The Defiance of Vim (Catalyst Book 4), C.J. Aaron [best novel books to read .TXT] 📗

- Author: C.J. Aaron
Book online «The Defiance of Vim (Catalyst Book 4), C.J. Aaron [best novel books to read .TXT] 📗». Author C.J. Aaron
©2020 CJ AARON
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
About the Author
The burning golden-yellow orb was the only blemish to mar the pristine blue sky overhead. In every direction, the unending wash of azure blanketed the heavens as it stretched out to the horizons. The sun maintained its permanent vigil as it watched over the embattled landscape under its domain. The sea to the south and the mountains to the north were unwitting spectators, watching the spectacle unfold at a pace that suited their evolutions.
The ground here was locked in an age-old battle, one which to this point had remained in a perpetual stalemate. A jagged line of vegetation delineated the boundaries of the two opposing sides. Each forever pushing against the other, matching strength for strength. Where meters were gained by one, the other reclaimed the lost territory shortly down the border.
To the east, the land was green and lively. The thick, nutrient-rich earth produced diverse flora and fauna. Vibrantly colored, straight blades of wild grasses stood proudly, swaying as a gentle breeze rippled through their midst. Scattered copses of trees dotted the rolling terrain. Melodic trills and varied songs of the birds melded into a symphony of harmonic beauty. Wildlife scampered through the underbrush, pausing to enjoy the fruits of the healthy land.
The terrain to the west was as different as night is to day. A monochromatic palette of burnt reds colored the barren waste that stretched to the horizon. Here, the dry earth was hard and infertile, sustaining little life. The vegetation that survived was as harsh as the terrain from which it sprouted. The trees were stunted, riddled with thorns and tiny brittle leaves. The grasses were short, bent into a pitiful posture, yet their serrated edges were eager to draw blood.
Clusters of boulders, sharp rocky outcroppings, and scattered groves of short, gnarled trees highlighted the muted terrain. There were no songs in the air, as no birds flitted through the sky above. Few creatures survived in the bleak conditions here. Those that did were wary, exposing their motion for an instant at a time before seeking shelter once more.
Even the air here seemed affected. It was stale, hinted with a tinge of ash. A hint of rot lingered when a breeze stirred the stagnant atmosphere.
A small songbird alighted on a slender branch of a thin sapling at the edge of a grove of trees only meters into the fertile land to the east. Its attention was drawn to a sudden motion from the lifeless wastes to the west. A shadow stirred among a pile of rocks along the boundary.
From behind the outcropping the movement coalesced into a form. It was tall and skinny with hairless skin so deep red it appeared black in the sun. Its long, lanky legs and arms seemed grossly disproportionate to its body. The creature flexed its hands. The long wicked claws clicked together as it made a fist.
The beast hunched slightly as it stalked forward. The long claws on its toes left pointed indents and gouges in the hard, reddish ground as it passed. High in the branches above, the small bird watched anxiously. Though the air was still its feathers ruffled as if jostled by an unnatural breeze. A potent wave of emotions washed over it.
There was fear.
There was hatred. Raw and unfiltered.
The beast paused at the edge of the boundary between green grass and burnt earth. Its head angled to the side, its teeth gnashed together. The black eyes darted from point to point. The calculating gaze examining the terrain before it.
All life had paused along the border. The birds rested motionless on their branches. Their songs had faded into an abrupt silence. No creatures stirred among the grasses. Even the wind paused in anticipation.
After a moment of survey, the beast took a hesitant step forward. The black claws of its feet tore into the grass underfoot. The healthy green blades were severed as they were crushed into the soft
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