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was relieved until he added,“As long as they’re someone else’s. Kids don’t fit into mylifestyle.”

“Do you everwant to have a family?” Her heart hammered as she awaited hisreply.

“I’ve never thought muchabout it. Do you?”

“When I was growing up Iassumed everyone got married and had children. I had a cherished dollnamed Asta that I carried everywhere until I accidently dropped heroff the side of a mountain.”

Michio raised his eyebrows. “Youdropped your doll off a mountain?”

“Our village was in themountains and my brother Baymond and I spent a lot of time climbingthe peaks. One day Baymond wanted to show me the view from a rockoutcrop he discovered. Unfortunately, the only way to get there wasby jumping from the side of the mountain to the outcrop. I was youngand afraid to jump that far. Baymond called me a coward and said hewished he had a brother instead of me, then he jumped across. Ididn’t want him to be disappointed in me, so I jumped to theoutcrop. Only I landed on my hands and knees and began to slip overthe edge. I had to let go of Asta to keep from falling. We neverfound my doll though Baymond and I searched until dark.”

“Your brother doesn’t soundvery nice.”

She shook her head. “He waswonderful to me most of the time. That day he was eager to show methe view so he taunted me. He was a few years older and I had a hardtime keeping up.” She returned the conversation to her currentconcern. “Do you think you’ll ever want children?”

His eyes shone with love as hegazed at her. “I’m open to having children in a few years if youwant them. Right now I have dangerous duties connected to the war andit would be irresponsible to start a family.”

She wasn’t ready to havechildren yet either; she wanted to continue her Coalition career.

On stage a string orchestrafinished tuning up and began to play. Music filled the air with thehauntingly beautiful sounds of violins, a harp and violas. When thepiece ended, an Initiate came onstage and led the audience in a HUchant. Toemeka joined in and during the quiet contemplation thatfollowed heard the word Shonu.She instantly knew it was the mantra the Master told her to watch forso she could connect with Michio inwardly.

“May the blessings be,”Master Bakka said. Toemeka opened her eyes and saw him seated onstage.

“I’d like to welcome you allhere for our last night together. Tomorrow we will return to ourhomes, taking with us the gifts we have received during this weektogether.” Toemeka could see a sparkling white light around theMaster that radiated outward.

“I wish there was something Icould say about God that would instantly raise you in consciousness,”Bakka continued in his rich melodious voice. “But that is notpossible; I can only point the way. Each of you must travel thejourney for yourself. Tonight, I would like to speak to you on thetopic of becoming a warrior of God. To become a warrior, theindividual must battle the negative force. The lifestyle of a warrioron the path to God is never an easy one.”

While the Master spoke Toemekalistened with rapt attention; she felt like a warrior of God. Histalk seemed to confirm that she should fight in the war in Alandra.

At the end of his talk, MasterBakka said, “Thank you for coming to the retreat. My love is alwayswith you.”

Toemeka fingered the golden chainaround her throat, grateful for the gift.

Michio stood up, stretching hislong legs. “I'm going to meet with Master Bakka.”

“I'll see you back at ourroom.” She watched him go, worried about his role in the war.

The wind blew softly through thetrees and across the river, stirring the surface of the water. Thestars shone brightly in the clear night sky. Michio walked beside theMaster, breathing in the fragrant air, listening to the night sounds,and watching the river always flowing onward in its journey to theocean.

Bakka had aged greatly over thelast few years as the struggle between the dark and light forces inthe galaxy intensified. His face was wrinkled and his thinning hairwhite. The Master had dedicated his life to helping people awakenspiritually, guiding them in the Inner Worlds and serving as a purechannel of positive energy in the darkness of the physical world.

At last Bakka spoke. “What I’mabout to reveal to you must never be shared with anyone, not evenToemeka. It’s secret knowledge that could harm a person who isn’tready to hear it.

“Samrat Condor is growing instrength. He plans to annihilate Coalition headquarters, then takeover all of Alandra. The Coalition won’t be able to stop him. Hisairfleet is too massive.”

Michio’s inner peace instantlyshattered. “But the Coalition is the heart of the resistance.”

“They will have to move theirheadquarters to another planet. The fight is far from over. The booksyou’re writing on the Secret Teachings are an important part ofstopping Samrat Condor’s spread of control over the galaxy. On thesurface, it appears that Condor is taking over countries, even entireplanets, purely by virtue of military might alone. But that’s nottrue. He’s also using psychic control and weakening countries fromwithin. He attacks countries internally by spreading his religion,which is one of rituals, blood sacrifices, psychic phenomena andblack magic. Condor teaches that he is a god. His religion worshipsthe dark or negative force.

“Your books show people whothey truly are as Soul. People who are spiritually centered will notbe taken in by false religions.

“At the monastery, you’lllearn how to fight psychic power without being controlled by it. Youare the one I am training to fight Samrat Condor.” The Masterstopped walking and looked at him with a piercing gaze.

“Condor is a sorcerer—aformable opponent,” Michio said. “I don’t have the ability tofight him.”

“That’s why you must go tothe School of Eagles and complete your training. At the monastery,you will learn about love vs power. Once you start the training, youmust stay at the monastery until you’ve passed all the tests, nomatter how long it takes. A warrior who is not fully trained cancause great harm.”

The Master continued to holdMichio’s eyes with his. “At times, the tests may seem too great,but I

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