar.   2nd Henry IV.— Act I., sc. 2. Gooseberries, Mandrake. Act II., sc. 1. Hemp, Honeysuckle.   sc. 2. Peach.   sc. 4. Apple-john, Aspen, Elm, Fennel, Mustard, Peascod, Prunes, Rose. Act III., sc. 2. Radish. Act IV., sc. 1. Corn.   sc. 4. Aconitum, Olive.   sc. 5. Balm, Ebony. Act V., sc. 1. Wheat.   sc. 2. Sugar.   sc. 3. Carraways, Fig, Leathercoats, Pippins.   sc. 5. Rushes.   Henry V.— Act I., sc. 1. Grass, Nettle, Strawberry. Act III., Chorus. Hemp.   sc. 3. Barley.   sc. 6. Fig, Hemp.   sc. 7. Nutmeg, Ginger. Act IV., sc. 1. Balm, Elder, Fig, Leek, Violet.   sc. 2. Grass.   sc. 7. Leek. Act V., sc. 1. Leek.   sc. 2. Burnet, Burs, Clover, Cowslip, Darnel, Docks, Flower-de-luce, Fumitory, Hemlock, Kecksies, Thistles, Vines.   1st Henry VI.— Act I., sc. 1. Flower-de-luce. Act II., sc. 4. Brier, Red and White Rose.   sc. 5. Vine. Act III., sc. 2. Corn.   sc. 3. Sugar. Act IV., sc. 1. Rose.   2nd Henry VI.— Act I., sc. 2. Corn. Act II., sc. 1. Damsons, Plums.   sc. 3. Fig, Pine. Act III., sc. 1. Thorns.   sc. 2. Corn, Crab, Cypress, Darnel, Grass, Mandrake, Primrose, Sugar. Act IV., sc. 2. Grass.   sc. 7. Hemp.   sc. 10. Grass. Act V., sc. 1. Cedar, Flower-de-luce.   sc. 2. Flax.   3rd Henry VI.— Act II., sc. 1. Oak.   sc. 5. Hawthorn. Act III., sc. 1. Balm.   sc. 2. Thorns. Act IV., sc. 6. Laurel, Olive.   sc. 8. Balm. Act V., sc. 2. Cedar.   sc. 4. Thorns.   sc. 5. Thorns.   sc. 7. Corn.   Richard III.— Act I., sc. 2. Balm.   sc. 3. Cedar, Sugar. Act III., sc. 1. Sugar.   sc. 4. Strawberries. Act IV., sc. 3. Rose. Act V., sc. 2. Vine.   Henry VIII.— Act III., sc. 1. Lily. Act IV., sc. 2. Bays, Palms. Act V., sc. 1. Cherry, Corn.   sc. 4. Apple, Crab, Broom.   sc. 5. Corn, Lily, Vine.   TRAGEDIES.   Troilus and Cressida— Act I., sc. 1. Balm, Wheat.   sc. 2. Date, Nettle.   sc. 3. Laurel, Oak, Pine. Act II., sc. 1. Nut, Toadstool. Act III., sc. 2. Burs, Lily,
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