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Diogenes. vi.

  When asked what wine he liked to drink, he replied, "That which belongs to another."

Diogenes. vi.

  Asked from what country he came, he replied, "I am a citizen of the world."[764:2]

Diogenes. vi.

  When a man reproached him for going into unclean places, he said, "The sun too penetrates into privies, but is not polluted by them."[764:3]

Diogenes. vi.

  Diogenes said once to a person who was showing him a dial, "It is a very useful thing to save a man from being too late for supper."

Menedemus. iii.

  When Zeno was asked what a friend was, he replied, "Another I."[764:4]

Zeno. xix.

  They say that the first inclination which an animal has is to protect itself.

Zeno. lii.

  One ought to seek out virtue for its own sake, without being influenced by fear or hope, or by any external influence. Moreover, that in that does happiness consist.[764:5]

Zeno. liii.

  The Stoics also teach that God is unity, and that he is called Mind and Fate and Jupiter, and by many other names besides.

Zeno. lxviii.

  They also say that God is an animal immortal, rational, perfect, and intellectual in his happiness, unsusceptible of any kind of evil, having a foreknowledge of [765]the universe and of all that is in the universe; however, that he has not the figure of a man; and that he is the creator of the universe, and as it were the Father of all things in common, and that a portion of him pervades everything.

Zeno. lxxii.

  But Chrysippus, Posidonius, Zeno, and Boëthus say, that all things are produced by fate. And fate is a connected cause of existing things, or the reason according to which the world is regulated.

Zeno. lxxiv.

  Apollodorus says, "If any one were to take away from the books of Chrysippus all the passages which he quotes from other authors, his paper would be left empty."

Chrysippus. iii.

  One of the sophisms of Chrysippus was, "If you have not lost a thing, you have it."

Chrysippus. xi.

  Pythagoras used to say that he had received as a gift from Mercury the perpetual transmigration of his soul, so that it was constantly transmigrating and passing into all sorts of plants or animals.

Pythagoras. iv.

  He calls drunkenness an expression identical with ruin.[765:1]

Pythagoras. vi.

  Among what he called his precepts were such as these: Do not stir the fire with a sword. Do not sit down on a bushel. Do not devour thy heart.[765:2]

Pythagoras. xvii.

  In the time of Pythagoras that proverbial phrase "Ipse dixit"[765:3] was introduced into ordinary life.

Pythagoras. xxv.

  Xenophanes was the first person who asserted . . . that the soul is a spirit.

Xenophanes. iii.

  It takes a wise man to discover a wise man.

Xenophanes. iii.

  Protagoras asserted that there were two sides to every question, exactly opposite to each other.

Protagoras. iii.


  Nothing can be produced out of nothing.[766:1]

Diogenes of Apollonia. ii.

  Xenophanes speaks thus:—

And no man knows distinctly anything,

And no man ever will.

Pyrrho. viii.

  Democritus says, "But we know nothing really; for truth lies deep down."

Pyrrho. viii.

  Euripides says,—

Who knows but that this life is really death,

And whether death is not what men call life?

Pyrrho. viii.

  The mountains, too, at a distance appear airy masses and smooth, but seen near at hand, they are rough.[766:2]

Pyrrho. ix.

  If appearances are deceitful, then they do not deserve any confidence when they assert what appears to them to be true.

Pyrrho. xi.

  The chief good is the suspension of the judgment, which tranquillity of mind follows like its shadow.

Pyrrho. xi.

  Epicurus laid down the doctrine that pleasure was the chief good.

Epicurus. vi.

  He alludes to the appearance of a face in the orb of the moon.

Epicurus. xxv.

  Fortune is unstable, while our will is free.

Epicurus. xxvii.


[757:1] See Pope, page 317. Also Plutarch, page 736.

[757:2] Μηδὲν ἄγαν, nequid nimis.

[758:1] De mortuis nil nisi bonum (Of the dead be nothing said but what is good.)—Of unknown authorship.

[758:2] See Hesiod, page 693.

[758:3] Quoted by Epictetus (Fragment lxii.), "Forgiveness is better than punishment; for the one is the proof of a gentle, the other of a savage nature."

[758:4] See Shakespeare, page 115.

[758:5] In the multitude of words there wanteth not sin.—Proverbs x. 19.

[758:6] See Publius Syrus, page 710.

[758:7] "How thick do you judge the planks of our ship to be?" "Some two good inches and upward," returned the pilot. "It seems, then, we are within two fingers' breadth of damnation."—Rabelais: book iv. chap. xxiii.

[759:1] The story of Rip Van Winkle.

[759:2] See Milton, page 226.

[760:1] See Plutarch, page 738.

[760:2] See Garrison, page 605.

[760:3] See Walton, page 207.

In that [virtue] does happiness consist.—Zeno (page 764).

[760:4] See Chesterfield, page 353.

[761:1] All things are in common among friends.—Diogenes (page 763).

[761:2] See Prior, page 288.

[761:3] See Publius Syrus, page 709.

[762:1] Quoted with great warmth by Dr. Johnson (Boswell).—Langton: Collectanea.

[762:2] See Pope, page 340.

[762:3] See Franklin, page 361.

[763:1] See Plutarch, page 733.

[763:2] See Terence, page 705. Also, page 761.

[763:3] The rich when he is hungry, the poor when he has anything to eat.—Rabelais: book iv. chap. lxiv.

[763:4] The same is told of Æsop.

[764:1] See Mathew Henry, page 283.

[764:2] See Garrison, page 605.

[764:3] See Bacon, page 169.

[764:4] See page 762.

[764:5] See page 760.

[765:1] See Hall, page 457.

[765:2] See Spenser, page 30.

[765:3] Αὐτὸς ἔφα (The master said so).

[766:1] See Shakespeare, page 146.

[766:2] See Campbell, page 512.

ATHENÆUS.  Circa 200 a. d.

(Translation by C. D. Yonge, B. A.)

  It was a saying of Demetrius Phalereus, that "Men having often abandoned what was visible for the sake of what was uncertain, have not got what they expected, and have lost what they had,—being unfortunate by an enigmatical sort of calamity."[766:3]

The Deipnosophists. vi. 23.


  Every investigation which is guided by principles of Nature fixes its ultimate aim entirely on gratifying the stomach.[767:1]

The Deipnosophists. vii. 11.

  Dorion, ridiculing the description of a tempest in the "Nautilus" of Timotheus, said that he had seen a more formidable storm in a boiling saucepan.[767:2]

The Deipnosophists. viii. 19.

  On one occasion some one put a very little wine into a wine-cooler, and said that it was sixteen years old. "It is very small for its age," said Gnathæna.

The Deipnosophists. xiii. 47.

  Goodness does not consist in greatness, but greatness in goodness.[767:3]

The Deipnosophists. xiv. 46.


[766:3] Said with reference to mining operations.

[767:1] See Johnson, page 371.

[767:2] Tempest in a teapot.—Proverb.

[767:3] See Chapman, page 37.


  When I am here, I do not fast on Saturday; when at Rome, I do fast on Saturday.[767:4]

Epistle 36. To Casulanus.

  The spiritual virtue of a sacrament is like light,—although it passes among the impure, it is not polluted.[767:5]

Works. Vol. iii. In Johannis Evangelum, c. tr. 5, Sect. 15.


[767:4] See Burton, page 193.

[767:5] See Bacon, page 169.

ALI BEN ABI TALEB.[767:6]  —— -660.

Believe me, a thousand friends suffice thee not;

In a single enemy thou hast more than enough.[767:7]


[767:6] Ali Ben Abi Taleb, son-in-law of Mahomet, and fourth caliph, who was for his courage called "The Lion of God," was murdered a. d. 660. He was the author of a "Hundred Sayings."

[767:7] Translated by Ralph Waldo Emerson, and wrongly called by him a translation from Omar Khayyám.

Found in Dr. Hermann Tolowiez's "Polyglotte der Orientalischen Poesie."

Translated by James Russell Lowell thus:—

He who has a thousand friends has not a friend to spare,

And he who has one enemy will meet him everywhere.


OMAR KHAYYÁM.  —— -1123.

(Translated by Edward Fitzgerald.)

I sometimes think that never blows so red

The Rose as where some buried Cæsar bled;

That every Hyacinth the Garden wears

Dropt in her Lap from some once lovely Head.

Rubáiyát. Stanza xix.

A Moment's Halt—a momentary taste

Of Being from the Well amid the Waste—

And, Lo! the phantom Caravan has reach'd

The Nothing it set out from. Oh, make haste!

Rubáiyát. Stanza xlviii.

Heav'n but the Vision of fulfill'd Desire,

And Hell the Shadow of a Soul on fire.

Rubáiyát. Stanza lxvii.

The Moving Finger writes; and having writ,

Moves on; nor all your Piety nor Wit

Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line,

Nor all your Tears wash out a Word of it.

Rubáiyát. Stanza lxxi.

And this I know: whether the one True Light

Kindle to Love, or Wrath-consume me quite,

One Flash of It within the Tavern caught

Better than in the Temple lost outright.

Rubáiyát. Stanza lxxvii.

And when like her, O Sáki, you shall pass

Among the Guests Star-scatter'd on the Grass,

And in your blissful errand reach the spot

Where I made One—turn down an empty Glass.

Rubáiyát. Stanza ci.

ALPHONSO THE WISE.  1221-1284.

  Had I been present at the creation, I would have given some useful hints for the better ordering of the universe.

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