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to active duty while you’re gone.”

“Before we married, we agreedit was too dangerous for you to go to Jelmur. The fighting will beheaviest at Coalition Headquarters.”

“I only had a few minutes todecide whether to stay with you or return to Coalition Headquarterswith my team. I stayed because I wasn’t willing to risk neverseeing you again.”

He scowled. “But you’rewilling now?”

“It’s different now. We’remarried—committed to one another. I know for sure that we’ll betogether when your training at the monastery is completed.” But asshe said it she realized she wasn’t really sure. Either of themcould be killed in the war.

“How will I find you? We can’tcommunicate telepathically when we’re so far apart.”

“You can reach me throughCoalition Headquarters.”

“What if Raptor troops destroyit and take over Jelmur?”

“You’ll still be able toreach me through one of the Coalition’s outposts. Or I can come toyou in Kanai.”

“Kanai is a secret domed cityon one of the moons of an uninhabited planet. There isn’t anyregular transportation there. Most people don’t even know theplanet exists.”

“I don’t have all theanswers,” she snapped. She pressed her hand against her forehead,trying to relieve some of the pressure. Bythe stars, I shouldn’t be this wiped out—I’m only twenty-fiveand can usually go without sleep.

“We’ll discuss this later.”

She nodded and sank back into herseat, feeling emotionally torn between her desire to return to activeduty and her desire to be with Michio.


Michio’s Mission Revealed

After Toemeka and Michio returnedto the retreat, he left for a meeting. He offered to stay with her,but it was the last day of the event and she knew he had manyresponsibilities. They agreed to meet later for dinner.

Once he was gone Toemeka tried torest, but when she closed her eyes, she saw images of bombs hittingthe Temple. After giving up on sleep, Toemeka used her communicatorto call Galton. He told her the base space fleet was scheduled toleave for Alandra the following morning. She made arrangements totravel with them so she could rejoin her Coalition unit.

Too agitated to go to anyworkshops, Toemeka decided to go for a walk instead. She explored theretreat gardens where colorful, fragrant flowers encircled abeautiful fountain and iridescent green birds drank from the poolbeneath. As she watched the birds, her pain gradually began to easeenough that she thought she could sleep. She returned to her room.

At dinnertime, Toemeka went tothe Center’s dining hall. She filled her plate in the buffet line,then located Michio and Master Bakka at a small table in the corner.Michio rose when she approached and pulled out a chair for her.

“Did you get some sleep?” heasked, a worried frown creasing his brow.

“Yes, I’m feeling muchbetter.” She set her tray on the table and sat down. The buzz ofvoices, laughter and the clink of dishes filled the dining roomaround them.

Bakka smiled warmly. He had ashort, white beard and his round tan face was deeply wrinkled.“Welcome, Toemeka. Thank you for coming to the retreat withMichio.”

Her heart expanded with love forthe Master. He’d been her inner teacher and guide since she was achild, although she’d only met him outwardly for the first time twomonths ago on the planet Alandra.

“It’s been a wonderfulexperience,” she said.

“In a week, Michio is expectedat the School of Eagles. His plans were made before you two weremarried. I want to be sure you’re all right with him going therenow that you’re his wife. You won’t be able to accompany him, ofcourse, since it’s an all-male monastery with rigorous training.”

Toemeka glanced at Michio thenback to the Master. Bakka’s deep blue eyes expressed as much as hiswords and she felt a strong flow of positive energy pouring from him.

“At the monastery,” Bakkacontinued, “Michio will sharpen his skills in self-defense bothphysically and psychically. The instructors can teach things farbeyond what most men learn; things that would be dangerous for anunenlightened man to know. It’s necessary for Michio to have thistype of training. Samrat Condor’s dark powers grow ever strongerand Michio will need these skills for what lies ahead.”

Toemeka shuddered at the thoughtof Michio fighting Samrat Condor. “I don’t want to interfere withMichio's training. I knew about it before we married.”

“There is no way to know howlong the training will take,” Michio said.

Toemeka fidgeted with her napkin.She hated the thought of being separated from Michio, especially foran indefinite period of time. But they would be separated regardlesswhen she left to fight in the war on Alandra.

“I know,” she replied atlast. She’d do whatever the Master asked of her.

“My unconditional love isalways with you,” Bakka said. “I have something for you.” Hehanded her a small box.

She opened it and found a goldnecklace inside.

“This chain is made of smallgolden links,” the Master said. “It is symbolic of golden threadsbetween all people and between the physical and Inner Worlds. Thislife stream of love holds the universe together. It’s the bindingforce between Souls.”

“Thank you. It’s beautiful!I’ll treasure it always.”

“I have something for you aswell,” Michio said. “I hope it will help ease the long days whenwe are separated.”

Michio placed a smallgolden-heart locket in her hand. An image of a rose was on the front.She turned it over and on the back it read: “Our love will neverdie.” Inside the locket was a tiny picture of Michio on one sideand Toemeka on the other.

Michio slid the locket onto thegold chain and then fastened it around her neck.

“Thank you,” Toemeka said.“I'll never take it off.”

Michio eyes lit with pleasure.“I’m glad you like it.”

“In contemplation, look for aspecial mantra you can both use to contact each other inwardly,”Master Bakka said.

After eating, Toemeka and Michiowent to the amphitheater where Master Bakka was speaking thatevening. They found seats toward the back of the almost full room.

“This is the biggest retreatI’ve ever attended,” Toemeka said.

“People traveled greatdistances to be here.” Michio smiled at the toddler who wasgrinning at him from the chair in front of them. The boy’s motherpicked him up and placed him on her lap.

Toemeka realized she and Michiohad never discussed having children. She didn’t even know if hewanted a family. “Do you like children?” she asked.

“Sure. That little guy’sreally cute.”


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