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one of the light beams. It gave her a sharp electricshock. “Check with Captain Quintary, my commanding officer atHeadquarters. He’ll vouch for me.”

“Convenient. You know he can’tbe reached in the middle of battle.”

Toemeka groaned inwardly—thiscouldn’t be happening. “What makes you think I’m a doubleagent?”

The commander looked at thesmall, handheld computer he carried. “Your file says on your lastmission you worked at the Military Development Center. There youdeveloped an oscillator, a device for destroying shields. Accordingto the records you developed it for General Bhandar, one of SamratCondor’s minions.”

“The Coalition arranged for meto work undercover at the Military Development Center.”

“Did they order you to work onthe oscillator project?”

“No, but once I was an employeeof the Development Center, I had to do the job I was assigned to. Iwas put on the oscillator project because of my educationalbackground and training. I falsified all my reports and the testresults and once a prototype was developed, I stole it for theCoalition. When Bhandar’s base was attacked, we used the oscillatorto take out their shields.” She felt as if he was trying to trapher and wondered how to convince him of the truth.

“Records show that LieutenantErling Fenian, not you, stole the prototype. It was put on his WingedWarrior aircraft and he destroyed the shield protecting Bhandar’smilitary base.”

“General Bhandar’s mendiscovered I was an undercover operative and arrested me. I threw theprototype to Erling as they dragged me away.”

“Then what happened?”

“Erling escaped with theprototype and I was brought before General Bhandar,” she said.

“How did you escape?”

“Michio rescued me.”

“When your mission wascompleted, you were ordered to return to Coalition Headquarters onAlandra because Intelligence intercepted information revealing thatSamrat Condor planned to attack Alandra. Instead you took anunauthorized leave of absence. And now you arrive on a secret basewith a man carrying fake ID, claiming to know information about keytargets on Alandra.”

It did sound bad when he put itthat way and she didn’t know what to say in her defense. Sheshifted her weight from one foot to the other, wishing she could sitdown. Her stomachache had returned and her head continued to pound.Moreover, she feared she and Michio might be tortured. Coalitionprotocol didn’t allow torture, but this was a Feniod base and theyfollowed their own rules.

“How did you know about ourbase?” the commander pressed.

“Agent Hendora Radmeer was onmy team during the Jaipar mission. She was stationed here.”

The commander glanced at one ofthe guards who stared at her with keen interest. He was powerfullybuilt, with a wide nose and short, spiked hair. The shape of his facereminded her of Hendora.

“You know her, don’t you?”Toemeka addressed the guard.

The guard looked at hiscommanding officer. “Sir, requesting permission to speak.”

“Permission not granted,Lieutenant Radmeer.”

“Radmeer! Are you Hendora’sbrother?” Toemeka asked the lieutenant.

“I’m the one askingquestions,” the commander said. “How did you know about theattack on Coalition Headquarters?”

“As I said before, I havepsychic abilities. Read my files if you don’t believe me. Today Ihad a premonition that something was wrong, so I left my physicalbody and traveled in my Light Body to planet Alandra. There I saw theRaptor space fleet. I know you don’t believe me, but it’s thetruth.”

“You’re wasting my time. Turnup the vibrations on the beams. She’ll speak the truth with enoughincentive.”

Toemekareached out with her mind and touched Lieutenant Radmeer’s, hopinghe was telepathic like Hendora. You know I’m speaking the truth,Radmeer. He cocked his head toward her as if listening. Hendora canalso take Spirit Flights. I came because I have important informationthat could save lives on Alandra. The Coalition Headquarters is underattack!

The other guard crossed over tothe controller and started to turn up the power dial.

“Wait!” Radmeer exclaimed.“My sister, Hendora, shared many of Toemeka Kimes’ abilities.They are not unusual for an Initiate of Master Bakka.”

The commander narrowed his eyes.“Go on.”

“Hendora spoke highly ofToemeka in her communications to me. Toemeka is a trusted Coalitionwarrior and deserves to be treated with honor. She shouldn’t betreated like a prisoner.”

“That’s not proof. ObviouslyHendora wouldn’t know she was a double spy.”

“Yes, she would.” Heswallowed as if not wanting to say more, then continued, “Hendorais a telepath and can easily invade minds. There’s no way Toemekacould hide anything from her.”

“You know I don’t believe inthe mind-reading garbage,” the commander replied.

Radmeer stiffened. “I can alsocommunicate telepathically.”

“You’re willing to riskhaving this blot on your file?”

“I can’t worry about mycareer when the Coalition Headquarters is being attacked and Toemekaknows crucial information that could help them.”

“If you can read her mind, thendo so and make sure she can be trusted.”

Toemeka was surprised thecommander would suggest Radmeer use mindreading since he proclaimedto not believe in it. But perhaps since Radmeer was one of his men,the commander trusted him. Radmeer looked at Toemeka, as if askingpermission. She blocked all personal memories that had nothing to dowith the Coalition, then nodded. A moment later she felt her foreheadbecome warm, then inwardly heard, Greetings,Toemeka of the Coalition. I’m Galton Radmeer. Don’t be afraid. Iwon’t force my way into your mind.

Shebowed her head in the traditional greeting. Blessings, Galton. I’mhonored to meet a member of Hendora’s family. She is a greatwarrior and my friend.

Aloud Radmeer said, “Toemeka’sloyal to the Coalition. Raptor troops killed her family and wiped outher village. She won’t stop fighting until Samrat Condor isdestroyed.”

Toemeka gasped. She’d carefullyblocked those memories. Feeling inwardly violated, Toemeka sentGalton an angry blast. Youinvaded my mind.

Ineeded to know if you could be trusted.

Sheglared at him. Stay out of my mind.

The commanding officer watchedthe interplay between them as if aware of their inner dialogue, thensaid, “Revenge I understand. Release her.”

Galton hit a button on the wall.Once the beams of light retracted into the ceiling, he unlockedToemeka’s handcuffs.

Though still annoyed, Toemekasaid telepathically,Thank you for helping me,Galton.

“What crucial information doyou bring?” the commander asked.

“First I want your assurancethat Michio isn’t being tortured.”

“He’s just being detainedwhile I question you. I was going to question him next.”

She nodded with relief. “SamratCondor launched a full-scale attack on Jelmur. I surmise that hewants to destroy Coalition Headquarters before the other countries onAlandra can get organized and send ships to their aid.” Toemekagave a detailed description of what she’d seen when out

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