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Book iii. Chap. xiii. Of Experience.

  I, who have so much and so universally adored this ἄριστον μέτρον, "excellent mediocrity,"[780:1] of ancient times, and who have concluded the most moderate measure the most perfect, shall I pretend to an unreasonable and prodigious old age?

Book iii. Chap. xiii. Of Experience.


[774:1] This book of Montaigne the world has indorsed by translating it into all tongues, and printing seventy-five editions of it in Europe.—Emerson: Representative Men. Montaigne.

[774:2] See Plutarch, page 730.

[774:3] See Raleigh, page 25.

Curae leves loquuntur ingentes stupent (Light griefs are loquacious, but the great are dumb).—Seneca: Hippolytus, ii. 3, 607.

[774:4] See Sidney, page 264.

Mendacem memorem esse oportere (To be a liar, memory is necessary).—Quintilian: iv. 2, 91.

[774:5] See Tickell, page 313.

[774:6] See Burton, page 187.

[774:7] See Bacon, page 171.

[775:1] See Dryden, page 267.

[775:2] See Shakespeare, page 141.

[775:3] See Shakespeare, page 64.

[775:4] Aristotle: Ethics, ix. 7.

[775:5] See Milton, page 255.

[776:1] See Plutarch, page 726.

[776:2] See Pope, page 318.

[776:3] See Burton, page 186.

[777:1] Xenophon: Mem. Socratis, i. 3, 1.

[777:2] See Bentley, page 284.

[777:3] Seneca: Epistle 85.

[777:4] See Shakespeare, page 69.

[777:5] See Browne, page 218.

[777:6] See Burton, page 186.

[778:1] See Plutarch, page 740.

[778:2] See Davies, page 176.

[778:3] See Tennyson, page 629.

[778:4] Lactantius: Divin. Instit. iii. 28.

[778:5] Although men flatter themselves with their great actions, they are not so often the result of great design as of chance.—Rochefoucauld: Maxim 57.

[778:6] See Churchill, page 413.

[778:7] Livy, xxiii. 3.

[779:1] See Rabelais, page 771.

[779:2] See Walpole, page 389.

[779:3] See Shakespeare, page 44.

[779:4] See Churchill, page 413.

[780:1] See Cowper, page 424.

DU BARTAS.  1544-1590.

(From his "Divine Weekes and Workes," translated by J. Sylvester.)

The world 's a stage[780:2] where God's omnipotence,

His justice, knowledge, love, and providence

Do act the parts.

First Week, First Day.

And reads, though running,[780:3] all these needful motions.

First Week, First Day.

Mercy and justice, marching cheek by joule.

First Week, First Day.

Not unlike the bear which bringeth forth

In the end of thirty dayes a shapeless birth;

But after licking, it in shape she drawes,

And by degrees she fashions out the pawes,

The head, and neck, and finally doth bring

To a perfect beast that first deformed thing.[780:4]

First Week, First Day.


What is well done is done soon enough.

First Week, First Day.

And swans seem whiter if swart crowes be by.

First Week, First Day.

Night's black mantle covers all alike.[781:1]

First Week, First Day.

Hot and cold, and moist and dry.[781:2]

First Week, Second Day.

Much like the French (or like ourselves, their apes),

Who with strange habit do disguise their shapes;

Who loving novels, full of affectation,

Receive the manners of each other nation.[781:3]

First Week, Second Day.

With tooth and nail.

First Week, Second Day.

From the foure corners of the worlde doe haste.[781:4]

First Week, Second Day.

Oft seen in forehead of the frowning skies.[781:5]

First Week, Second Day.

From north to south, from east to west.[781:6]

First Week, Second Day.

Bright-flaming, heat-full fire,

The source of motion.[781:7]

First Week, Second Day.

Not that the earth doth yield

In hill or dale, in forest or in field,

A rarer plant.[781:8]

First Week, Third Day.

'T is what you will,—or will be what you would.

First Week, Third Day.

Or savage beasts upon a thousand hils.[781:9]

First Week, Third Day.


To man the earth seems altogether

No more a mother, but a step-dame rather.[782:1]

First Week, Third Day.

For where 's the state beneath the firmament

That doth excel the bees for government?[782:2]

First Week, Fifth Day, Part i.

A good turn at need,

At first or last, shall be assur'd of meed.

First Week, Sixth Day.

There is no theam more plentifull to scan

Than is the glorious goodly frame of man.[782:3]

First Week, Sixth Day.

These lovely lamps, these windows of the soul.[782:4]

First Week, Sixth Day.

Or almost like a spider, who, confin'd

In her web's centre, shakt with every winde,

Moves in an instant if the buzzing flie

Stir but a string of her lawn canapie.[782:5]

First Week, Sixth Day.

Even as a surgeon, minding off to cut

Some cureless limb,—before in ure he put

His violent engins on the vicious member,

Bringeth his patient in a senseless slumber,

And grief-less then (guided by use and art),

To save the whole, sawes off th' infested part.

First Week, Sixth Day.

Two souls in one, two hearts into one heart.[782:6]

First Week, Sixth Day.

Which serves for cynosure[782:7]

To all that sail upon the sea obscure.

First Week, Seventh Day.


Yielding more wholesome food than all the messes

That now taste-curious wanton plenty dresses.[783:1]

Second Week, First Day, Part i.

Turning our seed-wheat-kennel tares,

To burn-grain thistle, and to vaporie darnel,

Cockle, wild oats, rough burs, corn-cumbring


Second Week, First Day, Part iii.

In every hedge and ditch both day and night

We fear our death, of every leafe affright.[783:3]

Second Week, First Day, Part iii.

Dog, ounce, bear, and bull,

Wolfe, lion, horse.[783:4]

Second Week, First Day, Part iii.

Apoplexie and lethargie,

As forlorn hope, assault the enemy.

Second Week, First Day, Part iii.

Living from hand to mouth.

Second Week, First Day, Part iv.

In the jaws of death.[783:5]

Second Week, First Day, Part iv.

Did thrust as now in others' corn his sickle.[783:6]

Second Week, Second Day, Part ii.

Will change the pebbles of our puddly thought

To orient pearls.[783:7]

Second Week, Third Day, Part i.

Soft carpet-knights, all scenting musk and amber.[783:8]

Second Week, Third Day, Part i.

The will for deed I doe accept.[783:9]

Second Week, Third Day, Part ii.


Only that he may conform

To tyrant custom.[784:1]

Second Week, Third Day, Part ii.

Sweet grave aspect.[784:2]

Second Week, Fourth Day, Book i.

Who breaks his faith, no faith is held with him.

Second Week, Fourth Day, Book ii.

Who well lives, long lives; for this age of ours

Should not be numbered by years, daies, and hours.[784:3]

Second Week, Fourth Day, Book ii.

My lovely living boy,

My hope, my hap, my love, my life, my joy.[784:4]

Second Week, Fourth Day, Book ii.

Out of the book of Natur's learned brest.[784:5]

Second Week, Fourth Day, Book ii.

Flesh of thy flesh, nor yet bone of thy bone.

Second Week, Fourth Day, Book ii.

Through thick and thin, both over hill and plain.[784:6]

Second Week, Fourth Day, Book iv.

Weakened and wasted to skin and bone.[784:7]

Second Week, Fourth Day, Book iv.

I take the world to be but as a stage,

Where net-maskt men do play their personage.[784:8]

Dialogue, between Heraclitus and Democritus.

Made no more bones.

The Maiden Blush.


[780:2] See Shakespeare, page 69.

[780:3] See Cowper, page 422.

[780:4] See Burton, page 186.

[781:1] Come, civil night, . . . with thy black mantle.—Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, act iii. sc. 2.

[781:2] See Milton, page 229.


Report of fashions in proud Italy,

Whose manners still our apish nation

Limps after in base imitation.

Shakespeare: Richard II. act ii. sc. 1.

[781:4] See Shakespeare, page 80.

[781:5] See Milton, page 248.

[781:6] From north to south, from east to west.—Shakespeare: Winter's Tale, act i. sc. 2.

[781:7] Heat considered as a Mode of Motion (title of a treatise, 1863).—John Tyndall.

[781:8] See Marlowe, page 40.

[781:9] The cattle upon a thousand hills.—Psalm i. 10.

[782:1] See Pliny, page 717.


So work the honey-bees,

Creatures that by a rule in Nature teach

The act of order to a peopled kingdom.

Shakespeare: Henry V. act i. sc. 3.

[782:3] See Pope, page 314.

[782:4] Ere I let fall the windows of mine eyes.—Shakespeare: Richard III. act v. sc. 3.

[782:5] See Davies, page 176.

[782:6] See Pope, page 340.

[782:7] See Milton, page 248.

[783:1] See Milton, page 248.


Crown'd with rank fumiter and

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