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Book online «My Boyfriend's Back, Maureen McCarrie [best e reader for epub .txt] 📗». Author Maureen McCarrie

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he isn't thekind of guy who would make another person suffer. So when he hadthe chance to humiliate me, and slam a door in my face, hedidn't."

He waited forher to comment. She sipped her latte and said nothing.

"I got firedfrom three jobs in three consecutive media outlets. They were rightto fire me. I acted like a complete asshole. Jack was willing togive me another chance, but only if I would change. He had noreason to do it. I had no right to expect it."

"And just likethat," she said, "you became brothers? Became best friends? Became—what, exactly?"

"Kindredspirits?" He smiled. "I told you, Rori, there's a lot I can't saywithout betraying a trust... or two, actually. Maybe you couldspend more time with Jack's mom. Ask her what she's willing toshare. I think she will tell you that you can trust me."

"She's a blindwoman, all alone, about to lose her son." Rori set her jaw atthat.

"Maybe so.Maybe she will lose a son. Maybe she will gain another one. Butdon't for one minute get it into your head that Kate Lynch is dumb,or easily led, or dotty."

Rori wassurprised at the genuine anger she saw in his face. "I happen to bevery fond of Kate, so don't make this out like I'm doubting her. Idon't want to see her get hurt."

"Give her somecredit. For that matter, give Jack some."

"What? Where doyou—"

"Hang on,Rori." John's face was flushed. "Admit it to yourself, at least.You never gave him credit. He tagged along behind you all throughhigh school and you let him. Now you're his protector?"

"I loved him. Istill do." The words were a choked whisper. Had she really beencruel to Jack?

"If that's trueyou should trust his judgment. If he trusts me with his mother, youshould trust him to know he can."

Rori stared atthe table. John dropped some money beside his empty beer andstood.

"I hope you canlearn to look at me and see who I really am, Rori. Who I reallyam. Before it's too late."

With thatcryptic remark he left. Lifting her eyes to the space where he'dbeen, Rori felt the blood drain from her face. Her handstrembled.

The candies onJohn's side of the table had all been eaten... except for theorange ones. They were pushed to one side in a bright, sunnypile.

What the hellwas going on?

Chapter 10

Rori calledahead to be sure she would find Kate Lynch alone. Assured that Johnwas "out of the house on business," she took a cab to the house andrapped on the door with a box of pastries under her arm.

Sitting acrossfrom Jack's mother, she poured tea for both of them.

"I hope youdon't mind me dropping in, Kate." Rori still felt the woman was fartoo calm for someone with a beloved son in a coma.

"Not at all,dear. This door is always open to you."

"Something hasreally been bothering me, and John told me I should talk to you."Rori pursed her lips, took a breath, and soldiered on. "I hope youknow I would never want to do anything to offend you."

"Rori, what isit? I can hear the worry in your voice. Come, out with it,dear."

"What is goingon?" She blurted it out, then wished she'd planned aheadbefore she came. But now the door was open. "I just can'tunderstand this sudden connection between Jack, and you, andJohn Lydon. So, okay, Jack forgives the guy, and okay, maybehe's trying to get his life together. But what's with thechanneling Jack thing?"


"Well he just—he acts like he's trying to be Jack. The cookies, and the candy,and the nickname—"

"Rori, dear,you are getting a little hysterical."

"How can younot notice it?"

Kate Lynchpushed the teacup away from herself and sat back, folding her handsin her lap. Rori felt the air rush out of her anger in a suddenwhoosh.

"You think Idon't notice the changes in John?" Her voice was deadly quiet."Rori, dear, I'm not the one missing things here. John is ason to me. Jack is my life. If you saw things as clearly as thisold blind woman, you'd know exactly why."

Rori took abreath to speak, but Kate Lynch held a hand up imperiously.

"Listento me, dear. I know you came home this weekend hoping for a chanceto make things right between you and Jack. Young people tend tothink they invented love. You didn't, you know. So listen to an oldwoman who knows a thing or two. You love Jack and he loves you.Sometimes... well, sometimes, sweetheart, you have to look past thepackaging."

Rori wascompletely bewildered, but she couldn't shake the feeling that shewas missing something.

"Do youremember when Jack re-painted his bedroom a month after yourhusband painted it? In fifth grade?"

Kate smiled."His father called it one color, but Jack insisted it was another.I, obviously, was no help."

"It was orange.Oh, the most awful orange. Jack wanted a warm tan color, and had todo it over. But he hated orange after that— still hates it, infact. It became a running joke. He wouldn't wear orange clothes,drink orange soda, or eat anything orange. Jack swore the colorgave him a headache."

Kate saidnothing.

"What aren'tyou telling me?"

"Rori... youmay think your second chance with Jack is slipping away. It isn't.All I can tell you is to listen to your heart and trust it. Even ifit makes no sense. Love rarely does, you know."

Try as shemight, Rori could get not another word from Jack's mother on thetopic.

Chapter 11

Heaven, Officeof Human Resources

Norman creptdown the hall to the break room, checking each cubicle and doorwayas he passed. As expected, Sidney was leaning over a bowl ofmicrowaved pasta.

"Hey, Sid!"Norman dropped into a chair beside him. "Uriel said you were offprobation."

"Just had thedevice removed from my ankle. With Cupids the urge is strong enoughthey don't trust us not to go rogue and start darting people leftand right. Insulting. It's nothing more than bigotry."

"Right, right.Absolutely." Norman peered around the break room, trying to actnonchalant. "So you got your arrows back and everything?"

"Yup. Reloadedmy quiver earlier. Soon as I finish lunch I'm out on a newassignment." Sidney cast a sidelong glance at Norman. "What's thisI hear about you being banned from watching Next Big Star?"

Normanbristled. "I wasn't banned. I

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