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Book online «Star Rider and the Golden Threads, Heidi Skarie [read books for money TXT] 📗». Author Heidi Skarie

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wouldhave sacrificed me. I owe my life to the Coalition!

“After I was rescued, Erling’sfamily took me in and his parents and sisters treated me like family.I had terrible nightmares for a long time, but their love and supporthelped me heal.

“When I’d recovered, I joinedthe Coalition and have worked for Condor’s demise ever since. Andnow, when they need me most, I can’t help them. I can’t do whatI’m trained for.”

Michio didn’t say anything andshe began pacing the small pod. Being pregnant didn’t seem real.Her stomach was still flat and she didn’t feel any movement. Yet,when she focused on the baby, she felt warm energy. And she sensedshe knew the soul that was to enter the baby’s body. Perhaps it wasthe soul of someone she’d known and loved in another life.

Michio came over to her and drewher into his arms. “I love you, Toemeka. I wish there was somethingI could say to give you comfort, but I’m afraid any words wouldsound empty.”

She pressed her face into hischest. “I love you, too.” He smelled faintly of lavender andsandalwood from his morning shower. Despite her longing to help theCoalition, she cherished being with Michio. She always felt hisenergy when he was in the room and they connected easily inwardly. “Ifeel like I let my team down by not fighting in the war on Alandra.”

“I understand your feelings.Part of me would like to be there as well. It’s hard to seesomething like this happen and not be able to do anything about it.”

“So many have died on Jelmurand many more will die trying to stop the takeover of the planet.When will this interplanetary war end, Michio?”

He shook his head. “I don’tknow. I don’t know.”

Toemeka spent the next weeklearning about life in Kanai. The city had libraries, lush parksfilled with walking trails, spas with swimming pools and exerciserooms, and large common areas for meetings and social gatherings.

She and Michio ate most of theirmeals at nearby cafes. Michio spent his days working in thegovernment center. She joined a team working on a design to build anew dome that would connect to the city and handle the many refugeesarriving from Jelmur.

During the day, she worked longhours to take her mind off the interplanetary war in Alandra, but atnight she had nightmares about the Temple bombing.

One day after work, when she wascritiquing Michio’s manuscript, he came into the pod with astricken look on his handsome face.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Jelmur surrendered.”

The blood drained from Toemeka’sface. “They wouldn’t surrender. The Coalition Headquarters isthere.”

“The Raptor air fleet destroyedCoalition Headquarters’ defense shield system. Staff evacuatedunder intense bombing. The Coalition is now operating from starships.Raptor Troops landed and are in the process of taking control of thecountry.”

“With the Coalitionheadquarters defeated, all of Alandra will fall. It was the planet’smain military force.”

“I know.”

That night Toemeka lay in bed,unable to sleep as she thought about the fate of Jelmur. “Michio,are you awake?’ she asked.

“I am now.” He rolled overand put his arm around her.

“When do you leave for yourtraining?”

“We already discussed this. I’mnot going.”

“We both know you have to go.”She snuggled closer to him.

“Maybe later after the baby isborn.”

“Samrat Condor’s power isgrowing and I feel the darkness spreading. I don’t think you shouldwait. I sense you’re key to stopping him.”

“Do you want me to leave so youcan join the war on Alandra?”

“No of course not. I can’t goback on active duty.”

He kissed her. “Then I supposeI’d better go. I’m expected in a few days.”

“So soon,” she said, herheart heavy. “Promise me you’ll come back. I couldn’t bear itif anything happened to you.”

“It’s just a trainingsession. There’s no reason to worry.”

“Space travel is dangerous inthese times.”

“True, but I won’t travel byknown routes.”

She wished his training wasn’tso important. Doing the right thing was hard. A lump formed in herthroat. If he knew how hard his leaving was for her, he might not go.

“I’ll miss you,” Michiosaid. “I was looking forward to this training before we met, butnot now. I’ll be thinking of you and wondering how you’re doing.”

“I’ll be thinking of you aswell.”

They spent as much time as theycould together over the next few days. When the time came for Michioto leave, Toemeka went with him to his Viper.

“I hate that you’ll be so faraway,” she said sadly. They’d made love and talked until morningand now it was agony to watch him go.

“Take care of yourself and thebaby.”

A lump formed in her throat. “Ilove you.”

He drew her close. “And I loveyou more than life itself.” He kissed her one last time thenboarded his ship.

She felt her heart breaking asshe left the hangar. She opened the locket that hung around her neckand gazed at his picture. His leaving tore at her. He was her lifenow and a part of her irrationally feared she’d never see himagain.


School of Eagles

Planet VoxMar

Michio flew his Viper 4X over thesurface of planet VoxMar. Off in the distance he could see thevillage of Kasper and the jagged mountains that rose above it. Heskimmed over a lush forest until he found an opening and landed hisship.

After leaving Kanai, he’d madea jump to VoxMar. Despite his reluctance to leave Toemeka, he lookedforward to starting his training.

When he deboarded the ship, itfelt like he’d stepped into a furnace and he was grateful hisaviator sunglasses shielded his eyes from the harsh sunlight. It wasgood to be out in the open after being in the domed city. The air wasoxygen-rich and the planet had a strong gravitational pull comparedto the moon he was just on. The place looked and smelled alien withits unfamiliar plants, unusually tall trees, and colorful birds.

Michio changed out of his flightsuit and into a short tunic, loose-fitting pants and sandals—theattire of the local people. Then he began cutting branches off nearbytrees with his laser and used them to cover his ship. VoxMar wasn’ta technologically advanced planet and the local people wouldn’tknow what to make of an aircraft if they came across it. Soon sweatsoaked the back of his tunic and he paused to drink from his canteen.Despite the

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