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Mr. Monk Goes to Germany Mr. Monk [6] Lee Goldberg Signet (2008)

Rating: ★★★★☆ Tags: General, Fiction, Private investigators, Mystery Detective, Detective and mystery stories, Mystery fiction, Monk; Adrian (Fictitious character), Eccentrics and eccentricities, Radio and television novels, Germany

Generalttt Fictionttt Private investigatorsttt Mystery Detectivettt Detective and mystery storiesttt Mystery fictionttt Monk; Adrian (Fictitious character)ttt Eccentrics and eccentricitiesttt Radio and television novelsttt Germanyttt

From Publishers Weekly

The sixth novel (after 2007's Mr. Monk in Outer Space) based on the popular Monk TV series created by Andy Breckman effectively meets the challenges of translating the screen concept to the page. Monk, an extreme sufferer of obsessive-compulsive disorder who left the San Francisco police department after his journalist wife, Trudy, was killed in a car bombing, decides to accompany his psychotherapist, Dr. Kroger, to a professional conference in Germany so that he won't miss his weekly therapy session. Once in Germany, Monk spots a six-fingered man he believes may have ordered the hit on Trudy. The discovery that the man is an old acquaintance of his psychotherapist leads Monk to investigate Kroger as well. Despite the lack of the TV series' visual humor and the performance of actor Tony Shalhoub, Goldberg does a decent job of conveying both the sleuth's quirks and his genius.

Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Product Description

Adrian Monk is on a roll—solving murders as fast as they come, and not counting his Wheat Chex until they’re in the bowl. But when his therapist, Dr. Kroger, leaves for Germany, Monk can’t tie his shoes, forgets how to swallow, and loses track of his blinking. Desperate, he follows Dr. Kroger to Germany where he sees a man with six fingers. The man responsible for his wife’s death—or was it just his imagination? Now Monk has to deal with his phobias and the unfriendly polizei to find his man.

Table of Contents

Title Page

Copyright Page


CHAPTER ONE - Mr. Monk and the Assistant

CHAPTER TWO - Mr. Monk and the Balance of Nature

CHAPTER THREE - Mr. Monk Takes the Cake

CHAPTER FOUR - Mr. Monk Sees His Shrink

CHAPTER FIVE - Mr. Monk Falls Apart

CHAPTER SIX - Mr. Monk Loses Count

CHAPTER SEVEN - Mr. Monk and the Likely Suspect

CHAPTER EIGHT - Mr. Monk Takes Flight

CHAPTER NINE - Mr. Monk Arrives in Germany

CHAPTER TEN - Mr. Monk and the Appointment

CHAPTER ELEVEN - Mr. Monk Returns

CHAPTER TWELVE - Mr. Monk and the New Experience

CHAPTER THIRTEEN - Mr. Monk Goes on Vacation

CHAPTER FOURTEEN - Mr. Monk and the Six Fingers

CHAPTER FIFTEEN - Mr. Monk Sees a Corpse

CHAPTER SIXTEEN - Mr. Monk and the Deal

CHAPTER SEVENTEEN - Mr. Monk Makes a Discovery

CHAPTER EIGHTEEN - Mr. Monk and the Perfect Storm

CHAPTER NINETEEN - Mr. Monk and the Stakeout

CHAPTER TWENTY - Mr. Monk Meets Nature

CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE - Mr. Monk Gets Some News

CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO - Mr. Monk and Dr. Kroger

CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE - Mr. Monk Visits Freakville

CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR - Mr. Monk and the Guy

CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE - Mr. Monk and the Friendly Skies

CHAPTER TWENTY-SIX - Mr. Monk Goes to Berlin


CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT - Mr. Monk Takes a Walk in the Woods

CHAPTER TWENTY-NINE - Mr. Monk Has a Brand-new Bag

CHAPTER THIRTY - Mr. Monk Gets the Picture


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Copyright © 2008 Universal Studios Licensing LLLP. Monk © USA Cable Entertainment LLC. All rights reserved

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Goldberg, Lee, 1962-

Mr. Monk goes to Germany / Lee Goldberg.

p. cm.

“An Obsidian mystery.”

Based on the television series created by Andy Breckman.

eISBN : 978-1-436-23646-1

1. Monk, Adrian (Fictitious character)—Fiction. 2. Private investigators—Fiction. 3. Eccentrics

and eccentricities—Fiction. 4. Germany—Fiction. I. Monk (Television program) II. Title. III.

Title: Mister Monk goes to Germany.

PS3557.O3577M728 2008

813’.54—dc22 2008000666

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To Valerie and Madison


This book was written in Los Angeles, California, and in Lohr, Germany … and in hotel rooms in Munich, Cologne, London, and Montreal and in the many airplanes and trains that shuttled me between those

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