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of herbody, including the size of the Raptor space fleet and types ofstarships she’d seen. She also informed them of the other keytargets.

The commander questioned her forover an hour. When he was finally convinced she didn’t know more,he told her she was free to go.

“Can I take Toemeka and MichioKimes to the communication room?” Galton asked.

“Go ahead. I’m sure AgentKimes wants to know the extent of the damage to Jelmur.”

The officer nodded his headtoward Toemeka. “Thank you for the information. Coalition bases areorganizing space fleets to send to Alandra. We won’t let ourHeadquarters be destroyed without a fight.”

“It has to be saved. Alandraand the Coalition Headquarters represent freedom throughout thegalaxy.” She followed Galton back to the room where she’d leftMichio. Several guards stood at attention.

Moments later, Michio was broughtout of a second interrogation chamber. Once his handcuffs were off,he put his arm around Toemeka. “You all right?” he asked softly.

“I’m fine.” She steppedaway from him, accustomed to proving herself in a man’s world.“This is Galton Radmeer, Hendora’s brother.”

After the two men greeted eachother, she asked, “Galton, how did you read my mind so easily?”She was still annoyed that he’d lifted information from her.

“You were wide open when youreached out to see if I was a telepath.”

Michio stepped threateninglyclose to Galton. “Stay out of her mind in the future.”

Toemeka felt Michio put up aninvisible, protective energy shield around her entire body. Sheimmediately felt some relief from all the distressing vibrationsradiating from the guards around them.

“So you’re the renownedMichio,” Galton stressed the word renowned, making it sound like aninsult. “Hendora said you’re trained to fight sorcerers andkilled two in Jaipar. That’s quite an accomplishment. She alsomentioned Toemeka decided not to return to Coalition Headquarters andstayed with you instead. She was agitated about Toemeka’sdecision.” He looked like he didn’t agree with it either. To theFeniods nothing was more important and more honorable than being awarrior.

“There are other ways of beinginvolved with the war than being a Coalition agent,” Michioreplied.

Toemekalightly touched Michio’s mind. I’m surprised he knows so much.Hendora never lets anyone get close to her.

Shedid once, Galton said. It didn’t work out well.

Toemeka shifted her gaze fromMichio to Galton. He’d picked up her inner message! She’d have tobe more careful around him.

Galton led them to thecommunication room where large computer screens showed a series oflive aerial views of Jelmur. “Some satellites over Alandra weredestroyed so we can’t fully see the extent of the damage. What wedo know is that bombs and missiles dropped on Jelmur took outspecific targets as Toemeka indicated. Most were vital militarylocations. Once Condor controls Jelmur, he can defeat the rest ofAlandra. More than half the planet’s military force is at CoalitionHeadquarters.”

“I’m shipping out with thefirst air fleet headed to Alandra,” Galton added.

“I should join you,” Toemekasaid. “They’ll need all of their trained personnel to prevailagainst the Raptor air fleet.”

Michio frowned, but didn’t sayanything. His stance was guarded and more warrior-like than usual.Their reception had left her on edge as well.

Toemeka’s chest tightened asshe walked to a screen that showed a live view of the Temple ruins.Several ambulances were parked near the shell of the once-sereneplace of worship and rows of bodies were covered with cloths. “Doyou have any reports yet of who was killed?”

“No, everything is inpandemonium right now,” Galton said.

Michio put his arm around her andthis time she didn’t move away. She was doing all she could to keepfrom breaking into tears. She still didn’t know if Erling’sfamily was alive. Erling’s parents had become her surrogate parentsafter her own were killed and his sisters were as close as realsisters. She still had nightmares of her own family’s deaths. Shecouldn’t imagine losing Erling’s parents as well.

“Do you want to sit down?”Michio asked.

She nodded and he led her over toa chair near the wall.

“I’ll get her a glass ofwater,” Galton said, sounding concerned.

Once Galton left the room,Toemeka asked, “Do I look that poorly?”

“You turned white and lookedfaint.” Michio squatted in front of her.

“I feel faint. I wonder howmany died when the temple was attacked. I knew many of the people whoworshipped there. I wish I’d been able to give warning sooner.”

“I’m sure you saved manylives.”

Galton returned with a glass ofwater. Toemeka’s hand trembled as she took a few sips.

“Better?” Michio asked. Shenodded. “We’d better get you home. It’s been a long night.”

Michio thanked Galton and theyreturned to their ship. Once onboard, Toemeka leaned back in herseat. Her head throbbed. Heavyhearted, she wondered which of herfriends were killed in the attack. She tuned into the battle inwardlyand felt the pain and confusion of many souls leaving their bodiesafter dying violently.

Michio squeezed her hand. “Putyour attention on something happy.”

She raised her eyes to his. “Iwant to go to Alandra with Galton’s team.”

His hand tightened on hers. “I’drather you didn’t.”

“It’s where I belong.” Shekept her voice soft, not wanting to quarrel.

“We’ll talk about it whenyou’re not so distraught.”

“I’m not distraught.”

“I can feel your pain.”

Toemeka didn’t reply. He’dhear the emotion in her voice if she said anything further. It wasbetter if they talked later when she had her arguments in place. Ifshe talked now he’d think she was just irrational and neverunderstand her need to fight in this war.

Michio started the engines andflew the ship through the doorway into the sky. “You’re not ofthe Feniod race,” he said, interrupting her thoughts. “It’sokay to be upset. You don’t have to be strong all the time,especially with me. You can’t always keep things locked inside.”

He was giving her permission tobreak down, but she didn’t want to be that vulnerable even withhim. “It’s terrible what’s happening on Jelmur. Why aren’tyou upset?” Her voice sounded sharper than she intended.

“I lost control when that guardhandcuffed you.”

“That’s true. Youoverreacted. I was afraid that guard would shoot you. Michio, I’mgoing to fight in this war on Alandra.”

He clenched his jaw, but didn’traise objections, so she continued.

“I’m a Coalition agent andfighter pilot. This is what I’m trained for. You’re going off tosome mysterious monastery for more training at an undisclosedlocation for an unknown period of time. It only makes sense that Ireturn

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